(Rev. 9-02)

I. Review

A. Pass out the nametags.

B. What did we talk about last time? (Feelings) Does everyone have the same feelings? (No)

II. Overview

A. We are going to discuss feelings we have about ourselves today.

III. Program

A. Let’s take out our happy/sad faces from last time. Make a happy or sad face to show the way you would feel if you did these things:

1. Help my friend.

2. Hit my friend.

3. Kick a homerun during the kickball game.

4. Take cuts in the four-square line.

5. Kick the ball away from classmates during a dodgeball game.

6. Help a classmate with a amth paper.

7. Hide a classmate’s glasses.

8. Finish a reading assignment early.

9. Do an art project.

B. Many times people are happy with themselves. Many times the same people are unhappy with themselves. That happens to everyone.

C. Feelings Chart. On this chart I have four sentences. Each one has a blank space into which one word will fit. The same word will fit into each of the four sentences. (Read the sentence saying “Blank” where appropriate.) What one word would fit into each of these sentences? (feelings)

D. Write feelings in the first blank and read the sentence out loud. Do the same for the rest of the sentences.

E. Let’s look at the third sentence. Feelings are based upon a past experience. There was a boy named Jack. When he was three years old, his mother took him to a park. A big black dog ran up and jumped on him, knocking him down. He was not hurt, but he cried. How did Jack feel about dogs after that? (afraid)

F. On the other hand, there was a boy named David. When David was three years old, his parents gave him a puppy and David and the puppy grew up together. David played with his dog, loved it, and took it everywhere. How did David feel about dogs? (Liked them) Jack and David feel differently about dogs because of what happened to them when they were very young.

G. Now what if Jack’s parents decided to give him a puppy when he was 10 years old. He played with the puppy, took it for walks, and the puppy followed Jack everywhere. How would Jack feel about dogs now? (Might like them) So Jack’s feelings about dogs changed. Will he like all dogs now? (Maybe yes, maybe no) The important thing to remember is that feelings can change.

IV. Evaluate

A. Think of something you once were afraid of but you are not any more. Who wants to tell us their experience?

V. Summary

A. We all have feelings. Sometimes our feelings change. There is nothing wrong with changing your feelings.


1. Feelings Chart (In with the posters)

2. Erasable marker

Purpose: To have the children understand that their feelings can change, and that is okay.


1. The child will be able to recognize their feelings when given a certain situations.

2. The child will learn that their feelings can change.