Activity Name:Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) in FATA

Implementing GOP Entity:FATA Secretariat (F.S) through FWO

Life of Activity Funding:$108.32 M

Additional Funding Required $ 616 M for FATA wide QIPs

Amount Sub-Obligated:$78.324 M(per Mar 31, 2011 Pipeline Report)

Disbursements:$25.37 M

Activity Agreement signed:09/30/2009

IL #1 signed:12/31/2009

FAR(s) signed: 08/02/2010, 02/07/2011, 03/16/2011 and 04/29/2011

Expected Completion Date:September, 2012

PURPOSE of this project

USAID funded SWA QIPs are being implemented in South Waziristan Agency (SWA) by the FATA Secretariat through Frontier Works Organization (FWO). The Military operations in SWA have disrupted the lives of local communities, damaged a considerable number of infrastructures and forced the people to flee their villages. In response USAID is supporting GOP initiatives to implement development projects in the area, thus enabling the GOP to respond rapidly, visibly and credibly to priorities vital for socio-economic development in the area.

Listexpected project/program RESULTS

The program has targeted transportation, agricultural and power sectors that are important to facilitate everyday life of the local communities. The three key components of the project are;

  1. Road sectorImprovement of existing 496 Km of road network.
  2. Water sectorConstruction of Kundiwam Dam and Dhana Irrigation System.
  3. Power sector- Rehabilitation of 11KV and 33KV power transmission lines

- Up-grading of Grid station from 66KV to 132KV at Wana

- Construction of 65-70Km double circuit transmission line from GomalZam to Wana

In the first phase, two roads namely Tank-Jandola-Sarrarogha-Makeen road (110 Km) and Tank-Gomal-Tanai-Wana road (105 Km) have been taken up for improvement and reconstruction. In water sector FWO has taken up feasibility and design of Kundiwam Dam and Dhana Irrigation System. In power sector all items under #3 will be implemented.

Listproject/program ACCOMPLISHMENTSto date


FWO,with enhanced security protocols started the road construction immediately with NESPAK, a local consultant firm carrying out design and construction supervision in parallel. Activities were started both on “Tank – Makin (110 Km)” and “Kaur-Wana (105 Km)”. Blacktopping of about 130 KM road has been completed while subgrade, sub base and base courses are being placed in various reaches at a sustained pace. A number of bridges got washed away during the July-2010 floods that have been prioritized and included in the project portfolio. Following is the latest on various processes;

Tank – Makin Road

  • This road has four sections. “Tank – Kaur”, “Kaur – Jandola”, “Jandola – Sararogha”, “Sararogha – Makin”.
  • FAR Agreement for sections 1, 2 and 3 has been signed, while Security has prevented the submission of necessary documentation for section-4.

Kaur – Wana Road

The road has been divided in to 5 sections. PC-1s and design documents are submitted. Environmental Assessment approved. PIL has also been approved.

Power (Electricity)

The power sector encountered similar bottlenecks. Physical surveys for restoration of damaged infrastructure and layout of 132 KV transmission line were started in September 2010. The design work for up grading of grid station was started in October. Procurement of equipment and material has been started. Testing of the materials has begun and transportation of equipment for rehabilitation of distribution lines has startedto D.I Khan. Physical rehabilitation works on 11 & 33 KV rehabilitation also started. PC-1 for Wana Grid station will shortly be submitted for USAUD review.

Water and Sanitation Activities:

Security prevented the start-up of water activities until June 2010. The physical surveys of DhanaDam was started in June and completed in July 2010. The soil classification and design of diversion works were started in July and completed in August 2010. A team of AID/NESPAK met various stake holders/beneficiaries of project in August who agreed to the construction of the weir in principal. Thus the process of social mobilization was completed. However, later on, land compensation disputes erupted, which the political authorities have been able to resolve in November 2010. The feasibility level design of DhanaIrrigation System is now complete. The Kundiwam dam is still inaccessible and except for preliminary engineering, no further work has been carried out.


  1. PIL for Kaur-Wan road has been signed.
  2. FATA Secretariat with the help of AiD (Implementing Partner) is in the process of hiring additional key staff required for the PMU, established for QIPs management.
  3. PC-1 for Wana Grid station upgrade will be submitted shortly by FATA Secretariat for USAID review.

Issue(s) HINDERING IMPLEMENTATION of this project/program

  • Security problem in last section of Tank-Makin road is preventing the survey and design activities.
  • Feasibility surveys and design activities on Kundiwam Dam delayed due to irascibility problems.
  • July-2010 floods has caused delays to the overall construction activities.

What’s WORKING WELL with this Agreement?

Despite the slow start, security problems and july-2010 floods, FWO has been able to manage a very good progress. QIPs have created employment opportunities for locals of the area. The local community in specific is very happy about USAID’s interventions and the quality that’s been maintained for all construction activities. Besides, the road construction greatly contributed towards the socio-economic development of the area.