Ward Building and Equipment for emergency events

(Review if all of these items are appropriate for your Wards needs)

A.Command and Control Center: this will be set up in the Bishop's office and the Ward clerk's office. The Stake Plan requires that the Bishopric man this center. CCEMD recommends that the command center be operated on a 24 HOUR basis once activated until the threat is over, it has to be evacuated, or until the need for its operation is otherwise satisfied (i.e. post-hurricane clean-up is completed and normal life resumes).

(i)Bishop's Office: to be used for group planning and individual counseling. Goal = obtain equipment suggested by CCEMD for the Command Center on the list below:

a.File with: (i) Ward Plan; (ii) member emergency skill and resource lists compiled by EQ Presidency, HP Group Leadership, and RS Presidency; (iii) Ward Roster Printout (updated monthly); (iv) Stake Roster; and (v) LDS and local phone books.

b.Portable hand-held radio, with charger and extra battery for communications with teams.

c.Hurricane evacuation plan and supporting procedures.

d.Plasticized Hurricane Tracking Map and grease markers, and wipe cloth.

e.Flip charts with markers.

f.Extension cord for access to Command Center generator to be located outside clerk's office.

g.Cellular Phone(s).

(ii)Clerk's Office: to be used as headquarters for all communications and keeping the storm event action log. Goal = obtain the equipment for the Communications Center suggested by CCEMD as listed below:

a.News dedicated portable AM/FM/SHORT WAVE radio, with charger and extra battery to tune in to the local Emergency Broadcast System stations -- WNOG AM/FM 93.5 is the designate EBS station for Collier County and will operate directly from the Collier County Emergency Operations Center.

b.Weather dedicated portable AM/FM/SHORT WAVE radio, with charger and extra battery (to be tuned to NOAA radio frequency 162.475 Mhz).

c.Television set to monitor local stations and the Weather Channel.

d.Base Station radio, with battery for power, charger and extra battery for communications with teams.

e.Bullhorn for announcing emergency information to groups, with extra battery.

f.HAM radio and extendable antenna for use in communications with Stake President, Regional Welfare Services, and local government authorities.

g.Cellular telephone(s).

h.Radio Receiver/VHF Marine Radio.

i.Facsimile Machine (this should be on and accessible 24 hours per day).

j.Generator for electricity (to be located outside and connected through window or other access -- to become operational only in event of loss of power through usual lines).

k.Extension cords (4, 100 foot) for connecting to generator and other uses.

k.File with: (i) Ward Plan; (ii) member emergency skill and resource lists compiled by EQ Presidency, HP Group Leadership, and RS Presidency; (iii) Ward Roster Printout (updated monthly); Stake Directory; and local phone book.

l.Auxiliary fire extinguisher.

m.Set of plans for the Ward Building.

B.Building Supply & Operations Office: This will be located in the Young Women's Rooms. It is the resource point for the various teams that will operate out of the building, and the resource deposit and distribution headquarters point for direction and distribution of supplies and human and physical resources, and assignments for living arrangements in the building will be made (if necessary). Materials and equipment for this office will be stored in the Scout locker room and assembled in this office as needed

a.Portable emergency lights.

b.Cyamid light sticks (in case outside lighting is lost and light is needed to guide people from parking lots to building and the roads.

c.Extra flashlights with spare batteries.

d.Supply of tape.

e.Supply of rope.

f.Supply of tarps and visqueen rolls.

g.Supply of nails.

h.Supply of water.

i.Spare fire extinguishers.

j.Obtain and Store (in waterproof box in the Scout Locker) an Adequate Supply of SAR Team and Cleanup Work Group T-Shirts and Hats (as directed in Church Welfare Services Response Plan Suggestions) -- Members should be encouraged to purchase their own as a block in advance to ensure availability

(i)Shirts --JADE GREEN with WHITE Words -- reading on front in small letters over left pocket area:

[Beehive Logo]



-- and on back reading in large letters:



(ii)Hats -- SAR Groups and Work Groups will wear White Ball Cap or Other hats with neck shade covering -- LDS EMS Emblem on Front

-- Bishopric Will Wear Gold Caps

-- SAR & Work Group Leaders wear Red

-- Building Staff wear Blue

(iii)Local Collier County and Naples City Maps, including detail on Marco Island, Everglades City, and Immokalee Areas

(iv)Copies of Maps and Directions on finding the Naples Chapel from the north, east and south, local telephone and fax numbers for Incoming Volunteers and LDS Emergency Service Personnel.

C.First Aid Treatment Center: This will be located in the center and north Primary Rooms, and will be staffed by first-aid personnel identified in the Ward Resources Assessment.

a.First Aid Kits and supplies.

b.Stretchers (3) (to be stored in Scout locker room).

c.Beds (3).

d.Oxygen supplies.

D.Compassionate Service and Food Distribution Center: This will be located in the west side of the building and will consist as needed of the: (i) Kitchen for food serving and preparation, as well as distribution, (ii) the Relief Society Room for meeting, planning, counseling and residing, and (iv) the Scout Rooms, for storage and distribution of food, clothing and supplies. These items will not be stored on site in advance but will be moved in as necessary in the event needed:

a.Bottled water.

b.Non-perishable food items.


E.Building Security Office: This office will be located in the south Primary Room and will be the location from which building security will be assured. It will be supplied and staffed as needed. Interaction with professional security officers, i.e. police, sheriff, state troopers, National Guard or federal troops will be co-ordinated by the Bishopric.

F.Nursery and Child Care Center: This area (located in the Nursery Room) will provide a place for viewing videos, playing games and otherwise entertaining children while at the Building