5th June
18.00 – 19.30
Registration is from 17.30 with a wine reception 19.30 – 20.00
Council Chamber
Charles Clore House
17 Russell Square
1.5 CPD hours may be claimed by both solicitors and barristers
through attendance at this event
This event is kindly sponsored by:
Chair:Charles Gibson QC, Henderson Chambers
3 Speakers 3 Perspectives - a barrister, a solicitor and an academic:
Elizabeth-Ann Gumbel QC, 1 Crown Office Row
David Body, Irwin Mitchell
Roderick Bagshaw, MagdalenCollege, Oxford
How would the civil system have dealt with Fairchild and Barker scenarios?
German perspective: Thomas Lakenberg, Pauly Rechtsanwaelte, Bonn
French perspective: Dr Ariane Dahan, and Dr Duncan Fairgrieve, Head of the Tort Law Centre
Jeremy Stuart-Smith QC, 4 New Square
Allan Gore QC, 12 KBW
Cost to attend: Members: £36 Non-members:£60 Full-time Academics: £36
Full-time Academic Members: £21
There are 15 places available for students on this event.
BIICL Members receive a 40% discount on this and all BIICL events and publications.
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5th June
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Cost to attend: Members: £36 Non-members:£60 Full-time Academics: £36
Full-time Academic Members: £21
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