Syllabus: WBIT 3500 Architecture and Operating Systems - Summer 2011 - Angkul Kongmunvattana

Instructor Information
·  Course: WBIT 3500 Architecture and Operating Systems
·  Angkul Kongmunvattana, Ph.D. (or Dr. K)
·  Associate Professor of Computer Science
·  Columbus State University
·  Email: (WebCT email preferred)
·  Phone: 706-565-3523
Important Dates
Please see for important WebBSIT dates.
Assessment Deadline Policies (Late Work)
Don't procrastinate! No late assignments will be accepted.
It is my strict policy not to accept late assignments. Exceptions will be made only under the most dire of circumstances. Note, however, that I am generous with partial credits, so turn in what you have.
Proctored Exams
There is no proctored exam in this class.
Course Objectives/Outcomes/Goals
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
·  Identify basic computer hardware components
·  Describe basic computer organization
·  Discuss the technological advances of computer architecture hardware
·  Explain computer operating system concepts
·  Recognize computer operating system components and their services
·  Discuss the evolution of computer operating systems from technical and historical perspectives
·  Identify and analyze resource allocation problems in a computer system
·  Differentiate various user demands on computer system resources
·  Demonstrate a capability to identify computer security threats
·  Recognize and apply CPU scheduling algorithms
·  Recognize and apply memory page replacement policies
·  Recognize and apply storage allocation methodologies
·  Recognize computer security mechanisms and apply computer security policies
·  Survey current literatures related to computer operating systems and analyze their contents
·  Summarize the current state of computer operating system technologies in their own words
·  Analyze and interpret the trends in computer operating system technologies
·  Describe ethical standards for IT professional
·  Discuss ethical issues related to computer operating system services
· Discuss technical and non-technical issues surrounding commodity computer hardware and computer software systems
· Write and present a term paper
Textbook Information
Title / Operating System Concepts
Author / Avi Silberschatz, Peter Galvin, and Greg Gange
Publisher / John Wiley & Sons
Edition/Year / 8th Edition, 2009
ISBN / 0-470-12872-0
Additional information / ·  Check WEBBSIT online bookstore for possible formats of the textbook (e.g., hardcopy or e-book).
·  WileyPLUS will NOT be used in this class.
Type / Recommended resource
Instructor Contact Policy
Email will be the official tool for contacting the instructor. The email policies for this class are as follows:
·  Students are required to use their WebCT email account for all communications.
·  Students are expected to check their email accounts on a daily basis.
·  The instructor will respond to student emails within 24 hours of receipt EXCEPT on holidays and weekend.
·  Follow-up to unanswered email is welcomed, as there are instances in which messages get “lost.”
You are welcome to use the discussion board for questions, however, if you need the instructor’s prompt feedback, please use the WebCT email.
I can also be reached by telephone at 706-565-3523 and by Internet email at . However, the WebCT email and discussion boards are the preferred means of communication.
Policy on Changes to the Syllabus
The instructor reserves the right to change the syllabus and class schedule, including assignments and tests with prior notice given to the class.
Class Cancellation Policy
While class cancellation does not apply to an asynchronous online course, should instructional delays occur due to server or connection problems or other unforeseen circumstances, we will endeavor to remain on schedule. Such remedies may include adjustments to due dates, online discussion or tutoring sessions, etc.
All students enrolled in the WebBSIT Program must verify their enrollment via WebCT Vista.
Enrollment verification information is provided to the Financial Aid Office of your home institution. To verify your enrollment you must log-in to each of your WebCT Vista courses by 5:00 PM on the first day of course instruction.
Consistent participation is required. Activities include, e-mail correspondence, discussion threads and study groups, assignment submissions, etc.
Withdrawal policy varies by institution. In general, students who stop attending class without a submission of the necessary withdrawal paperwork will receive an automatic grade of ‘F’. Students who withdraw after midterm will receive an automatic grade of ‘WF’. Withdrawal policy and procedures are published in the Academic Catalog of your consortium institution.
Students must log into each of their WebCT Vista courses by 5pm of the day classes begin (see Academic Calendar) to confirm their attendance. Remember, you are taking an online course and participation in the course is the only way the instructor can "see" you.
If you fail to log into your courses by 5pm of the day classes begin, or fail to complete course activities within a two-week period at any time during the semester, the instructor will consider your lack of activity as an indication of your intention not to continue in the course. At this point, the instructor may choose to remove you from group activities or interactions. Failure to participate without officially withdrawing from the course will result in a grade of F.
The special circumstances of taking a WebBSIT course demand regular and consistent participation. Be sure to pace yourself throughout the semester making sure your responses to communications and assignments are timely. If you are not able to participate in any assigned class activities, contact your instructor immediately.
A registered student, who has failed to attend class (in person or by electronic equivalent) by the final payment deadline for the term, is considered a “no show.” The “no show” student will be administratively withdrawn and will not be reinstated. The “no show” student is obligated to pay for all registration in effect at the end of drop-add even though he or she did not attend.
Academic Honesty
Unless otherwise indicated, all assignments, projects, examinations, etc are individual assessments and evidence of excessive collaboration between students will be treated as cheating. Note that representing the work of another is considered cheating. The usual penalty for cheating is an 'F' in the course.
Technology Requirements
Technology Requirements
Computers located in on-campus labs or libraries cannot be used as the primary computer resource for taking online classes. You will need the reasonably small suite of hardware and software listed below
Required Hardware:
·  Computer: A personal computer with Windows XP or higher, or a MacIntosh with OS X.
·  Sound: A sound card with speakers or headphones.
·  Monitor: A VGA (or equivalent) or better monitor.
Strongly Recommended Hardware:
·  Printer connected to the computer
·  CD-ROM drive
·  Microphone
Internet Connectivity:
·  Internet access. For a dial-up connection, at least a 56k modem is recommended. Slower dial-up connections will affect course performance. High speed Internet connectivity (cable or DSL) is strongly recommended.
Required Software:
·  Microsoft Office XP or beyond, including: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint
·  Web Browser: A JavaScript enabled Web browser. These include Netscape 7.1, Internet Explorer 6.0 or newer versions of either. (Note: Internet Service Providers [ISP] with proprietary browsers such as Prodigy or some versions of AOL, may have difficulty with JavaScript-based activities. Contact the ISP to determine if the browser will work with JavaScript.)
·  Virus protection software
·  Flash Player
·  Animations (Tutorials) used in this course require the installation of the cross-platform Flash Player.
o  Download Flash Player 8 for Windows or Macintosh
Assessment Policies and Grades
Your course grade will be calculated as follows:
10% Discussion Participation
10% Term Paper
30% Individual Assignments
25% Midterm Exam
25% Final Exam
Discussion participation will not be graded but it will count toward your class attendance.
All assignments, exams, and term paper will receive numerical grades.
All assignments, exams, and term paper may not be revised after the due date.
The grade you get is the grade you earn. There is NO do-over in the college-level study.
Course Description
This course introduces students to the architectures of computer systems and the operating systems that run on them. It explores and gives experience with some common computer designs and operating systems. Topics include basic computer architecture, instruction set architecture, memory, memory management, processes, and file systems.
Prerequisite: WBIT 1310 Programming & Problem Solving I
VISTA 8 Maintenance Schedule
Link to the University System of Georgia Vista Maintenance Schedule