Caitlin Copple, LLCLocation: (Missoula, Montana)

Caitlin Copple


Caitlin Copple, M.A., is a consultant with expertise in board development, volunteer engagement, fundraising, and communications planning, including developing social media strategies. Copple can help you develop a metrics-driven plan to take your organization to the next level and maximize your limited financial resources. Previously, Copple has worked with YWCA Missoula, NCBI Missoula, the Montana Innocence Project, Pride Foundation, and Philanthropy Northwest. Prior to working in the nonprofit sector, she was employed in newspaper and magazine journalism. She has a master’s degree in journalism from The University of Montana and serves on the Missoula City Council, where she chairs the economic development committee.

Consulting Services Description:

Caitlin Copple is available for a free phone consultation to discuss your organizations needs and recommend a customized plan of action that fits within your budgetary constraints.

Professional Affiliations and Licenses:

Editor, Montana/Wyoming E-Bulletin, Philanthropy Northwest

M.A. - The University of Montana, 2007

B.A. – The College of Idaho, 2004

Contact Information

Address:621 Fairview Ave.

City/Zip Missoula, MT59801

Office Phone: 406-493-4281

Mobile Phone: 406-493-4281



Social Networking: @caitlincopple on Twitter

Focus of Consulting Practice – Indicate whether each focus area below is Primary (P) or Secondary (S) – or leave it blank if you don't work in that focus area.

Advocacy/Public Policy: / S
Board Development& Governance: / S
Communications/Marketing/Public Relations: / P
Financial Management:
Fundraising/Fund Development: / P
Human Resources, inc. Volunteers: / S
Information Technology:
Management/Staff Development:
Organizational Change (mission/vision, restructuring, strategic alliances):
Organizational Planning (strategic, business, operational, and other forms of planning): / S
Program Planning/Design and Evaluation:
Other Practice Areas:

Types of Nonprofits Served

X All

Arts and Culture (museums, performing arts, historical societies)

Social/Human Services (food banks, shelters, and disability services)

Mental Health/Counseling (inc. domestic violence services) and substance abuse treatment

Health Services (hospitals and clinics)

Education (including private schools and home school associations)

Community/Economic Development (community centers and economic development agencies)

Philanthropy/Grantmaking/Fundraising (foundations and workplace giving campaigns)

Conservation/Natural Resources (land trusts, education/awareness)

Animal Services (shelter and adoption)


Service Area(s):

Are there limits to your service area (check all that apply)

 International

 National

X Statewide

 Within ___ Miles of my home community

 Only within my home community

 Other______

Experience Years in Consulting Practice: 1

Years as Nonprofit Staff: 6

Years as a Volunteer: 10

Type of Organization:

 For-profit Business (corporations, partnerships, sole proprietors)

X Nonprofit Organization
