I, Mary, of Nazareth was born in a loving family of the house of Isreal, and am a descendant of the noble line of Aron. My father, an adoring man, is able to provide necessities for us. My mother, a good and hard-working woman finds the lack of wealth difficult at times, especially, because she is close to her relatives, and Elizabeth is married to a man that is a priest of the Temple & enjoys a fine, elegant life and servants. Elizabeth has one burden: she has been unable to bear children as my mother. Perhaps that is why my mother holds me in such high esteem.

In our culture, it is always hoped that each birth will be a son. However, at my birth, my parents, relatives and townspeople seemed to rejoice, as they all felt a special spirit about me.

Sometimes, my father’s happiness has seemed by a sense of obligation and responsibility for me. I hear his humble prayers asking God to guide his footsteps in regards to me. My mother is the opposite. She is exasperated when anyone fails to appreciate my remarkable qualities in addition to my beauty.

The traditions or customs of our people for a young woman coming of age are definite. A marriage is arranged between families; it is the father’s duty to make the arrangements. The father of the groom must make a bid to the father of the bride. Feelers are put out prior to that meeting & inquiries are made between the fathers. I urged my parents to reject the inquiries from the some of the wealthiest and the most scholarly sons, because my heart belonged to Joseph & I wanted to marry for love. Father questioned that we should go against tradition. I prayed that my father would understand, & soon he did. Our fathers soon came to an agreement.

Once the initial arrangements were made, Joseph found it so hard to wait. He was fearful that something could go wrong. Yet, according to our custom, each step must be taken in its proper order. On Sabbath, it would be announced in the synagogue followed by well-wishers in the afternoon. The betrothal would be in the middle of the month on the fourth day of the week. The betrothal meant that we were man & wife before the world, linked by law, but not yet in the flesh; therefore, we could not yet setup housekeeping together. That final reunion must await the formal wedding & celebration with feasting, which could be as long as a year. If that law is broken, there is great embarrassment to them & their families. Even worse, if a woman is unfaithful to her betrothed husband, she is punished. Often, the punishment is death by stoning.

It was during this time of required waiting that I experienced something I must share with you. It seemed like any other day, but a little toward sundown, the donkey whimpered as if something were wrong. I looked toward the doorway, expecting someone to enter. Instead, I saw a shaft of light as it poured through the doorway & hear a voice.


I thought it was my father’s voice, but, no, it was too deep. I went to the low leaning doorway and peered out. I saw no one. I saw the shaft of light had increased greatly. It continued to grow brighter & in it I perceived a presence, but I knew not who. I was shaking but was unable to take my eyes from the bright column. As I turned to run, I heard the voice again.

“…Hail, thou that art highly favored, the Lord is with thee: blessed art though among women…. Fear not, Mary: thou hast found favor with God.”

Somehow I managed to whisper, “I am his unworthy servant.”

“Behold, thou will conceive in your womb and bring forth a son & you shall call his name Jesus. He will be great & will be called the son of the most highest.”

“The Messiah!” I gasped. My legs lost their strength. I clung to the beam closeby.

“And the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father, David: “…and he shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.”

“But, I am unworthy! ... I am not yet married! … I have remained true to my betrothal. How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?”

The voice replied, “With God all things are possible. Now, the Holy Ghost will come upon you & the power of the Most High will overshadow you: the child that is born unto you will be the Son of God. … Already He has quickened the womb of your aged cousin Elizabeth. Soon, she, too, will bear a son.”

A peace of reverence came over my soul. I knew it had happened; I knew it was true. But, how could I tell Joseph? And my parents? I prayed for strength.

My father wanted to believe me. My mother cried. Joseph loved me, but upon hearing these words, he was hurt. No one could understand why God would send the Messiah to our poor humble household. My parents sent me to their aging cousin Elizabeth. We made the long, hard journey, which took many days. When Elizabeth greeted me, she knew by the kick in her that I was carrying the Messiah, & I knew she was carrying John. Upon our return, Joseph, told me that the Lord had let the truth be known unto him. He knelt down before me & kissed the hem of my garment. My prayers had been answered. Joseph & I set up housekeeping. Mother was disappointed that there was no wedding or celebration feast. We tried to

Soon, Nazareth heard of Caesar’s decree of new taxes, a new census throughout the Roman world. This meant that Joseph had to go to Bethlehem. I insisted until he let me go with him. It was a very difficult journey in my condition. On the fifth day, I begged Joseph to hurry. My instinct told me my time was near.

Upon arrival in Bethlehem, we had to unload everything to be taxed. Once inside the city, there was no place to stay. Joseph begged the innkeeper. Finally, he told Joseph about a stable, & some caves toward the back where animals were stabled. Amid the animals in the stable, Joseph prepared for me a bed of straw upon which he laid his cloak. My time had come.