EDCT 471/ Career and Technical Student Organizations

Syllabus Page 3

EDCT 471

(3 credits)

Career and Technical Student Organizations

Instructor: Jeanne Joyce

Email: First preference: Web Campus email Second preference:

Work #: 775-753-6881

Availability: E-mail is my preferred method of communication. I usually check it daily.

Books/Materials (will be available online or in .pdf files)

·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor

·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations

·  Nevada Career and Technical Course Standards. Available at the following site: http://www.doe.nv.gov

Corequisite: None

Prerequisite: None

Catalog Description

Organizing and advising the activities and programs of the student organizations associated with various vocational/career and technical education programs.

Course Description

Designed for students who intend to pursue a career teaching in the field of career and technical education at the middle/high school level. This course will familiarize students with the benefits of student organizations and how to organize and manage a student organization in their particular field.

Course Goals

·  Explain the importance of sponsoring student organizations and lifelong professional development as a Career and Technical Educator.

·  Explore and practice how to plan, finance, implement, and evaluate a program of work.

·  Investigate ways to guide members in conducting effective chapter and committee meetings.

·  Construct activities for members in Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO’s) to develop their academic, occupational, and leadership skills.

Learner Outcomes

  1. Discuss the history and foundation of CTSO’s.
  2. Compare and contrast the various CTSO’s.
  3. Assess the value of CTSO’s to the personal and academic development of students and how CTSO’s enhance performance assessment.
  4. Analyze the attributes of successful CTSO’s.
  5. Develop an officer training program.
  6. Interpret the competitive events available in a CTSO in their field of expertise.
  7. Design a plan for a year—include how to charter a chapter, elect officers, program of work, activities, sales and service projects, practice for competitive events, organizing trips, involving parents, alumni, business and community.

Course Calendar

Date / Topic / Assigned Readings / Assignment / Learner Outcome(s)
Module 1 / -Introduction
-Overview of CTSO’s
-The National Coordinating Council for Career and Technical Student Organizations.
-History of Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO’s)
-CTSO’s and their link to federal programs / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Introduction Discussion
CTSO Discussion (10 points)
Assignment(30 points) / 1, 2
Module 2 / -How to start/charter a CTSO
-Role of local, state, and national CTSO
-Role of State Department of Education / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (20 points) / 1, 2
Module 3 / -Adviser job description, duties, responsibilities
-Methods of Recruiting and Keeping Members
-How CTSO’s benefit students / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Online Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (20 points)
Assignment (20 points) / 3, 4, 7
Module 4 / -Developing a Program of Work
-Chapter Meetings
-Bylaws / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Assignment (20 Points) / 3, 4, 5, 7
Module 5 / -Continue with Program of Work
-Electing officers
-Training officer teams
-Sales projects / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Plan an 8 Hour Officer Training Retreat- 150 points
Discussion (10 points)
Journal Entry (10 points) / 4, 5, 7
Module 6 / -Continue with Program of Work
Leadership and Teambuilding / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Discussion (10 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7
Module 7 / -Leadership and Teambuilding / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Leadership and Teambuilding Project (100 Points)
Discussion (10 points)
Journal Entry (10 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7
Module 8 / Competitive Events / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Discussion (10 points)
Journal Entry (10 points) / 3, 4, 6, 7
Date / Topic / Assigned Readings / Assignment / Learner Outcome(s)
Module 9 / Competitive Events / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Online Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (10 points) / 3, 4, 6, 7
Module 10 / -Codes of Conduct/Safe Travel Policies
-Adviser Legal Responsibilities / See Module Agendas / Online Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (10 points) / 4, 7
Module 11 / Integrating CTSO’s into the Curriculum / See Module Agendas / Observe a local CTSO chapter meeting/activity, interview adviser (100 points)
Quiz 10 (10 points)
Online Discussion (10 points) / 3, 4, 6, 7
Module 12 / Integrating CTSO’s into the curriculum / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Online Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (10 points) / 3, 4, 6, 7
Module 13 / -Sales Projects and Fundraising / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Online Discussion (10 points)
Assignment(10 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7
Module 14 / Community Service Projects / See Module Agendas
·  Designing Student Leadership Programs, Mariam G. MacGregor
·  CTSO-A Reference Guide 3rd Edition, 2008. Nat'l Coordinating Council Career & Tech Student Organizations / Online Discussion (10 points)
Assignment (10 points) / 3, 4, 5, 7
Module 15 / -Promotion of CTSO within the Community
-Role of Alumni / See Module Agendas / Online Discussion (10 points)
Journal Entry (10 points) / 4, 5, 7
Module 16 / Capstone / CTSO Year Plan (100 points) / 7


Ø  Discussions and Assignments

Ø  Officer Retreat-150 points

Ø  Leadership and Teambuilding Project-100 points

Ø  Observation, interview, judge-100 points

Ø  Year Plan-200 points

**Any changes to assignments and/or syllabus will be communicated to students in class and via Web. **


a)  Actively, positively, and constructively participate in the scheduled class activities during the entire session. By active, positive, and constructive participation, you should be able to answer yes to the following questions: Do you come to class having read all required readings? Are you well prepared to assume an active and thoughtful role in the class activities? Do you respond to class journal in a serious and reflective manner? Do you assume responsibility for the commitments you make to others in the class? Do you work effectively with others to solve potential and/or actual problems/issues/concerns in a positive and productive manner? Is your general demeanor professional, positive, and helpful to others? Do you treat other people with dignity and respect?

Students with Disabilities: GBC supports providing equal access for students with disabilities. An advisor is available to discuss appropriate accommodations with students. Please contact the ADA Officer in Elko at 775-753-2271 at your earliest convenience to request timely and appropriate accommodations.

Policy of Academic Integrity: Academic honesty is expected in this course. All student work must be original and authentic. Any acts of cheating, copying, and/or plagiarizing are violations of the UCCSN code of conduct and will be taken seriously. Students who cheat, copy another’s work, or plagiarize from the Internet or other sources will fail the course regardless of other course work and are subject to dismissal from the academic institution. The definition of plagiarism as adopted by the GBC Faculty Senate is:

“Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s word, ideas, or data as one’s own. When a student submits work that includes the words, ideas, or data of others, the source of that information must be acknowledged through complete, accurate, and specific references; and if verbatim statements are included, through quotation marks as well. In academically honest writing or speaking, the students will acknowledge the sources whenever:

Another person’s actual words are quoted

Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory is used, even if it is completely paraphrased in the student’s own words

Facts, statistics, or other illustrative materials are borrowed, unless the information is common knowledge.