From Your Catholic School Trustees

Esther O’Toole and Sharon Hobin

As we begin the Advent Season, we reflect on how we are preparing for the birth of Jesus.

In our schools, we pray daily, celebrate Masses and liturgies, and discuss what the birth of Christ means to all of us and how we can welcome Jesus into our hearts.

We know the madness of shopping and preparing our homes for Christmas and making sure that we look after those who are less fortunate than we are. So too our teachers and students in our schools are preparing for the birth of Jesus by reaching out to those less fortunate than they by supporting those in need like the St. Vincent DePaul Society or our local food banks. They are looking for Jesus in the people around them by respecting each other and negating the act of bullying. They gather to prepare in song and play, in Christmas concerts and school assemblies. By the end of Advent,the hearts of our students in our school communities are open to welcome Jesus into our lives and celebrate His birth.

Thank you to those of you who have worked so hard on behalf of our students to support activities in our schools since we began in September. For we know this work continues.

We look forward to the new year of 2018 with open hearts and the hope that we will see more peace in our world. We wish all of you a very happy and holy Christmas and the very best for 2018!

“Oh, come, little children, oh, come, one and all

To Bethlehem’s stable, in Bethlehem’s stall

And see with rejoicing the glorious sign

Our Father in heaven has sent us this night!

From our families to yours - Merry Christmas!