Using MyMathLab®
MTH/156 Version 3 / 1

Associate Level Material

Using MyMathLab®

Pearson’s MyMathLab® is an online textbook resource that provides homework assignments and test questions drawn from the text. Questions selected from the text are assigned and automatically graded by the MyMathLab® software. In addition, extra assistance and videos explaining concepts are available for some problems.

As noted in the syllabus, all individual assignments in MTH/156 are to be completed through Pearson’s MyMathLab®. The link to this online resource is available on your student website. When you access MyMathLab®, you will see a link on the left side of the screen for homework and tests. At the top of that list is the MyMathLab®Orientation, which you will complete in Week One. Complete this orientation prior to working any problems.

Another feature of MyMathLab® is the study plan, which is generated when you complete the weekly assignments. The study plan captures any questions you missed in the assignment and shows you which sections of the text you should review. To review those sections, which are indicated by a pencil icon, click on the title of the chapter or section and you will be directed to the text.

The Results tab in the column on the left side of the MyMathLab® screen lists the assignments you have completed along with the score you received on each. This is an effective way to track your progress through the course.

You can retake the individual assignments as often as you like. However, you may only take the final examination one time.

If you experience technical problems, please call University of Phoenix Student Technical Support at 1-877-832-4867.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I access MyMathLab®?

You can access MyMathLab® only through your student website by clicking the MyMathLab® link.

When I submit work using MyMathLab®, do I also need to submit it to any of the classroom forums?

Yes. You need to complete work in MyMathLab®. By accessing MyMathLab® through the student website, personal information—IRN, name, course, and instructor—is passed to the student page in MyMathLab®. Instructors can access MyMathLab® and check assignment scores. In addition to completing your work in MyMathLab®, you need to take a snapshot of your results and submit them to the Assignments Section on your student website in order to meet attendance. Paste the results into a Microsoft Word® document and save it to your computer. You will then need to upload the document to the Assignments Section on your student website.

Do I need to install any software to use MyMathLab®?

You must install the MathXL® player and media plug-ins. Click the Installation Wizard link located in MyMathLab® under the Support tab to begin downloading.

Can I submit late work using MyMathLab®?

You may submit late assignments in accordance with the Policies document and the course syllabus.

Do I receive credit for the study plan?

No, but by working on the study plan, you increase your chances of success in the course by gaining a better understanding of the mathematical concepts.

What happens if I need to exit a quiz or final examination in the middle of taking it?

Remember, you have only one attempt on the final examination. This is also true for quizzes if your instructor decides to incorporate quizzes into the course. Once you open a quiz or final examination, it must be completed at that time. Do not open a quiz or final examination unless you are ready to complete it.

When I take a quiz or final examination, can I skip questions and return to them later?

Yes, as long as you are still in the same session and return to the skipped questions before selecting the Submit button. You may not return to a quiz or final examination after submitting or exiting it.

Are there time limits on assignments or on the final examination?

No, by default there are no time limits for the assignments or final examination, but you must complete each assessment by the due date. Check your syllabus to make sure that your instructor did not establish time limits on the assignments.

Am I automatically logged out of MyMathLab® after periods of inactivity? If so, how long does it take?

You will be logged out of a homework assignment, quiz, or test after 3 hours of inactivity. You will also be logged out of an activity if you use the browser’s Back button.

Can I return to homework for extra practice after the due date?

You may review homework and quizzes by clicking the Results button on the course menu. If you access assignments by clicking the Homework and Tests button, you may actually change the score for the assignment. If you access assignments past the due date, late penalties may apply.

Instead, use the study plan for extra practice. You can click the Review button to review assignments.

Is the score that I see in MyMathLab® my grade for the course?

No, the score in MyMathLab® reflects only the assignments completed using MyMathLab®. This score does not include discussion questions, participation, exercises, and assignments submitted in the classroom.

Does using MyMathLab® count toward attendance?


Are the questions in the textbook the same as the questions in MyMathLab®?

Questions in the textbook are similar to those in MyMathLab® but often have different numerical values. Also, the numerical values for each exercise are different for each student.

Is MyMathLab® compatible with an Apple® Macintosh® computer?
