JOB DESCRIPTION: Peer Recovery Specialist

The primary goal of the Peer Recovery Specialist position is to assist the Care Coordination Specialist, to engage and support individuals from a harm reduction perspective with their coordination of care needs upon discharge from Baltimore City’s Stabilization Center. The Stabilization Center, grounded in a public health framework provides an innovative way of dealing with substance use intoxication. The center will provide voluntary care for adults who are intoxicated and will operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.The Peer Recovery Specialist will provide effective and ethically appropriate services to clients that include peer advocacy, mentoring, coaching,support with maintaining wellness and recovery. To support this goal the following objectives/responsibilities must be achieved;

  • Provide case management for up to 30 days after discharge to ensure linkage to needed services, including behavioral health treatment, shelter assistance and health care
  • Meet with clients on an as-needed basis to provide ongoing assistance accessing services and coordinating care.
  • Builds relationships with addiction, mental health and homeless outreach providers, peer recovery supports and other community resources
  • Accompany participants to appointments in the community and provides support and advocacy as needed
  • Works in partnership with the Care Coordination Specialist to provide appropriate person-centered services to the client
  • Assists in the completion of client applications for entitlements and other programs as needed
  • Collaborate with stabilization center staff regarding discharge planning and after care follow-up for clients
  • Completes required documentation with timeliness and accuracy
  • Empower participants to become self-advocates for their own recovery/wellness
  • Maintains professional boundaries with clients, case manager, stabilization center staff and other outside agencies
  • Works with all clients from a strengths-based perspective, providing support and encouragement as they move forward in their recovery
  • Transports clients to follow-up appointments as needed
  • Works with homeless providers to assist clients with linking to recovery, transitional or permanent housing
  • Attend trainings and conferences as needed to improve skills when working with Stabilization Center clients
  • Perform other duties and assignments as required


Candidates must have a high school diploma but an associate degree is preferred.Peer support certification is preferred and must have a valid driver’s license.Candidates must have experiential expertise living with addiction and/or mental illness. The Candidate must have experience working with homeless individuals with addiction and/or mental illness in Baltimore City.