Fayetteville Academy Parent Association Monthly Meeting

September 11, 2017 8:15am

Welcome:Meeting called to order at 8:15 by Meredith Wiles.

Introduction of 2017-2018 officers:

Meredith Wiles, President

Lisa Forkin,

Amanda Baker,

Tiffany Myers,

Introduction of new faculty present:

Andrew Wright- Upper School Head

Dawn Burt- Interim Head of Lower School

FAPA Meeting Update Sheet disseminated with key dates and Upper, Middle, and Lower School updates.

Treasurer’s report- Tiffany Myers

FAPA account has a beginning balance of approximately $6000 for the 2017-2018 year.

$847 of that was from the first online spirit wear store sale of the year.

Head of School Report – Ray Quesnel

School year is off to a great start. We have 103 new students and 13 new faculty/staff. There was great attendance at the new parent orientation. The new internal marketing initiative is under way evidenced by SOARING signs displayed around campus. Baord of Trustees working on 3 and 5 year plans for strategic marketing initiatives, website update. Tennis Courts Parent/administrative meeting is tentatively planned for October 16.

LS/MS/US highlights provided

Committee Reports- Committees need volunteers. Anyone interested in a committee should contact a FAPA officer or the committee chair. Sign up sheets are also provided at the FAPA meeting or you can research the directory on RenWeb for chair contact information.

Movie Night- Jessica R. & Lindsey R. C0-Chairs.

September 23, 2017, 6pm. Students, Family and Friends welcome to come watch the Secret Life of Pets. Flyers to go home. Food trucks will be present. Please bring your own seating.

Big Buddies/Little Buddies- Jordon Capps, Chair- This is the second year of this teacher/student led project. 1st and 7th graders will be paired up. 2nd and 8th graders who had a buddy last year will be together again. Hoping to have 2 additional projects this year.

Military Appreciation- Alma Beuard, Chair- Two events coming up. Veterans Day in November and the Spring breakfast.

Incentive/Box tops- Jessica Rose, Chair- $426 from the end of the year submission will be coming to the school soon. 1st submission is November 1. Please put box tops on the sheets provided. This makes the tops easier to count and turn in. Second submission is April 1.

Field Day- Kelly Stout, Chair- Held in May. Sign up to help.

Fine Arts- Kris T/ Jordan Capps- Fine Arts Department working on calendar event dates.

Hospitality- Molly Alderman, Chair- Please sign up to help. This committee handles behind the scenes set up for events; refreshments, flowers, etc.

Teacher Appreciation- Mary Jon Barkman, Chair- Two events; Christmas breakfast and Teacher Appreciation Luncheon. Parents usually provide food. Parent food donations allow for monetary gifts to teachers. Teacher Favorite lists can be found in the front office in a notebook. Help is appreciated on the committee!

Spirit Wear- Emily Schaefer, Chair. - Next Spirit Wear store TBA. Considering an order of the SOARING shirts to support new marketing intiatives. SPIRIT ROCK reservations are available in the FA parents link on the website.

Graduation Reception- Amy Perko, Chair- Long way off, but will be seeking volunteers!

New Business

Business Book vs. Calendar- Last year FAPA compiled a ‘parent business book’ as an opportunity for FA family to advertise their businesses. This year FAPA is considering a calendar with key dates listed.

Town Hall Meetings- Quarterly, evening, town hall FAPA meetings will be new this year. Dates TBA, however the first meeting may coincide with the Oct. 16th Administration/Parent meeting.

Announcements- Please ‘like’ the Fayetteville Academy Facebook page and ‘like’ the Duck Donuts promotion re-shared on the page. The school with the most likes for the month will win donuts for their teachers!

Additional Event ideas are always welcome. Please contact a FAPA officer.

Next meeting – October 2nd, 2017. 8:15am in the cafeteria.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:55am.