Midterm Minutes

January 11, 2014

Call to Order at 8:45 Meeting called to order by Pat and Jacquie

O’Canada lead by Young Guns team

Kin Song- led by groups 1,2,3,4 rap, gospel, country and 80’s rock

Moment of Silence for departed Kin, family, and friends

Address to the Chair: Govs Pat and Jacquie, the best half is yet to come!

Governors’ Welcome! Governors shared thoughts on some of the highlights for the first half of the year. Through the weekend we are looking to bond and get pumped about the rest of the year.


MaKIN Love Team – Jacquie & Patrick

  • Rock paper scissors challenge for seating and peer introductions.


  • Young Guns Team- Al & Cathleen team introduced.

Additions to the Agenda- Foundation added

Approval of the Agenda- Dean motioned to adopt the agenda as amended; Cam seconded. All in favor.

Approval of Pre-Term Minutes- Kelli motioned to adopt the minutes of preterm as printed; Denea seconded. All in Favor.

Old Business- nothing brought forward.

Coordinator – Susan Dickson—games, housecoats- costumes on before dinner. Susan outline the plan for evening activities: one word and making deals games tonight.

Public Speaking- what Kin means to you, The project you are Most Proud of, Favorite Kin Moment, Relationship in Life One minute speech.

Wellness Break 10:30-10:45

Strategic Planning group – John Baker

Feedback session/ Focus Group-

Discussion- vision on Strong, healthy, and engaged communities

Mission: Volunteers enriching Canadian Communities through community service, leadership, and partnering.

How relevant is this vision and mission for Kin Canada over the next five years?

How does this vision and mission differentiate Kin Canada from other organizations?

  • Canadian volunteers enriching communities
  • Strong/ Healthy- vague words, catch all -> vibrant communities might better describe what we want to achieve.
  • Are these factors measurable?
  • Vision and mission does not make us unique.
  • Developing leaders rather than leadership
  • Diversity
  • Missing a feel good component
  • Fellowship missing in the mission- members are joining for service and fellowship.
  • Missing “Kin” and Kin means family- that is what differentiates us from other groups.
  • Engaged- does that word reflect what we are really looking for?
  • Needs to be memorable and easy off the tongue

Core Values

  • Community Service
  • Respect
  • Family
  • Pride & Passion
  • Fellowship
  • Personal Development
  • Trust
  • Compassion
  • honesty
  • Integrity
  • Approachable
  • Positive change is attainable
  • Diversity/ equality
  • Inclusive
  • Partnership/ collaboration with service community and business
  • Democracy
  • Community service
  • Canadian pride
  • Service
  • Grassroots
  • Fundraising

How can Kin Canada best support what we do locally?

  • Marketing/ promoting/ advertising
  • Make the processes, consistent, and simple to follow. SIMPLIFY!
  • Strength focused, club focused. Member focused
  • Sustainability
  • More interested in the club level, engagement
  • Redefining deadlines
  • Guidelines and standards for conflict resolution.
  • Engagement strategies
  • User friendly website
  • Modernize the organization.
  • Build a positive relationship between the clubs and national.
  • Transparency
  • Branding and marketing
  • Create a partnership with a media conglomerate
  • Recognize and assist with recruitment at a local level.
  • Training

Feedback will go back to National body in February.

Time frame: 3 months to complete the business planning.

LUNCH 12:15-12:45

FLC Financial Reports:

Edmonton Kinettes- added VIP draw but were hit with some unexpected costs. Overall gain of $418.73. Amazing race was a positive event and resulted in strong learning opportunities. Thanks to the host committee for working on the event. Gains under $500 go back to the club.

High River Kinsmen- Did continue on with the FLC? Profit $1217

$717 goes back to the district. Meeting room costs were waved and bulletins were donated. They were also able to run their own bar. Club also had a hospitality room. Turnout was positive. Next Kinsmen FLC is in Brooks. Pat gave thanks to Adrian, Gail, Al, Rob for helping out so much to make the event memorable. Did a clean up at the park during the event.

Very positive FLC’s

KicKIN It Up – Financial Report – Pam and Rob Moncrieff

Currently surplus is $9300 – total is not finalized.

Service Director – Lisa Maggrah – Thank you for the hard work you are doing in keeping track of the clubs. As the year progresses this is opportunity to have fun. A focus on the service and celebrating the work done by the clubs. Hopes for every club to donate something to CF to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our commitment to CF.

District reporting- Community service is broken out on the DG summary forms and taking the opportunity to showcase those efforts. Take the opportunity for celebrating the work for a cure for CF and celebrating our service work in the community. Great stride walks are coming up in May. There will be some challenges put out for Kin teams.

DG’s remember to get the reporting forms from the clubs. Service hours—every hour is = to $20 so please encourage clubs to report the service hours completed.

Let Lisa know about your projects. West Jet has donated two round trip tickets to where ever they fly. Pat has some pins, Kirk has two sets. Lisa does the remainder. At this point the pins are almost sold out.

Spring Zones

  • Dates/Locations- everyone has a date.

Spring Zone Dates:

  • March 1- Zone F in Coaldale
  • March 8- Zone B in Edmonton
  • March 15- Zone Zone A in Slave Lake(Pat) and Zone D in RD (Jacquie)
  • March 22- Zone G in Hinton (Pat)
  • March 29- open for Zone C
  • April 5- “O” Zone in Airdrie
  • Agendas- sample agenda- Kin Canada successful zone manual has this available. You can add things to make the event exciting; extra things can add to the event.

Sample Agenda

Call meeting to order


Kinsmen/Kinette/Kin Song


rules of order secretary



Chair’s remarks

Speaking competition

Minutes of past zone conferences


Presidents’ reports

Deputy governor's report

District representative’s remarks

Old business

New business

Nominations report

Presentation of bids for next zone conference

Election of site for next zone conference

Presentations of candidates for deputy governor

Election of deputy governor

acceptance speeches


Remarks of deputy governor

Sergeant-at-Arms report

Host club final remarks

Deputy Governor’s final remarks


  • Wear your tie die shirt at Zones
  • Pick a rules of order chair and delegate a secretary
  • Time cards for public speaking and rules (current criteria) 2 winners can move forward to Districts.
  • Ensure that the forms for the incoming DG’s to sign are available
  • Work with the host club to make the event fun
  • Resolutions- no resolutions at this time but there will be resolutions coming forward
  • DG Recruitment- have conversations with potential candidates, and promote. If you have suggestions Al and Cathleen can talk to them about running. Campus club members can run. Talk about the opportunity to attend DLS.
  • Awards-Pam and Rob, Promote, promote, promote Quick reference list provided. Let Pam and Rob know the recipients of awards. Check Zone by laws for special zone awards.
  • List of what awards need collection will be sent out to the DG’s
  • If banners are full there will be a move to plaques.
  • Kin Pride award. DG’s can create questions- we only have about half of the clubs participating at this time. Question- Do we want to continue? Extension discussed. Extend to the end of the month. DG’s to e-mail questions to Pam and Rob. Prize?
  • Lisa motioned that the prize be registration for district convention, Kerri seconded. Discussion. Doug amended the motion to add to it for a second registration for a new member who has not previously attended to be paid for by the Makin Love Team. Mimmi seconded the amendment. Carried
  • Bulletins- Corie – Corie will send out a package to the DGs.
  • Conflict Resolution- Building bridges presentation.
  • Membership Director – Cameron Kemp – First exciting thing -+21 from the U of A, gained Smokey Lake, +23, U of C campus club approved +15, Former Edmonton Kinette looking at a Beaumont club. Currently have 12 women interested- will be having an informational meeting.
  • Will be giving the, “I gave the gift of Kin” t-shirt or Hoodie. Separate Shirt for new charter members.
  • Positive feedback from Kinsipration- will be doing that again. The DG’s are encouraged to talk to the clubs about mentioning / recognizing someone.
  • Remembering healthy, happy clubs are going to grow

National Kinvention. Toronto, ON

Hollywood North Theme. Meeting is shortened by a day.

No issues/Resolutions at this time.


  • There are funds available: $10, 420 which needs to be allocated by May 1.
  • Requirement to report where the moneys went. There is an application process posted on the website. Applications to be submitted by March 1, 2014
  • Can be used for enhancement in the community and funds must be used in Alberta.
  • Will be looking for additional members. Meet once a month on a conference call. Goal for succession planning.
  • Implemented a new software program to issue tax receipts

Vice Governors – Al and Cathleen

  • Proposed 2014-2015 Budget- intend to hold the dues. District financials are in a good condition
  • Working on clothing and a motto
  • April 12 is DLS at Camp Ursa.
  • Kin College Sept 26-28 Camp Ursa
  • Highlights for year ahead
  • DG recruitment- pass forward names for potential DG’s

Executive will breakout with incoming Executive and DG’s meet with Pat and Jacquie downstairs for updates

Meeting called to order at 9:05

Zone Issues- very important that the DG’s know what is out there to be able to get to the clubs. Ie: rejuvenation series, healthy tool kit, DG’s are a great liaison for the getting out the communication.

Awards information,

Fun education is encouraged.

If you are unsure or what can bring forward to the members please consult with members of the executive.

Discussion around communication with Dawson Creek.

Sharing on ways to connect with clubs that are not communicating.

Where is time being focused- on the 5% that are not complying or the 95% that are doing well. Messaging others in the club.

With clubs that are not in good standing- send items to the whole club, If the club is not in good standing.

Opportunities to draw on others to help out: Pam and Robb, others on the team, others on the district.


District Convention Presentation –Provost Kinsmen

Budget- discussion- Dean motioned to accept the budget as presented. Denea seconded

Itinerary- meetings start at 1:00 pm Incoming and outgoing, kiss and cry dinner 6:00 pm, 9:00pm opening convention. (Bussing to the convention hall) Red and white day. (Red, White and Pink)

Proxies-DG’s will want to get proxies for all clubs- if you have one from each club they can be relinquished if club members can attend.

Registration- $185

Expectation- be in attendance / do not get too inebriated

Dress- pink shirt, Saturday – jersey; dress up on Saturday night- formal communication to follow


Roundtable for idea sharing

Discussion – service/ awards dinner

Friday- education day- DG’s in the crowd. Saturday- Dg’s at front.

Discussion on keeping the meeting interactive

Credentials- one morning is current DG’s and Outgoing the next morning

Unfinished Business/Parking Lot

Wrap It Up:

Good of Kin- $1000 to High River from Mayerthorpe Kinettes

April 12- Davina’s Life membership

District Curling- two weeks District curling will be held in Cochrane and is hosted by the Stampede City Kinsmen. Email : Bob

Feb. 8 – Curling Lethbridge – encouraging a strong Kin contingency

Feb 8 – Ladies Night Medicine Hat

April 20- Lethbridge Ladies Night

Feb 22- Mayerthorpe Ladies night- looking for additional performers

Feb 22- Slave Lake Princess Ball

June 7 Edmonton Kinettes 50th anniversary

April 26- Spring fling Edmonton Roaring 20’s

Sgt. At Arms- Rob presented levied fines. Sgt. @ Arms collected $55.90 with proceeds going to STARS.


Round Table

Adjournment 12:00 noon, clean-up

Pam motioned for adjournment. All in favour. Meeting closed at 12:15.