Math 7 Syllabus 2013-2014
Mr. DelCastillo, Mr. Kilpatrick, Ms. Siano, Mr. Webb
Curriculum: Welcome to the new school year! We are eager to work with our new students as we learn new mathematical concepts. The State of Georgia has implemented Common Core Georgia Performance Standards (CCGPS) that call for students to be actively engaged in doing math in order to learn math. In the classroom, students will frequently work on tasks and activities to discover and apply mathematical thinking. Students will be expected to explain or justify their answers and to write clearly and properly.
In Grade 7, instructional time will focus on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
Units and Pacing:
This is a guide. Time actually spent on each unit may vary and is subject to change
Textbook: Online textbooks will be assigned to individual students this year. As a resource, students may check out a textbook from the previous adoption (2007). The math textbook may be checked outonce the appropriate form is completed and turned in to your math teacher. If lost, the textbook Mathematics Course 2 by Holt, Rinehart and Winston 2007replacement cost is $54.95.
Class Requirements/ Expectations: Students are expected to be on time for class and prepared with any assignments that are due. Students must bring paper, pencil, an eraser, their Math Survival Guide (MSG), and a binder or folder for handouts. (Only pencils should be used in class and for assignments.) A love of mathematics and a positive attitude are also welcome! We will follow the school-wide behavior management plan.
Advanced 7 and Math 7/8 Placement: Placement in Advanced 7 or Math 7/8 is determined by previous placement and CRCT scores and grades. Only students who met BOTH criteria were placed in these classes.
Assessments: Students’ understanding will be assessed in a variety of ways. Students will take a quiz or a test EVERY Friday.Quizzes will be given during each unit, with a comprehensive performance task/test given at the end of each unit of study.
Grading Procedures: Grading Scale:
Tests and Performance Tasks: 35%A 90 – 100
Quizzes: 25%B 80 – 89
Classwork: 20%C 74 – 79
Homework & Online Practice: 10%D 70 – 73
Warm-ups: 10%F 69 and below
Homework: Homeworkcan be expected almost DAILY. Students who regularly practice their math skills are much more likely to be successful than those who do not. Students must show work to receive credit. Any assignment written in pen,turned inincomplete or not showing work will be returned for the student to redo for partial credit (see policy below). Help Sessions are available every Thursday from 8:15 – 8:45 am. Please check blog for locations.
Late Work / Make-up Work:Students must turn assignments in on time. Students who turn in late assignments will be subject to partial credit; 10 points will be deducted for each school day past the due date. No late work will be accepted more than three days past the due date. Please note that the longer a student takes to complete work, the further behind they may fall.
When students are absent, it is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all work is made up. Students can get makeup work from the blog or the “While You Were Out” Box. Students are given one calendar day for each day absent plus one day to turn in the work.
Contact Info: Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher anytime you have questions or concerns. Email is the most efficient way to contact us, and conferences may be set up during our planning, from 9:30 to 10:30.
Teacher / Email (Preferred method of contact) / Phone Ext.(770) 578-2740
Mr. Kilpatrick / / 390
Mr. DelCastillo / / 424
Ms. Siano / / 512
Mr. Webb / / 422
Math Teacher Blog:The Grade 7 Math Blog can be accessed via the “Faculty” link on the school website. The blog is updated frequently, and will include the work done in class, printables and online resources, video tutorials, and homework. It is a great resource, so please take advantage!
Math Supplies: Please have the following supplies no later than Monday 8/12/13:
Classroom SuppliesMath Survival Guide (MSG) Supplies
70 page Spiral Notebook (1) Composition Book (2)
Pencilsand ErasersRoll of clear tape (at least 4)
Erasers Glue Stick (at least 6)
Manual Pencil Sharpener w/ cover Sticky notes (small)
1-inch Binder or Math Section in 2-inch binder Colored Pencils
Colored Pens (for correction)
Small Calculator (inexpensive)
Access to computer with internet
Note: This syllabus is a guide and is subject to change in order to accommodate class and individual needs.
I have read and understood the guidelines of this math syllabus and realize that it is subject to change to accommodate class and individual needs.
Student name (print): ______Class Period: ______
Student signature: ______
Parent name (print): ______
Parent signature: ______
Parent email: ______Cell #: - -
Please write all information neatly
I have read and understood the guidelines of this math syllabus and realize that it is subject to change to accommodate class and individual needs.
Student name (print): ______Class Period:______
Student signature: ______
Parent name (print): ______
Parent signature: ______
Parent email: ______Cell #: - -
Please write all information neatly
I have read and understood the guidelines of this math syllabus and realize that it is subject to change to accommodate class and individual needs.
Student name (print): ______Class Period:______
Student signature: ______
Parent name (print): ______
Parent signature: ______
Parent email: ______Cell #: - -
Please write all information neatly