Cover letter for practical training

Addressed to: organizations concerned in practical training for students of SRD study field, FTA CULS


Day Month, 2016

Subject: Practical training for students of master programme “Sustainable Rural Development”

at Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences of the Czech University ofLife Sciences in Prague

Dear partners,

practical training is a very important part of the master programme “Sustainable Rural Development (SRD)”. It should be completed in companies, governmental or nongovernmentalinstitutions which are active in the sphere of technological development, development cooperation,rural development and agriculture.

The main goal of the training is to provide students with the insight into problems of companyorganization and management, to familiarize them with exigencies of the workplace and enablethem to gain an overview of the implementation of daily operational tasks and exercises. Studentsshould actively participate in organization’s activities and use best efforts to assist in solving specifictasks using the knowledge and skills they have acquired while studying at university. Apart fromalready mentioned the training should contribute to the elaboration of master’s thesis through e.g.obtaining useful materials or data, performing analyses or proposing alternative solutions.

The result should be a mutual cooperation when, on one hand, students enrich their theoretical knowledge with practical experience, on the other hand, the organization may use professional andtechnological potential of the university and work effort and enthusiasm of our students.

Let me also mention that CULS students sent to the practical training within their studies are insuredby the insurance company Kooperativa pojistovna, a.s., insurance contract No. 7720707919. Theinsurance covers liability for damage caused by a student or to a student during a practical trainingcompleted by other legal or natural person.

I would like to express my thanks in advance for all your help of the student practical training.


Jana Mazancova, Ph.D.

Guarantor for Practical training