Seattle Kennel Club

Board Meeting

March 26, 2008

Home of Dalene McIntire, Renton, WA

Board members present: Tom Godwin, Marcia Speer, Jane Anderson, and Dalene McIntire. Absent: Lynne Myall, Gretchen Taylor, John Wilcox submitted their excuses which were accepted.

The meeting was brought to order at 7:20 PM by president Tom Godwin.

President’s Report: Tom congratulated the membership on a successful 124th and 125th show. He also noted we lost a very valued and beloved member when Janet Wilcox passed away the Wednesday prior to our show.

Tom said we were pleased to award member Mrs. Lee Layman the First Annual AKC sponsored Outstanding Sportsmanship Award at our Annual Judges’ Dinner on March 8, 2008. It was mentioned that many of Lee’s family members also attended which made it even nicer. Larry from AKC who knew Lee and Dr. Laymen was present also.

Tom suggested we use the Annual Judges Dinner for the presentation of the Outstanding Sportsmanship Award in the future. We will vote on the recipient of the next year’s award at the November meeting.

Tom is going to write to the City and County thanking them for their Recognition Certificates of our show sent to Seattle Kennel Club.

The minutes were then approved as corrected on a motion by Jane, seconded by Marcia. Dalene was directed to send the minutes of the meeting to the board members which will also be on the web site in the Members area.

Treasurer’s Report: Marcia distributed her report which is attached to these minutes. She said we still have more expenses and income to go on the show, but said we had a successful show. She also noted that Kristi Trivillino donated her judging fee back to our trophy fund.

Marcia said we had $720 income from the NAIA seminar on Friday, March 7, 2008. In light of the success of the seminar, Jane said she would like to see the club make a $1,000 donation to NAIA. Marcia moved that we donate $1,000 to NAIA, seconded by Jane. Motion passed.

Secretary’s Report: Dalene mentioned an email received by people looking for a breeder of Finnish Spitz; she was directed to forward this inquiry on to Shelah Frey who is the breeder referral person in the club.

Correspondence from some of our judges relating to the show was read by Jane.

Regarding the letter from AKC asking for nominees for their Lifetime Achievement Award for 2008, Dalene was directed to ask the members for their nominations so she can have a written ballot for the April meeting.

Show Chairman’s Report: Jane stated we were down 9% on our entries this year, we were up 53% on the amount of money we sent to AKC. We were also up 350-400 people in attendance both days with a net increase of $5,000 over last year on the gate

Seattle Kennel Club March 26, 2008

Board MeetingPage Two

money. The reserved grooming area was stellar. Jane would like to see if members of our club can do the grooming space assignments that BaRay did for us this year.

This was the first year the grooming space assignments were managed by BaRay. Since there was no precedence originally, it was estimated at $500 and we had them lower it to $250 with the understanding that the actual hours and expense would be tracked and a final report would be given to us.

It cost us 2.5¢ more per armband having them printed on the back, but we need to make more of an effort to gather them back up.

Marcia Speer asked Tom to head this up next year at the show. The returned arm bands were used at other shows in other states and it was beneficial for the clubs.

Agility income for this year’s March trials was $4,255.98.

Tom had Jane read the web page report which mentioned how many hits the site had prior to our show.

Miscellaneous: Regarding the writing of welcome letters to new members, Tom said he would contact the Membership Chair to explain the procedure per the club constitution.

The club received a copy of our very first catalogue of our April 1939 show to go along with the November 1939 catalogue that Janet Wilcox donated to the club a few years ago. Elaine Young also gave the club an SKC medal from 1911.

Unfinished Business: Tom is to contact the nominating committee.

New Business:

• Tom suggested putting an ad about our show next year in the Gazette to try and increase our entries from exhibitors outside the Pacific Northwest.

• Voting for Club Officers at the April 9, 2008, meeting.

The next board meeting will be held at the home of Dalene McIntire, on July 30, 2008, at 6:00 PM.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Dalene McIntire, Secretary