Reaching the Unreached: Meeting of Southeast Asian Countries

to Achieve the EFA Goals Together by 2015

2 – 4 September 2008

Imperial Queen’s Park Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand

Meeting Organizers:

SEAMEO Secretariat, UNESCO Bangkok and ASEAN Secretariat



Day 1
Tuesday, 2 September
0730 - 0830 / REGISTRATION
0830 – 0945 / OPENING
  1. Remarks
  • Dato’ Dr Ahamad bin Sipon, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat
  • Dr Soeung Rathchavy, Deputy Secretary-General, ASEAN
  • Dr Sheldon Shaeffer, Director, UNESCO Bangkok –who has the copy?
  1. Introduction of participants
  • Country participants
  • INGOs/ EFA partners
  • Organizers
  1. Mechanics of the Meetingand Meeting Brief- Dr Wahdi SA Yudhi
Deputy Director for Programme and Development, SEAMEO Secretariat
  1. Photo Session
Master of Ceremony:
Ms Siti Mazlin Abdul Rahman, SEAMEO Secretariat
0945 - 1015 / Tea break
1015 – 1100
1100 – 1200 / PLENARY 1
Introduction and Overall Context of the Unreached Groups in Southeast Asia
Chair: Dr Sheldon Shaeffer, Director, UNESCO Bangkok
Speakers: Dr Ko-Chih Tung, Regional Advisor
Mr Nyi Nyi Thaung, Statistics Programme Specialist
Ms Leotes Lugo-Helin, Assistant Programme Specialist
  1. Who are the unreached?
  • Definition of the unreached
  • Classifications/ groups of unreached
  1. Where are they?
  2. What do we know about them?
  3. Highlights of EFA Mid-decade Assessment focusing on the attainment of SE Asia countries on the Unreached Population
Existing initiatives of EFA Partners and Insights on Good Practices of Country Representatives in Reaching the Unreached
Moderator:Dr Sheldon Shaeffer, Director, UNESCO Bangkok
Panelists (EFA Partners/Resource Persons)
  • Mr Ou Sokhim, Programme Coordinator for Inclusive Education
Disability Action Council, Cambodia
  • Dr Carl Grove, MLE and Language Policy Consultant
SIL International-Asia, Nepal
  • Mr Alain Souchard, Project Director, ATD Fourth World Thailand
  • Ms Maki Hayashikawa, Programme Specialist in Gender, UNESCO Bangkok
  • Dr Ko-Chih Tung, Regional Advisor, AIMS, UNESCO Bangkok
Panelists (SEAMEO Country Officials)
  • Mr Ou Eng, Deputy Director General of Education
Ministry of Education Youth and Sports, Cambodia
  • Dr Ir Harris Iskandar, Head of Center for Development of Non-formal and Informal Education Directorate General of Non-formal and Informal Education, Ministry of National Education, Indonesia
  • Dr Prapatpong Senarith, Advisor, Ministry of Education, Thailand
  • Mrs Yangxia Lee, Director General, Centre for Promotion of Education
Ministry of Education, Lao PDR
1200 – 1330 / Lunch at Parkview Restaurant, Ground Floor
1330 -1400
1400 - 1500 / WORKSHOP 1 - Setting Priorities
Give - What are our strengths and good practices?
Take - What are our remaining challenges that need to be addressed using strengths and good practices of others?
Lead Facilitator:Dr Tinsiri Siribodhi, Deputy Director for Administration and Communication, SEAMEO Secretariat
PART 1 – Country Work to determine “what to give” and “what to take”– to be typed
PART 2 – Gallery Walk, sharing and learning from each other
Summary sheets
1500 – 1530 / Tea break
1530 – 1630
1630 – 1700 / GROUP DISCUSSION on the results of Workshop 1
(in three groups with the High Officials as Chair)
  1. What are the areas of collaboration?
  2. Which unreached groups need priority attention?
  3. How will these groups be reached?
  4. Who will be involved? Which countries? Which EFA partners?
REPORTING on the results of group discussions– get from khun Su
Group 1(Unreached groups 3, 4 and 6)
Group 2 (Unreached groups 1, 2 9 and 10)
Group 3 (Unreached groups 5, 7 8 and 11)
1700 – 1715 / Announcements and Field Visit Mechanics
1900 / ReceptionDinner at Bangkok Panorama I, 3rdFloor
For participants observing the Ramadan, food service schedule is 0345 – 0430 at the respective hotel rooms
Day 2
Wednesday, 3 September
0800 - 1130 / FIELD VISIT
Group 1 - Foundation of the Welfare of the Crippled and SrisangwanSchool
Pak Kret, Nonthaburi(Unreached population group 6)
Coordinator: Ms Pranee Prakobdee, SEAMEO Secretariat
Group 2 - Ban Kru Noi, Rat BuranaBangkok(Unreached population groups 9 & 10)
Coordinator: Ms Tiraporn Tangkoskul, SEAMEO Secretariat
Group 3 - The Human Development Foundation and The Mercy Centre
Klong Toey, Bangkok(Unreached population groups 5, 7, 8 & 11)
Coordinator: Ms Pimratchada Patanasuthikul, SEAMEO Secretariat
1200 – 1300 / Lunch at Parkview Restaurant, Ground Floor
Sharing of observations and experiences
Facilitator:Mr Hameed Hakeem, Coordinator, APPEAL, UNESCO Bangkok
PART 1 (30 minutes) Group consolidation of observations and insights for reporting focusing on:
  • Insights gained (What are your thoughts about the underserved group/s that you visited and the ways in which they are being served?)
  • Applicability in your own country/organization (What good practices can you take and apply in your country/organization?)
  • Potential linkage with your own organization (What good practices in your country/organization would you like to share to the institution that you visited?)
  • Implications to the MOE and EFA partners (After your visit to an underserved group, what would you like to propose to the MOE and EFA partners to reach more of these disadvantaged sectors of the society, not only in Thailand, but also in your own country and the Southeast Asia region?
PART 2 – Group Reporting (30 minutes each group)
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
1500 – 1530 / Tea break
1530 – 1630 / Field visit debriefing continues
1900 / Dinner at Parkview Restaurant, Ground Floor


Day 3
Thursday, 4 September
0830 – 0945 / WORKSHOP 2 – Action Planning
Lead Facilitator: Dato’ Dr Ahamad bin Sipon, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat
Group Chair: High Officials
  1. What specific activities are identified?
  2. Who are involved? Which countries? Which EFA partners?
  3. Who are the stakeholders?
  4. What strategies, activities, tasks will be taken?
  5. What are the roles and responsibilities of each country/ stakeholder?
  6. What is the indicative timeframe?
  7. What are the major resources needed?
  8. What assumptions, issues and risks should be noted down?
Group 1a - Transition support for learners with disabilities
Group 1b - Tracking system for students at risk of dropping out
Group 1c - Conference to promote awareness of education for girls and women
Group 2a- Tracking mechanism for unreached populations
Group 2b- Pre-school programme for all
Group 2c- Multi-Grade Teaching
Group 2d - Development of more community-based learning centres in rural areas in Southeast Asia
Group 3a- Inter-country schooling programme for stateless and undocumented children (coordination between governments)
Group 3b- Project on HIV and AIDS using an Integrated Approach (providing education, care, treatment and counseling services to learners affected or infected by HIV and AIDS)
Group 3c- Education in emergencies and disaster preparedness
Group 3d - Learning and earning (literacy with livelihood component)
0945 - 1015 / Tea break
1015 – 1200 / Action planning continues
1200 – 1300 / Lunch at Parkview Restaurant, Ground Floor
1330 -1530 / PLENARY 2 - Presentation of Plans
Facilitator: Ms Mega Irena, Senior Officer, Human Development Unit
Bureau of Resources Development, ASEAN Secretariat
1530 – 1600 / Tea break
1600 -1630 / SUMMARY and CLOSING
Next Steps/Way Forward
  1. Wrap-up: Dr Wahdi SA Yudhi, Deputy Director for Programme and Development, SEAMEO Secretariat
  1. Reflections
  • Dr Nguyen Ngoc Hung, Deputy Director General, International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Education and Training Vietnam
  • Ms Raquel Castillo, Asia Policy Advocacy & Campaigns Coordinator, Asian
South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education (ASPBAE), the Philippines
  1. Closing Remarks: Dato’ Dr Ahamad bin Sipon, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat

1900 / Dinner at Parkview Restaurant, Ground Floor