21st Annual Beat the Heat Presentation Proposal

June 30-July 1, 2016

Our goal is to provide a professional development opportunity for educators and parents who work with children with special needs. The specific focus will address the needs of all children ages 3-5 and children with significant disabilities ages 6-21. This conference is supported by Part B IDEA funds.

Pre-Conference: June 29, 2015

Conference: June 30 – July 1, 2016


ConferenceAudience: Special education teachers for all ages, transition specialists, paraeducators, related service providers, speech language pathologists, parents and early childhood teachers including child care and Head Start centers.

We are looking for presentations for the following session times:

·  90 minutes sessions on Thursday afternoon, June 30, 2016

·  90 minutes sessions on Friday afternoon, July 1, 2016

Why present? You have a chance to share your expertise! Conference registration fees will be provided for up to two (2) presenters per session.


For more information check out Beat the Heat page at this location: http://www4.esc13.net/lowincidence/beat-the-heat/.

Questions? Contact one of the following

Nichole Kertis Barton - or 512-919-5246

Joanna Ryan - or 512-919-5206

Maryteresa Tracy - or 512-919-5181

Robin Reimund - or 512-919-5426

Session Information

·  Our goal is to provide participants with session that align with one or more of the strands below.

·  From each session, participants should learn a new skill, develop an action plan or other activity where a take-away idea or strategy is essential.

·  Presenters should include time for involvement and contributions to the learning process from the participants.


Sessions in this strand should emphasize the effective use of behavioral management techniques with students. Session topics here might include: Using visuals, Classroom organization, Teaching self-regulation, etc.

Collaboration & Leadership

Sessions in this strand should assist teachers and others to improve their leadership skills and assist them in building better collaborations to serve their students. Topics in this strand might include: Working with paraprofessionals, System supports, Data collection, Collaborative teaming, etc.


Sessions in this strand should focus on practical, effective strategies to improve a student’s communication skills. Topics in this strand might include: Sign language, Augmentative and alternative communication strategies, Speech therapy in the classroom, etc.

Curriculum & Instruction

Session in this strand should focus on successful classroom and instructional strategies. Topics here might include: Literacy, Math, Social studies, Inclusion, Sex education, etc.

Early Childhood/PPCD

Sessions in this strand should focus on successful classroom and instruction strategies geared to all children ages 3-5. Topics here might include: Circle time, literacy, etc.


Sessions in this strand should focus on interventions that support sensory and motor development and readiness for learning. Topics here might include: Adapted PE, Yoga, Self-regulation, etc.


Sessions in this strand should focus on evidence-based practices that result in a smooth transition from school to adult life. Topics here might include: 18+ programs and services, College & career readiness, Futures planning, etc.

Session Types

90 minutes
·  12:30-2:00 pm or 2:15 – 3:45 pm
·  Thursday & Friday, June 30th & July 1st
Audience Size
·  Up to 50 participants

Presenter(s) Information

Leader Presenter / Co-Presenter
District/Campus or Organization
Email Address
Current Contact Phone Number
Summer Contact Phone Number

Lead Presenter Biography

Please keep to 75 words or less. This information will be printed in the app.

Co-Presenter Biography

Please keep to 75 words or less. This information will be printed in the app.

Session Information

Session Title

Come up with a good, intriguing session title that reflects the content of your presentation. Remember the purpose of your title is to get the participants to read the first sentence of your session description.

Session Description

250 words or less. This description will appear in our conference app. Your description must provide enough detail for a participant to make an informed selection. Please include at least 1 learner objective to indicate what knowledge/skills a participant will be able to take from your session.

Session Strands

Select up to 2 strands to which your presentation most aligns

☐Behavior / ☐Curriculum & Instruction / ☐Transition
☐Collaboration & Leadership / ☐Early Childhood/PPCD
☐Communication / ☐Sensorimotor

Session Type and Time

☐ 12:30-2:00 pm [90 minutes] - Thursday, June 30, 2016

☐ 2:15-3:45 pm [90 minutes] - Thursday, June 30, 2016

☐ 12:30-2:00 pm [90 minutes] -- Friday afternoon, July 1, 2016

☐ 2:00-3:45 pm [90 minutes] -- Friday afternoon, July 1, 2016

☐ 90 minute session -- Any session time on Thursday or Friday afternoon. I am flexible!

☐ I am willing to repeat my 90 minute session. Contact me for availability.

Target Audience

Please check all that apply

☐General Education Teachers / ☐Parents / ☐Speech Language Pathologists
☐OTs/PTs / ☐Preschool/PPCD staff / ☐Staff for ages 6 and up
☐Paraeducators / ☐Special Education Teachers / ☐Transition Specialists

If you selected “Other”, please give more information.

Target Grade Level

☐Early Childhood/PPCD / ☐Elementary / ☐Secondary / ☐All Levels

Just a Few More Things….

Room Set Up

Rooms will be set up in the classroom style for each session. Need a change to the basic room setup? Describe what you will need.

Presentation/Materials Setup

If you will need extra time to set up (more than 10 minutes), please give us an estimate of how much setup time you will require.


All our presentation rooms have the following items: Presenter Microphone, Wireless Internet Access, Presentation Screen, Room Speakers, Presentation PC Laptop, and a Document Camera.

If you feel more comfortable using your on PC or Mac laptop, we should be able to hook you up to your room's presentation system.

What type of microphone would you like to use?

☐Lavalier / ☐Pass-Around / ☐I don’t think I need one!

Do you have additional technology requirements? Tell us what you have in mind. Please understand that not all technology needs can be accommodated.


While handouts aren't mandatory, our participants really like them! We will be printing enough copies for the participants in your session. We will also be uploading them to either our Beat the Heat website (http://www4.esc13.net/lowincidence/beat-the-heat/) and/or our conference apps (iOS, Android & Web). We encourage our participants to view and/or download them in advance of the conference.


·  All handouts are to be provided in an accessible, electronic format. Need help with accessibility? You can download a document on Tips for PowerPoint Accessibility (http://www4.esc13.net/uploads/low_incidence/docs/TipsforPowerPointAccessibility.docx).

·  Please keep in mind copyright and confidentiality issues as you are preparing your presentation & handout.

Please email your completed proposal to Robin Reimund at .

Thank You!!!!

Thank you for submitting a proposal to present at Beat the Heat! The parents, teachers and other professional, who work with students impacted by the conference, greatly benefit from the expertise shared by our presenters.

Nichole, Joanna, Maryteresa & the Beat the Heat Conference Team

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