Please print clearly
Street Address: / City: / State: / Zip
Home phone: / Work phone: / Cell phone:
E-mail: / Age: / Height: / Hair color:
Desired role(s): / Would you accept another role? / If so, which?
If not cast, would you like to work backstage
or in another support role for this production? / If yes, in which area(s)?

Previous acting, singing, dancing experience (or attach resume, if available):

Show / Role / Theatre

(Continue on back, if needed)

Availability:It is critical that this information be as complete as possible, since this director will schedule rehearsal times around the availability of the cast. Conflicts will notdisqualify you from being cast. We can work around many conflicts — but knowing in advance allows us to design a rehearsal schedule that works for everyone.
Are you available for all performance dates, YES
December 3 through 9 (except Monday, December 7)? NO / Can you make call times of 6:30 p.m. on weeknights? YES NO
Are you able to participate in a cast Christmas caroling engagement on Saturday, December 12 at 7pm? (not required) YES NO
Please list any conflicts between now and December 9:

NOTE: If you are cast, you must become a member of Newtown Arts Company for insurance purposes.Membership costs $25 per year and covers your entire family. Please initial here (a parentmust initial foractors under age 18).

Proceeds from our shows fund scholarships for young people studying

the performing and fine arts at the postsecondary level.

over, please

A Wonderful Life Audition Form (continued)

Special skills: (list any unusual skills such as accents, juggling, whistling,etc.)

Clothing sizes:

Pants (trousers) Shirts/blouses Dresses/skirt Coat

Suit coat Hat Shoe Sock T-shirt

Do you play a musical instrument?

Please name instrument and skill level (beginner, moderately well, well):

Do you have any experience or interest in tech work (lights and sound), set-building, backstage assistance, costumes, or other production skills? Please describe:

How did you hear about these auditions?



Friend or family member

Former cast member

Newtown Arts Company website

STAGEMagazine online





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