2011-2012 School Culture Rubric

Campus: Date:

SCHOOL-WIDE SYSTEMS / Advanced / Proficient / Working Towards / Needs Improvement
Breakfast /
  • BB and breakfasts set out at 7:00 by custodian
  • Teacher monitors are on time and are actively monitoring
  • Room is silent
  • 95% of students are doing Brain Breakfast or independent reading without reminder
  • 100% of students are seated or moving with permission
  • 90% of students have arrived 5 minutes prior to Circle
  • Transition to Circle is quiet and quick
  • HW collection system runs seamlessly and requires no management from school leaders
  • Systems guarantee that students leave eating area clean
  • BB and breakfasts set out at 7:00 by custodian
  • Teacher monitors are on time and are mostly actively monitoring
  • Room is silent
  • 90% of students are doing Brain Breakfast or independent reading without reminder
  • 90% of students are seated or moving with permission
  • 85% of students have arrived 5minutes prior to Circle
  • Transition to Circle is quiet and quick
  • HW collection system runs seamlessly and requires no management from school leaders
  • Systems guarantee that students leave eating area clean
  • BB and breakfasts are not yet set out upon student arrival at 7:00
  • Teacher monitors are late and/or not actively monitoring
  • Frequent reminders must be made to keep the room silent
  • 80% of students are doing Brain Breakfast or independent reading without reminder
  • A significant number of students are moving about the cafeteria without permission
  • 80% of students have arrived 5minutes prior to Circle
  • Transition to Circle is inefficient
  • HW collection system requires management from school leaders
  • Some students clean up in eating area, but cafeteria is left somewhat messy
  • BB and breakfasts are not yet set out upon student arrival at 7:00
  • Teacher monitors are late and are not actively monitoring
  • Frequent reminders must be made to keep the room silent
  • Less than 80% of students are doing Brain Breakfast or independent reading without reminder
  • A significant number of students are moving without permission
  • Less than 80% of students have arrived 5 minutes prior to Circle
  • Transition to Circle is inefficient requiring correction from teachers and school leaders
  • HW collection system is not in place
  • Cafeteria is left messy

Community Circle /
  • Circle is organized such that all students can see and actively participate in circle activities.
  • All circle topics address core values, college, or community needs.
  • All students are silent and tracking the speaker.
  • Students are engaged and participate enthusiastically.
  • Leader encourages student participation through relevant questions and/or student presentation.
  • Leader provides opportunity for teachers to present or give input.
  • All transitions within circles are silent, smooth, and efficient.
  • Leader always models taxonomy techniques (cold call, CFU, positive framing)
  • Circle is organized such that almost all students can see and actively participate in circle activities.
  • Almost all circle topics address core values, college, or community needs.
  • 95% of students are silent and tracking the speaker.
  • Students are engaged and participate.
  • Leader encourages student participation through relevant questions and/or student presentation.
  • Leader provides opportunity for teachers to present or give input.
  • Transitions within circles are mostly silent, smooth, and efficient.
  • Leader consistently models taxonomy techniques (cold call, CFU, positive framing)
  • Circle is somewhat unorganized such that some students are unable to see and participate in circle activities.
  • Circle topics may not be connected to core values, college, or community needs.
  • There are some side conversations and not all students are tracking the speaker.
  • Students participate begrudgingly.
  • Leader does not encourage student participation with questions or student presentation.
  • Leader infrequently opens the floor for other adult voices.
  • Transitions within circle can be noisy or take too long.
  • Leader occassionally models taxonomy techniques (cold call, CFU, positive framing)
  • Circle is poorly organized, limiting students’ ability to see and participate in circle activities.
  • Circle topics are not connected to core values, college, or community needs.
  • Side conversations disrupt the flow of Circle
  • Students do not participate.
  • Other adults do not participate.
  • Transitions within circle are almost always noisy and take too long.
  • Leader does not model taxonomy techniques (cold call, CFU, positive framing)

SCHOOL-WIDE SYSTEMS / Advanced / Proficient / Working Towards / Needs Improvement
Leader Tone /
  • Leaders are always upbeat, motivational, and inspiring.
  • Positive Framing: leaders narrate the positive student behaviors (rather than calling out the negative) and use praise, challenge and aspiration to motivate the students
  • Leaders are attentive to every detail in school and address those that are out of place immediately.
  • Leaders carry themselves with confidence and authority so that students are keenly aware of their presence.
  • Leaders are most often upbeat, motivational, and inspiring with occasional moments of ineffective tone, language or delivery.
  • Positive Framing: leaders almost always narrate the positive student behaviors (only rarely calling out the negative) and use praise, challenge and aspiration to motivate the students
  • Leaders are attentive to most details in school and address those that are out of place quickly.
  • Leaders carry themselves with confidence and authority so that students are aware of their presence.
  • Leaders seem overwhelmed or aloof and only make occasional attempts at being motivated and inspiring
  • Leaders narrate negative rather than positive behaviors.
  • Leaders are inconsistent with recognizing details and/or addressing those quickly.
  • Acts of student misbehavior occur within the presence of the principal.
  • Leaders seem overwhelmed, aloof, and does not make occasional attempts at being motivated and inspiring.
  • Leaders are mostly negative in their interactions with students and teachers
  • Leaders do not recognize details and/or do not address those quickly.
  • Acts of student misbehavior occur within the presence of the principal.

Lunch /
  • Lunches are set up beforehand by custodian.
  • Lunch lines are highly organized Teacher monitor completes lunch tracking system
  • Lunch is served within 10 min
  • Students are seated during lunch according to grade level.
  • Transition to clean up and dismissal occur with little to no teacher intervention
  • Students are engaged in polite conversation at a reasonable tone
  • Students wipe tables, clean up the floor.
  • Student leaders monitor that clean-up is complete
  • Students respond immediately to hand clap signaling the end of lunch
  • Dismissal is complete within 5 min.
  • ES/MS: No movement without permission.
  • ES/MS: Teachers are on time for pick-up from lunch
  • ES/MS: Dismissal is silent.
  • Lunches are set up beforehand by custodian.
  • Lunch lines are organized with minimal disruptions
  • Teacher monitor completes lunch tracking system
  • Lunch is served within 10 min
  • Students are seated during lunch according to grade level.
  • Transition to clean up and dismissal occur with little to no teacher intervention
  • Students are engaged in polite conversation at a reasonable tone
  • Students wipe tables, clean up the floor.
  • Student leaders and teachers monitor that clean-up is complete.
  • Students respond to hand clap signaling the end of lunch
  • Dismissal is complete within 5 min.
  • ES/MS: No movement without permission.
  • ES/MS: Teachers are on time for pick-up from lunch
  • ES/MS: Dismissal is silent.
  • Lunch is not yet set up when students arrive
  • Lines are disorganized, making lunch tracking difficult
  • Teacher monitors sometimes complete lunch tracking system
  • Teachers and leaders have to give frequent reminders for clean-up
  • Students need frequent reminders to be silent during clean-up/dismissal
  • Student conversation is either loud or happens at inappropriate times
  • Hand clap must be repeated in order for students to respond.
  • After dismissal the cafeteria requires cleaning
  • Dismissal is complete within 10 minutes.
  • ES/MS: There is an excess of student movement during lunch
  • ES/MS: Teachers arrive late for student pick-up
  • ES/MS: Dismissal is quiet, but not silent.
  • Lunch is not yet set up when students arrive
  • Lines are disorganized, making lunch tracking difficult
  • Teacher monitor do not complete lunch tracking system
  • Students do not clean up on their own
  • Students need frequent reminders to be silent during clean-up/dismissal
  • Students do not respond to the hand clap with silence and tracking.
  • After dismissal the cafeteria requires cleaning
  • Tone of lunch is loud or students are engaged in inappropriate discussions
  • ES/MS: There is an excess of student movement during lunch
  • ES/MS: Teachers arrive late for student pick-up
  • ES/MS:Dismissal is loud

SCHOOL-WIDE SYSTEMS / Advanced / Proficient / Working Towards / Needs Improvement
Check-Out Dismissal /
  • ES/MS: Students will have materials ready for checkout before they enter the classroom. 90% of students are reading independently without adult instruction.
  • ES/MS: Students are silent in the hallway and in the classroom without adult instruction.
  • There are no students in hallways after dismissal.
  • ES/MS: All teachers walk their detention/study hall students silently to the proper room; all teachers walk the remaining students silently to the exit. Students do not need reminders.
  • Outside building teacher supervisor is present on time and creates pleasant but not silent environment for 15 mins. (not DTMS) Students do not require correction.
  • Students outside are not running or touching one another
  • Students must respond immediately to hand clap or other instruction.
  • Transition back into building is silent without correction.
  • Students begin homework automatically.
  • Atmosphere is quiet and businesslike.
  • ES/MS: Students have materials ready for checkout without prompting as soon as they enter the classroom.
  • ES/MS: Students are silent in the hallway and during the checkout process.
  • There are few students in hallways after dismissal.
  • ES/MS: All teachers walk their detention/study hall students silently to the proper room; all teachers walk the remaining students silently to the exit.
  • Outside building teacher supervisor is present on time who creates pleasant but not silent environment for 15 mins. (not DTMS)
  • Students outside are not running or touching one another
  • Students must respond immediately to hand clap or other instruction.
  • Transition back into building is silent.
  • Students begin homework automatically.
  • Atmosphere is quiet and businesslike.
  • ES/MS: Students need teacher prompting to get materials out for checkout
  • ES/MS: Students have some side conversations during checkout process.
  • There are many students in hallways after dismissal.
  • ES/MS: Some teachers walk their detention/study hall students silently to the proper room; some walk the remaining students silently to the exit.
  • Outside building teacher supervisor is sometimes late and and/or creates a loose environment for 15 mins. (not DTMS)
  • Some students outside are running or touching one another.
  • Students do not respond immediately to hand clap or other instruction the first time they are given.
  • Transition back into building is quiet, but not silent.
  • Students begin homework with teacher/leader instructions.
  • Atmosphere is somewhat noisy.
  • ES/MS: Students need multiple teacher prompts to get materials out for checkout
  • ES/MS: Students have numerous side conversations during checkout process.
  • There are many students in hallways after dismissal.
  • ES/MS: Few teachers walk their detention/study hall students silently to the proper room; few walk the remaining students silently to the exit.
  • Outside building teacher supervisor is often late and and/or creates a loose environment for 15 mins. (not DTMS)
  • Many students outside are running or touching one another.
  • Students do not respond immediately to hand clap or other instruction the first time they are given and/or respond disrespectfully.
  • Transition back into building is noisy.
  • Students begin homework with multiple reminders of teacher/leader instructions.
  • Atmosphere is noisy.

SCHOOL-WIDE SYSTEMS / Advanced / Proficient / Working Towards / Needs Improvement
Student Discipline System (Paycheck/
PRIDE /Check Sheet) /
  • Teachers give dollars for appropriate reasons, at appropriate times
  • Dollars taken away appropriately (not extremely; not beyond -5) and consistently
  • A paycheck monitor has been established for every homeroom who is consistently accurate and honest
  • Student dollar amounts/paycheck detention are posted weekly
  • A system of tracking paycheck from week to week is in place
  • Paycheck data is made available to teachers
  • A system of incentives and rewards has been established for high paycheck earners that is consistently implemented
  • NOTE: Use a different tool for elementary
  • Teachers give dollars for appropriate reasons, at appropriate times
  • Dollars taken away appropriately (not extremely; not beyond -5) and consistently
  • A paycheck monitor has been established for every homeroom who is consistently accurate and honest
  • Student dollar amounts/paycheck detention are posted weekly
  • A system of tracking paycheck from week to week is in place
  • A system of incentives and rewards has been established for high paycheck earners
  • Teachers give dollars indiscriminately or as a tool for bribing students into compliance
  • Dollars taken away inappropriately or dollar amounts are extreme
  • Teachers rely solely on the paycheck system for management
  • A paycheck monitor has been established for every homeroom
  • Frequent errors in paycheck deductions occur
  • Student dollar amounts/paycheck detention are posted on an inconsistent basis
  • No system of tracking paycheck amounts has been implemented
  • No system for paycheck rewards and incentives has been implemented
  • Teachers give dollars indiscriminately or as a tool for bribing students into compliance or teachers do not give dollars, using the paycheck solely as a punitive measure
  • Dollars taken away inappropriately or dollar amounts are extreme
  • Teachers rely solely on the paycheck system for management
  • Paycheck monitors are not consistent from week
  • Frequent errors in paycheck deductions occur
  • Student dollar amounts/paycheck detention are not posted
  • No system of tracking paycheck amounts has been implemented
  • No system for paycheck rewards

Dress Code /
  • 100% Shirts tucked in
  • 100% uniform belts, shoes, pants, dresses
  • 100% Student jewelry tucked in; no bracelets and small earrings (size of quarter or less)—not DTMS
  • 100% No extras (coats, non-uniform sweaters, etc.)
  • Uniform discrepancies are identified and acted upon
  • 95% Shirts tucked in
  • 95% uniform belts, shoes, pants, dresses
  • 95% Student jewelry tucked in; no bracelets and small earrings (size of quarter or less)—not DTMS
  • 95% No extras (coats, non-uniform sweaters, etc.)
  • Uniform discrepancies are identified and acted upon
  • 90% Shirts tucked in
  • 90% uniform belts, shoes, pants, dresses
  • 90% Student jewelry tucked in; no bracelets and small earrings (size of quarter or less)—not DTMS
  • 90% No extras (coats, non-uniform sweaters, etc.)
  • Uniform discrepancies are identified and not acted upon
  • Less than 90% Shirts tucked in
  • Less than 90% uniform belts, shoes, pants, dresses
  • Less than 90% Student jewelry tucked in; no bracelets and small earrings (size of quarter or less)—not DTMS
  • Less than 90% No extras (coats, non-uniform sweaters, etc.)
  • Uniform discrepancies are not identified

Common Spaces / Common Spaces:
  • Bulletin boards are attractive and promote student learning and the school’s mission
  • Bulletin boards are updated (student work is no more 3 – 4 weeks old)
  • Clutter-free: bags, coats and other objects have a designated place
/ Common Spaces:
  • Bulletin boards are filled and promote student learning and the school’s mission
  • Mostly Clutter-free: almost all bags, coats and other objects have a designated place
/ Common Spaces:
  • Bulletin boards are inconsistently used to promote student learning/mission
  • Somewhat cluttered: some bags, coats and other objects do not have a designated place
/ Common Spaces:
  • Bulletin boards are inconsistently used to promote student learning/mission
  • Somewhat cluttered: some bags, coats and other objects do not have a designated place

TEACHER PROFICIENCIES / Advanced / Proficient / Working Towards / Needs Improvement
Positive Framing and Teacher Tone /
  • 90-100% of teachers are upbeat, positive, motivated, and inspiring in the classroom.
  • The general tone of classroom is efficient, respectful and positive.
  • Frequently narrates positive student behaviors (rather than calling out the negative) and uses praise, challenge and talking aspiration to motivate the students.
  • 75-90% of teachers are upbeat, positive, motivated, and inspiring in the classroom.
  • The general tone of the classroom is efficient, respectful and positive.
  • Narrates positive student behaviors (rather than calling out the negative) and uses praise, challenge and talking aspiration to motivate the students.
  • 60-75% of teachers are upbeat, positive, motivated, and inspiring in the classroom.
  • The general tone of the classroom is inconsistent in efficiency, respectfulness, and positivity.
  • Does not use positive framing OR Narrates negative student behaviors as often as positive, or teacher does not use positive framing inconsistently using praise, challenge or aspiration to motivate students.
  • Most teachers are uninspiring and/or negative in the classroom
  • The general tone of classroom is inefficient and/or negative.
  • Does not use positive framing, and does not work to motivate students.

Student Joy & Engagement /
  • Students seem to be joyful and excited to be in school
  • 90-100% of students are engaged in classroom activities.
  • Older students internalize and model behavioral expectations without teacher supervision.
  • 100% of students exhibit STARS or professional posture
  • Most students seem to be joyful and excited to be in school
  • 80-90% of students are engaged in classroom activities.
  • Older students internalize and model behavioral expectations with minimal teacher supervision.
  • 90% of students exhibit STARS or professional posture
  • While many students seem joyful, there are notable instances of student arguments and/or lack of joy
  • 70-80% of students are engaged in classroom activities.
  • The older students have not internalized behavioral expectations and are resistant to those expectations.
  • 70% of students exhibit STARS or professional posture
  • Students generally seem disinterested in school
  • Less than 70% of students are engaged in classroom activities.
  • The older students have not internalized behavioral expectations and are more resistant to those expectations than younger students
  • Less than 70% of students exhibit STARS or professional posture