I, Caroline Miller

a member of the ZETLAND TRANSPORT PARTNERSHIP, give notice that I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests which I am required to declare under the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (Register of Interests) Regulations 2003, and I have put “none” where I have no such interests under any heading.

For information with regard to the registrable interests, please refer to the following:

Registerable interest / Description of interest
Gifts and hospitality / A description of any gifts or hospitality received.
Remuneration / A description of-
(a) remuneration received by virtue of being-
(i) employed or self-employed;
(ii) the holder of an office;
(iii) a director of an undertaking;
(iv) a partner in a firm; and
(v) involved in undertaking a trade, profession, vocation or any other work;
(b) any allowance received in relation to membership of any organisation;
(c) the name, and registered name if different, and nature of any applicable employer, self-employment, business, undertaking or organisation;
(d) the nature and regularity of the work that is remunerated; and
(e) the name of the directorship and the nature of the applicable business.
Related undertakings / A description of a directorship that is not itself remunerated, but is of a company or undertaking which is a parent or subsidiary of a company or undertaking which pays remuneration.
Contracts / A description of the nature and duration, but not the price of, of a contract which is not fully implemented where-
(a) goods and services are to be provided to, or works are to be executed for, the devolved public body; and
(b) any responsible person has a direct interest, or an indirect interest as a partner, owner or shareholder, director or officer of a business or undertaking, in such goods and services.
Houses, land and buildings / A description of any rights of ownership or other interests that may be significant to, of relevance to, or bear upon, the work or operation of the devolved public body.
Shares and securities / A description, but not the value, of shares or securities in a company, undertaking or organisation that may be significant to, of relevance to, or bear upon, the work or operation of the devolved public body.
Non-financial interests / A description of such interests as may be significant to, of relevance to, or bear upon, the work or operation of the devolved public body, including without prejudice to that generality membership of or office in-
(a) other public bodies;
(b) clubs, societies and organisations;
(c) trades unions; and
(d) voluntary organisations.
Election expenses / A description of, and statement of, any assistance towards election expenses relating to election to the devolved public body.
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Gifts and hospitality / Side of Salmon – Hjaltland Salmon (26/12/07)
Side of Salmon – Hjaltland Salmon (04/02/09)
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Remuneration / Clive’s Record Shop – Partner – Music/Audio Visual Retail
F&C Miller – Partner – Croft & Property Leasing
Miller Developments – Partner – Property Leaser Development
Viking Properties – Partner – Property Leaser Development
Lerwick Port Authority – Trustee – Trust Lerwick Harbour
Solheim Guest House – leased out
Croft 2, Heogan, Bressay – owned
Harbour Café, Lerwick – leased out
116 Commercial Street, Lerwick – leased out
36A & 36B Market Street, Lerwick – holiday let rentals
Old Laundry, Market Street, Lerwick
Old Judane Factory, North Road, Lerwick
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Related undertakings / None
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Contracts / None
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Houses, land and buildings / Croft, 2 Heogan, Bressay and Croft house
34 King Harald Street, Lerwick, Solheim Guest House
36a/b Market Street, Lerwick
Site at market Street, Lerwick (Old Laundry)
116, 112, 110, 108 Commercial Street, Lerwick
Harbour Cafe, Esplanade, Lerwick
Old Judane Factory, North Road, Lerwick
Croft No’s C7147, C12951, C451a, C10931 (Updated 10/12/08)
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Shares and securities / None
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Non-financial interests / SLAP – Director
Shetland Development Trust resigned – updated 28/9/07
Charitable Trust
Bressay Community Council
SLAP Trading – SLAP
Consultant for Judane (Shetland) Ltd (added 23/08/07)
Registerable interest / Description of interest
Election expenses / None

I recognise that it is a matter referrable to the Standards Commission (for which sanctions apply) to:

(1) omit information that ought to be given in this notice;

(2) provide information that is materially false or misleading;

(3) fail to give further notices in order to

- bring up to date information given in this notice

- declare an interest that I acquire after the date of this notice and have to declare.

Name Caroline Miller


Date: 12/6/07


Standards Officer of the

Zetland Transport Partnership

Date: 13/6/07

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