Occidental Arts and Ecology Center

Garden Internship Program Application


Permanent Address:


Email address:

Date of Birth:

Emergency contact (name, phone number, and relationship):

General Application Questions:

How did you hear about the OAEC?

Why are you interested in the Internship Program at OAEC?

How would this internship serve your life vision?

Describe your previous experience, if any, in community living and working situations?

Part of living at OAEC includes a commitment to keeping the facilities clean and beautiful. Do you take pleasure in keeping things organized and tidy? Tell us about your attention to details.

Do you have experience living in a rural setting? Please describe your experience.

Are you comfortable living a rustic back-county cabin by yourself?

We eat vegetarian meals together and rotate cooking responsibilities. What is your comfort level and experience with cooking for large groups of people?

Is there anything else about yourself that you would like to share so we have a better understanding of who you are?

Optional: Please include a photo of yourself - especially if you've visited. It helps us remember who you are.

Garden Internship

Address cover letter, Resume, and application to Michelle Vesser. If you have any questions prior to applying contact Michelle at: r (707) 874-1557 ext 114.

To be considered for a garden internship, you MUST attend at least one Garden Volunteer Day at OAEC. Garden Volunteer Day is every Wednesday

1. Why are you interested in applying for the Garden Internship?

2. How will you use your experience toward serving your future goals and aspirations?

3. What most excites you when working in a garden?

4. Please describe your previous experience, if any, in farming or gardening

5. Do you have experience coordinating or supervising groups of people? What has been enjoyable or challenging?

6. We work in all kinds of weather including rain and heat. Do you have experience with this or concerns?

7. Do you have experience with sustained physical labor and lifting heavy loads?
