CV of Dr. Pradip Basu

  1. Name: Dr. Pradip Basu

II. Father’s Name: Late Dr. KalidasBasu

Mother’s Name: Late Dr. BaniBasu

  1. Sex: M

IV. Date of Birth: 1st July 1957

V. Qualification: M.A. (Political Science), University of Calcutta;

Ph.D. (Political Science), University of Calcutta;

VI. Scholarships and Positions:

1. National Scholarship for H.S. Exam, 1973 [Government of India].

2. Birla Centenary Scholarship for B.A. Honours Part I Exam, 1979.

3. Secured highest marks in M.A. Exam, 1982 [University of Calcutta].

4. Qualified N.E.T. for J.R.F. of U.G.C., 1984.

VII. Current Designation:

  1. Professor of Political Science, Presidency University, Calcutta.
  2. Guest Lecturer in the Post-Graduate Department of Political Science,

Calcutta University.


1. Institution:Presidency University, 86/1, College Street, Kolkata - 700 073, West Bengal,India;

2. Residence: Basona Housing Complex, 30, NagerBazar Road, Flats Nos. B/5 and B/7, NagerBazar, Dum Dum, Kolkata 700 074,West Bengal, India.

3. Mobile Phone No. 09836154165.

4. EmailAddress :, ,

IX. Teaching experience:

  1. UG: 27 Years (from 05.09.1985 to 18.06.2012, served Scottish Church College as a Full-Time Permanent Faculty in Political Science). I used to teach Western Political Thought, Political Theory, Marxism, Indian Politics.

2. PG:

i. Nearly 2 Years (26.02.1985 – 25.11.1986) - former Guest Lecturer in the Post-Graduate

Department of Political Science, Kalyani University, West Bengal. Taught Behavioural

Theory of Political Development, Political Modernization, Indian Political Thought.

ii. W.e.f. 6 July 2010, Guest Lecturer in the Post-Graduate Department of Political Science,

Calcutta University. I teach parts of the special paper, ‘Socialism: Theory and Practice’

inM.A. second year.

  1. W.e.f. 24September 2010 till June 2012, Guest Lecturer in the Post-Graduate

Department of Philosophy, Calcutta University. I used to teach special paper,

‘Political Philosophy’ – Marx’s Civil War in Franceand then Herbert Marcuse’s

Reason and Revolution in M.A. second year.

  1. W.e.f. 19 June 2012, Professor of Philosophy, Presidency University. I teach Marxism,

Gramsci, Foucault, Kant, Hegel, Habermasin PG classes.

  • I presented papers and delivered lectures as resource person in seminars, refresher courses

of college teachers, workshops, course work of Ph.D. scholars etc on Naxalism, postmodernism,

post-structuralism, postcolonialism, Gramsci, Bentham’s utilitarian ethics, Foucault’s Power,

etc in the departments of Political Science, Philosophy, South and South Asian Studies,

Sociology etc at Calcutta University, Jadavpur University, CSSSC, ‘Samaj O Chinta’,

Osmania University etc.

X. Research Experience:

  1. During Ph.D.:

Research Scholar for Ph.D. at the Center for Studies in Social Sciences, Calcutta (CSSSC) for 1 year (01.07.1984 – 04.09.1985).Topic:‘The Naxalite Theory of State and Revolution: A Critical Review’.

  1. During Ph.D.:

Doctoral Teacher Fellow of Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) for 3 years (01.10.1988 – 30.09.1991).

Topic: ‘Maoism in West Bengal, 1953-1967 : A Critical Study’, Year of the award of degree: 1996.

Name of the University: University of Calcutta.

My Ph.D. Supervisor: Dr. ParthaChatterjee, CSSSC.

  • Inmy youth I was involved in Naxalitepolitics (1974-1981). This direct experience helped me to enrich my theoretical conception about this movement.
  • At present I supervise a Ph.D. research (University of Calcutta) on CharuMajumder, the Naxalite leader: the Role of Individual in History – A Critical Evaluation.
  1. After Ph.D.:

a)On informal and personal initiative: for last 16 years, I have been working on Marxism, Naxalite politics, Postmodernism, Post-Structuralism, Postcolonialism, Deconstruction.

b)I finished and submitted Minor Research Project of UGC for 2 years (2008-2010). Topic: ‘Political Implications of Derrida’s Deconstruction’.

XI. Editing Experience:

  • I was the Founder & Chief Editor, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences,ISSN 0973-8738

a refereed academic journal annually published by the Scottish Church College,

since 2004. Its Advisory Board includes: AmartyaSen, AshisNandy, Partha

Chatterjee, GayatriChakravortySpivak, DipeshChakrabarty, AmiyaBagchi,

ShefaliMoitra, SukumariBhattacharjee, Manas Ray, Alok Ray, Ramkrishna

Bhattacharya, Arup Mallik, Asghar Ali Engineer, BinayBhushanChaudhuri,

SobhanlalDattaGupta,Suranjan Das, Late KalyanSanyal, Dipak Das.Now that I

have left Scottish and joined Presidency, I resigned as the Chief Editor and

am now a Member of the Editorial Board of this journal.

  • Many foreign and Indian scholars contribute original research papers to this

journal. It also published interviews of many renowned scholars.

  • As the Chief Editor of this journal, I organized an international symposium for

2 days [20 June 2008 and 10 July 2008] in which scholars from Princeton

University, University of Pennsylvania, Indiana University, University College

London, Chapman University, University of California, Columbia University,

etc and one scholar from Argentina, participated.

  • I edited The Scottish Herald, the Scottish Church College Newsletter.

XII. Experience as Convenor:

  • Founder-Convenor of an academic seminar society (estd.1991), ‘Samaj O Chinta’.

So far 110 seminars in Bengali have been organized. Among speakers were Partha

Chatterjee, GayatriChakravortySpivak, KalyanSanyal, Dipak Das, TapanChattopadhyay,

LateBuddhadeb Bhattacharya, SobhanlalDatta Gupta, SanjeebMukherjee, Shubhendu

Dasgupta, ShefaliMoitra, AmlanDasgupta, and many other eminent intellectuals.

XIII. Brief Biographical Note:

Research: from 1984 Research Scholar for Ph.D. at CSSSC for 1 year. Topic: Naxalite Theory. Then, Doctoral Teacher Fellow of ICSSR (1988 –1991). Topic: Maoism in West Bengal. Ph.D. awarded in 1996 (University of Calcutta; Supervisor: Dr. Partha Chatterjee). Minor Research Project of UGC (2008-2010) on Derrida’s Deconstruction.

Teaching: from 1985 for nearly 2 years Guest Lecturer in Kalyani University. During 1985-2012, taught Political Science in Scottish Church College (Calcutta University); from 2010- 2012, Guest Lecturer in Philosophy, Calcutta University. From 2010 till now, Guest Lecturer in Political Science, Calcutta University.Joined Presidency University in June 2012.

Teaching Areas:

Western Political Thought, Marxism and Neo-Marxism, Socialism: Theory and Practice, Post-Structuralism, Indian Politics.

Postgraduate Supervision

  • At present I supervise a Ph.D. research (University of Calcutta) on ‘CharuMajumder, the Naxalite leader: the Role of the Individual in History – A Critical Evaluation’.

XIV. Publications:

Articles/ Research Papers:

  • I published both in English and Bengali research papers and articles in several edited

volumes, academic journals etc on Naxalism, postmodernism, post-structuralism,

postcolonialism, Krishnachandra Bhattacharya,Gramsci,Bentham’s utilitarian ethics,

Feminism, Otherness, Foucault’s Power, Derrida’s Deconstruction, Human Rights,

Colonial Modernity, etc. Also contributed an Occasional Paper on Governance

and Naxalite movement in the department of Political Science, University of

Calcutta [UGC, DSA].


  1. Naxalbari-r Purbakshan: Kichhu Postmodern Bhabna (Kolkata: Progressive Publishers), 1998 (Bengali).ISBN 81-86383-59-X
  2. Towards Naxalbari (1953 -- 1967): An Account of Inner-Party Ideological Struggle (Kolkata: Progressive Publishers), 2000 [based on my Ph.D. Dissertation]. ISBN 81-86383-76-X
  3. Uttar AdhunikRajniti O Marxbad (Kolkata: PustakBipani), 2005 (Bengali). ISBN 81-85471-95-9
  4. Postmodernism, Marxism, Postcolonialism (West Bengal: Avenel Press), 2010. ISBN 81-902529-6-8
  5. (Ed.) Discourses onNaxalite Movement(1967-2009) (Kolkata: SetuPrakashani), 2010 [consists of 33 original research papers contributed by foreign and Indian scholars]. ISBN 978-93-80677-00-2
  6. Uttar AdhunikRajniti (Kolkata: Sahityalok), 2010 (Bengali). ISBN 81-86946-23-3
  7. (Ed.) Avenel Companion to Modern Social Theorists (Avenel) 2011[consists of 26 original research papers contributed by foreign and Indian scholars]. ISBN 978-93-80761-14-5.
  8. (Ed.) Colonial Modernity: Indian Perspectives (Setu) 2011[consists of 16 original research papers contributed by foreign and Indian scholars]. ISBN 978-93-80677-13-2
  9. (Ed.) Red on Silver:Naxalites in Cinema (Setu) 2012 [consists of 27 original research papers contributed by foreign and Indian scholars]. ISBN 978-93-80677-22-4
  10. (Ed.) Modern Social Thinkers (Setu) 2012 [consists of 20 original research papers contributed by foreign and Indian scholars]. ISBN 978-93-80677-26-2
  11. (Ed.) MononeSrijoneNaxalbari: BangalirSanskritikAnusandhan (Setu) 2012 (Bengali) [consists of 20 original research papers contributed by Bengali scholars].ISBN 978-93-80677-32-3


GENERALLY,Naxalite movement,poststructuralism, Derridean Deconstruction,



(a)critiqueof Naxalism in the perspectives of New Theories like subaltern studies, postcolonialism of

Said, Spivak, Partha Chatterjee, DipeshChakrabarty, AshisNandy, Bhabha, postmodernism,

poststructuralism, Deconstruction, feminism,Gramsci, Althusser, Colonial Modernity, postmarxism of

Laclau-Mouffe, postmodern Marxism of Wolff,Resnick,Cullenberg,neo-Marxism of Jameson,

(b)critiqueof Naxalismin the perspectives of New Social Issues such as caste,tribe,human rights,

ecology,gender,migration,statelesscitizens,politicalsociety,civil society, child labour, migrants, LGBT,etc.

Recently I am editing the following books:

  1. The Oxford Reader on Naxalism, OUP, New Delhi
  2. Critique of Naxalism: Post-structuralist Perspectives. Routledge, New Delhi
  3. Critique of Naxalism: Postcolonial Perspectives. Cambridge University Press, New Delhi
  4. Critique of Naxalism: from the Perspective of Subaltern Studies School, SetuPrakashani, Kolkata & New Delhi
  5. Political Sociology, SetuPrakashani,Kolkata & New Delhi
  6. Social Theorists of Modern Times, SetuPrakashani,Kolkata & New Delhi


  1. Occasional Paper: ‘Governance & Naxalism’ published by Dept of Pol. Science,CalcuttaUniversity,UGC,DRS(Phase II),2012.
  2. ‘Bentham’s Utilitarian Ethics: Postmodern Review’ in M. Jahan & P. Bhattacharya (ed.), Some Essays on Utilitarianism, published by the Department of Philosophy, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, 2012.
  3. ‘Prelude to Postcolonial Awareness: Krishnachandra Bhattacharyya’s ‘Swaraj in Ideas’ in Bakshi, S. Sengupta, S. Paul (ed.), Anxieties, Influences and After: Critical Responses to Postcolonialism and Neo-Colonialism, Worldview, New Delhi, 2008.

Other Information:

  • I have experience of working as Book Publishing Referee for international publishing houses like the Oxford University Press and Routledge.
  • I have experience of working as Examiner for M.Phil. and Ph.D. theses at university level.
