Lancashire Physical Education Mark`


School URN
School Name and Address
School Contact Name
School Contact Number
Gold Award Application

Important Dates: The closing date for the applications is Friday June 27th 2014.

Email to

About your School

In order to be able to measure the information you provide, we need current and accurate information about the number of pupils in each year group by gender in your school.

How many pupils do you have in each year group?
Enter total number of pupils per year group by gender, put 0 if none
Year 1 / Year 1
Year 2 / Year 2
Year 3 / Year 3
Year 4 / Year 4
Year 5 / Year 5
Year 6 / Year 6

Achievement and the quality of provision in PE

Question 1.
How many pupils in Y6 can swim 25M?
Enter number of pupils by gender, put 0 if none
Year 6 / Year 6
Question 2.
How many pupils access 2 hours of curriculum PE in a typical week?
Enter total number of pupils per year group by gender, put 0 if none
Year 1 / Year 1
Year 2 / Year 2
Year 3 / Year 3
Year 4 / Year 4
Year 5 / Year 5
Year 6 / Year 6

Question 3.

Do all children have access to a broad and balanced PE curriculum that is designed to meet the range of pupils learning needs and is progressive in its design?

Yes / No

(Evidence required – curriculum map of activities across KS2 showing breadth and balance and any innovation)

Question 4. (For Silver and Gold Applications)

How does the subject leader ensure that the quality of teaching and learning continually improves so that all children make good progress and reach their full potential in the subject?

Out of Hours Activities

Question 5
How many pupils take up 1 additional hour of school sport provision on the school site in atypical week?
Enter number of pupil per year and gender
Year 1 / Year 1
Year 2 / Year 2
Year 3 / Year 3
Year 4 / Year 4
Year 5 / Year 5
Year 6 / Year 6
Question 6 (For Silver and Gold Applications)
Do teachers enhance pupils learning through the use of different mediums such as video, computers, ipads or other devices in PE?
If yes. How? (please give an example)

Question 7
What is the total number of pupils in each year group at KS2 who have taken part in a school games level 1 or Level 2competitions during this academic year?
Year 3 / Year 3
Year 4 / Year 4
Year 5 / Year 5
Year 6 / Year 6

Leadership and Management

Question 8
Do you have an assessment and tracking system that shows pupil progress from Year 1 – Year 6?
Please tick appropriate box
Yes / No
If yes please expand….

Question 9

What links does the school have with:-

  • Schools?
  • School sport partnerships?
  • Sport Development?
  • Local clubs?
  • External agencies, i.e. coaches, other organisations?

Agency / Links

Question 10

How have you used your school sport funding to impact on physical education?

What impact have you seen or expect to see?

Question 11

What are your three priorities for the development of PE from September 2014?

Self Assessment

Please read the statements below and decide which applies best to your school. In the evidence box write where the evidence can be found to support your self evaluation and this must be verified and signed by the Headteacher of the school.

Which of the following statements best describe the quality of leadership and management in PE in your school / Please tick which statement applies
Leaders articulate a clear vision for the subject. Self-evaluation and improvement planning are accurate and detailed. There is rigorous lesson monitoring of PE and staff training. PE makes an excellent contribution to whole school priorities. The new funding for PE is used exceptionally well to improve the quality of provision. There are highly productive partnerships with other schools and organisations.
Self-evaluation is accurate and informs detailed plans for improvement. The lesson monitoring is routine and well established in PE. Weaknesses are tackled through challenge and professional development tailored to staff needs. PE makes a good contribution to whole school priorities. The new funding is used well to improve the quality of provision. There are good partnerships with other schools and organisations.
Self-evaluation recognises the strengths of PE but does not identify what needs to be done to secure and sustain improvements. Assessment procedures for PE are underdeveloped or not applied consistently by all staff. PE makes some contribution to whole school priorities. The new funding is used to make some improvements to provision of PE. Staff benefit from some involvement in local training and networking and networking with other schools but wider partnerships limited.
Leaders do not have a clear vision for the subject. Self-evaluation and improvement planning lack rigour. Opportunities for professional development are limited.
There is no clear leadership or strategic planning to improve PE
PE makes no or minimal contribution to whole school priorities. The new funding is not used effectively to improve provision. Partnerships with schools and providers are underdeveloped.
Evidence to support your statement:
Headteacher signature

To attach with your application for the PE mark 2014

Curriculum map

PE development plan

Any further information that you feel will support your application.