The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Projects

English 11

Choose one of the following:

1. Create a posterboard showing one of the major scenes from the novel. The poster must be colored, include the title, a quote from the story, and five (5) interesting pieces of information about author Mark Twain.

2. Create a storyboard of at least five (5) frames that show the plot development of the novel. Each frame must be on 8 ½ x 11” computer paper, be colored, and include a quote from the novel on each frame.

3. Create a 15-line poem about each character: Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and Jim.

Each line must have at least three (3) words. The poem may have a rhyme scheme or be written in free-verse. Must be typed or written in black or blue ink.

4. Create a newspaper article about each event in the novel: 1. Huck’s “death’ at the beginning; 2. How the community got revenge against the King and the Duke; 3. The news surrounding Jim after the reading of Miss Watson’s will.

5. Write a 750-1000- word additional chapter that sets Tom and Huck off on a new adventure at the conclusion of the novel. Include dialogue between the characters.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Projects

English 11

Choose one of the following:

1. Create a posterboard showing one of the major scenes from the novel. The poster must be colored, include the title, a quote from the story, and five (5) interesting pieces of information about author Mark Twain.

2. Create a storyboard of at least five (5) frames that show the plot development of the novel. Each frame must be on 8 ½ x 11” computer paper, be colored, and include a quote from the novel on each frame.

3. Create a 15-line poem about each character: Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, and Jim.

Each line must have at least three (3) words. The poem may have a rhyme scheme or be written in free-verse. Must be typed or written in black or blue ink.

4. Create a newspaper article about each event in the novel: 1. Huck’s “death’ at the beginning; 2. How the community got revenge against the King and the Duke; 3. The news surrounding Jim after the reading of Miss Watson’s will.

5. Write a 750-1000- word additional chapter that sets Tom and Huck off on a new adventure at the conclusion of the novel. Include dialogue between the characters.