This policy has been developed to highlight the importance of confidentialityprovided by families and children that attend the service. It is essential that staff treat this information with respect and confidence.
Family, staff and children’s information is central to providing effective care to the children in the service. This information needs to be handled with respect and confidence and ensure that it will remain private.
Children and their families, staff and their families and contractors and their families.
The children’s service regulations 2004
Quality improvements & accreditation system – Quality practices guide, 2005
(QA 2; 2.1 – Staff and families communicate effectively to exchange information about each child and the centre)
(QA 3; 3.2 - Each child’s learning is documented and is used in planning the program)
This information will be in the policy folder


It is central that relationships are formed with each child and their family. Families disclose information that is private and sensitive to their families’ situation. As carers we need to develop effective communication with families, to support and understand each child in our care. Carers are entrusted with personal details and information that is to be treated with respect, discretion and at all times remains confidential. For the purpose of the centre information about children, families, staff and contractors need to be developed.

Policy Objective / Strategies
To ensure confidentiality about the records of the service. /
  • The computer is locked with a password.
  • All records of the service are located in particular areas to ensure no unauthorised contact is made.
  • Access to files via key only and are held by staff only.

All records that are maintained at the service about children, staff, families and contractors are kept safe and secure. /
  • Information obtained about children is kept private and confidential. The filing cabinet is locked.
  • The office is the central base for information about all stakeholders of the service, the office has a half door to prevent access to unauthorised persons
  • Office door to be closed at all times – to prevent access to unauthorised personnel.
  • All information whether verbal or written is treated with discretion

Information about children and their families within the service remains confidential /
  • Information obtained about children and families for the service is used for observation and guidance of the children, discussion of this information is for development purposes only.
  • Discussions are held with relevant stakeholders to ensure information that is passed on remains confidential.Discussions are held discreetly or further appointment time made.

Information about staff and their families within the service remains confidential /
  • Staff are respectful of fellow staff members information. This information is only used for centre purposes.

Information about contractors and their families remains confidential /
  • This information is only used for purposes of the centre.

Disclosure of child information to parents, guardians and authorised persons /
  • If staff are unaware of person, photo identification is sort.
  • If NO photo identification is available, person is required to show two other forms of identification, with at least one piece showing persons address. Clarification from parents will be sort over the phone with parent clarifying persons address and giving staff a description of person.
  • If conversation is over the phone and person cannot be detected, staff may ask for child’s date of birth or for persons to speak in person at service

Opportunities for private discussions between staff and families /
  • Meeting times each day between 10.00 – 11.00 & 1.30 – 2.00 or a mutually agreed time between parent and carer.
  • Allocated area – staff room for privacy
  • Concerns and complaints are respected and handled with respect and discretion. Concerns/complaints may be in the form of verbal or written.
  • Is a suggestion box in office for suggestions to be made discretely.


This policy may be reviewed at any time but unless otherwise requested at least every two (2) years from date of adoption.

Date implemented: December 2007

Reviewed: July 2009

Implemented: 10th July 2009

Version 2 Adopted: Council Meeting held 24 September 2009 (Minute No.292/09/2009)

Version 1 Adopted: Council Meeting held 23 April 2009 (Minute No: 10/04/2009 )