Master Gardener Advisory Committee Meeting – Monday,January 11, 2016
The evening started with a delicious potluck at 6:00 p.m. and was greatly enjoyed by all. The meeting was called to order by President, Rich Henderson at 6:30 p.m.
The October minutes were approved, but with the addition of Judy Gansemer also helping with the awards banquet. She took care of the food for it.
The treasurer report had a starting balance of $9,562.92 on October 1stand an ending balance on December 31st of $6,690.12. Proceeds for this period were from the plant sale, School 101 Grants, etc. and expenses were paid to the Iowa State Extension for materials/books for the MG trainee classes and for the awards banquet.
Review of events and activities
The following events or activities were discussed for additional leadership and/or help in organizing them. An accurate role description for each committee will be developed and each chairperson will receive an informational binder for that committee.
Plant Sales: Joe Timmerman reported he usually has lots of help for these. The Spring Sale is May 7th and the Fall Sale will be September 24th.
Standards Committee: Marv Stoffel leads this. This committee verifies MG hours, etc. There are 3 currently on medical.
Monthly Newsletter: Laura Klavitter does this now. Susan M. has offered to help her. The deadline to send the information to Laura for the newsletter is one week before the end of the month.
Lunch ‘N Learn and Monthly Workshops: Rick H. leads. Need someone to help with press releases. The workshops tie to the preceding Lunch ‘N Learn. The Lunch ‘N Learn Schedule was distributed for 2016.
Speakers Bureau: Have not had any requests for speakers lately. Laura Klavitter can help with the power points or possibly some of the new interns. We already have power points from all the previous Lunch ‘N Learns.
TH Monthly Article: Doug Cheever is leading. This will raise awareness about the MG Program, etc. in the community.
Photographers: Photographs document what we do and we can never have enough of these. These can be included with our power point presentations.
Call Center: Marv leads this. The call center is open on Mondays from 6 – 8 p.m. and Thursdays from 1 – 4 p.m. April through September. Open Thursdays only in October. Marv will get the schedule made up for this year.
Open House Events: Theisen’s will probably do it again in May. The Washington Street planting may need some weeding and Laura Klavitter will do it.
School Garden Program: Will have a meeting on a Tuesday in March from 4 – 7 p.m. at the extension office for interested schools to take the 101 Course. Mary Lou Baal will take care of the Holy Family Schools. It would be nice to have a MG mentor for each school. We currently have 5 schools signed up and all have gardens.
Master Gardener Course: This involves reviewing the applications, interview the interns, orientation, and help with the course and mentoring interns. Marv has done this in the past. We had 27 in the past class. We have a binder completed on this.
Marketing: Would like two individuals to market for all the events and activities throughout the year. Cheryl Sheldon will help with this.
Spring Seminar: Saturday, April 2nd 8 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Cost is $25 for MG and $35 for non MG. If MG sign up 2 non MG, then they will receive their ticket free. We have 16 sessions with speakers reserved. The 4th breakout sessions are all hands on. The keynote speaker is Beth Botts. She will have a book signing for her book, “Growing Green in a Changing Climate”. You can pay by check to the extension office or sign up online. Once you pay, you will then receive a link to register for your sessions. Volunteer sheets were distributed for the registration table, set up, tear down, table decorations, food for breaks and desserts, room hosts, and help with lunch. This has been promoted twice on the radio. Lunch will be from Panera Bread. Welcome any door prizes. The big door prizes will be drawn at the end. Bob Krapfl will donate his herb planter for $50 (which covers his materials).
Tour of Gardens: will start finalizing the gardens in a few months. Doug Cheever’s garden will be on tour. The tour is Saturday, June 25th and the pretour is on Saturday, June 18th.
Fall Picnic: Last Sunday in August is already reserved at the Arboretum. Judy Gansemer is the lead.
Awards Banquet: November 14th. Marv Stoffel and Judy Gansemer will do this again. NICC is not booked yet.
January Potluck and Planning Meeting: The potluck was wonderful. Will make this an annual event and have a potluck at each January Advisory Planning Meeting.
Trips to Areas of Interest: Would like to plan some trips as groups this year. Seed Savers would be fun. Some interns are working on a trip there. The Field Trip to Farm Tek is January 22nd at 1:00 p.m. If interested, meet at the Extension Office at 12:30 p.m. to carpool there.
New Business:
Projects asking for MG Assistance: Jane McCall talked about some projects needing our assistance such as the AY McDonald Park, Port of Dubuque, Eagle Point, NICC Gardens, etc. They would like some help with weeding/cleanup. Discussed tying in a workshop at Eagle Point Park for the May 4th Lunch ‘N Learn, “Planting for Butterflies and Pollinators”.
Reviewing Areas of Interest: Signup sheets were distributed.
MG Directory: Please update your information if needed. At our next meeting, new MG Information Sheets will be distributed.
Upcoming Events:
- January 12th, 5:30 p.m. at the Multicultural Center. Topic: What can be improved with our local foods? Laura has more information if interested.
- January 27th Symposium. Laura has more information if interested.
- Linn County MG Winter Gardening Fair, March 5th. Laura has brochures if interested.
- Tri-State Local Food Summit – February 6th, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. We have been invited to set up a booth. Contact Laura if interested.
Iowa State Fair: August. They are looking for volunteers.
Next Meeting: February 8, 2016 at 6 p.m. at the Dubuque County Extension Office.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Lou Ann Arensdorf