Project Choices:

1. Make a children’s book about the experiences Max and Kevin had in Freak the Mighty. Simplify

the story so that a child would understand it and enjoy it. It should be about fifteen (15) pages long.

Remember to include illustrations in your book. Be creative. It must look like a book and not just

handwritten notebook paper, i.e. cover, etc.

2. Kevin loved the idea of King Arthur and his knights going on quests. He and Max went on several

“quests” throughout the novel. Create your own quest that you would like to go on with a friend. Your

quest can be imaginary or realistic. Create a map of the quest and the stops made along the way.

Write your “experiences” and “adventures” in a journal describing the stops and tasks in the quest.

You must have, at least, ten (10) separate half-page entries in your journal.

3. Create a PowerPoint, Prezi, or some other type of presentation of Kevin’s dictionary and your new

words. In the book, Kevin keeps his own personal dictionary. Look at his dictionary in the back of the

book. Choose ten (10) of Kevin’s words and create a PowerPoint, Prezi, or some other type of

presentation. Include the word, Kevin’s definition, the actual definition from the dictionary, and then a

comment on why you think Kevin changed the definition to his particular definition instead of using the

real one. Then come up with five (5) words you put (or would put) in your OWN dictionary and do the

same thing for them. Be creative! The first ten (10) slides are Freak’s words, definitions, and your

opinion on why he chose those definitions. The last five (5) slides are YOUR words, made-up

definitions, and the reason why you gave the word that definition. You should have, at least, fifteen

(15) slides.

4. Make an illustration to go with the book. Choose a character or an event to illustrate. (NOTE: It

doesn’t have to be a drawing, but choose your images wisely (if you get them from the internet). Use

a lot of details if you draw it or if you illustrate it with images.

5. Create your own “dictionary” of words, like Freak’s in the back of the novel. Make up the

definitions to all the words you choose to add to your “dictionary.” You must have, at least, twenty

(20) words in your “dictionary.” Remember that words in dictionaries are listed alphabetically. Follow

this format for each word: Word: (part of speech – noun, verb, adjective, or adverb) then write your

definition. Write a sentence using the word.

6. Create a poster “advertising” the book. The poster could resemble a book cover, a movie poster,

or an advertisement poster. Be creative with your images and your words.

7. Construct a timeline of all of the important events in the book. Use pictures to illustrate and words to

describe the events.

8. Character Diary: Write a character diary, producing at least eight entries (1 paragraph) as if you

are the main character in the story. Include events that occur throughout the novel and reflect on how

they affected the character and why.

9. What did you think about the ending of this book? Did you like it or dislike it? Was it what you

expected? If you could rewrite the ending, what would happen in your version? Rewrite the ending of

the novel. This should be one-and-a-half pages long. Then spend a half-page, at least, explaining

why you ended the story the way you did. You should have at least two pages* when you’re done.

(50 points)

10. Newspaper Reporter: You are a reporter. Write a front page news story or a live report from a

scene in the novel (250‐word minimum). It must look like a front page of a newspaper.