27 – 28 APRIL 2000


  1. The XVI Tourism Working Group Meeting was convened at the Renaissance Harbour View Hotel in Hong Kong, China, on 27-28 April 2000. Delegates from Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People’s Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Peru; Philippines; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand and the United States of America participated in the Meeting. Representatives from PATA, WTO, WTTC and The South Pacific Forum attended the Meeting as Observers. Ambassador Zhang Yan, Deputy Executive Director, also represented the APEC Secretariat. The List of Delegates is attached as Annex A.
  1. Sheikh Jamaluddin Sheikh Mohamed, Director General Brunei Tourism, Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources of Brunei Darussalam chaired the XVI Tourism Working Group Meeting. Mr. Mike Rowse, Commissioner for Tourism, Economic Services Bureau, Hong Kong SAR, officially inaugurated the XVI Tourism Working Group Meeting.


  1. In his opening remarks, the Chair welcomed all the Delegates to the XVI TWG Meeting and proceeded to thank the host economy (Hong Kong, China) for their excellent efforts in organizing the Meeting.
  1. The Chair noted that the key focus of the Group’s deliberations was to be the discussion and approval of the APEC Tourism Charter (Seoul Declaration on an APEC Tourism Charter – A Ministerial Statement of Purposes and Intent); the APEC Tourism Forum, to be held on 29 April 2000 in Hong Kong, China, and the First APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting to be held in Seoul, Korea in 4-7 July 2000.
  1. The Chair briefed the Meeting on the steps taken since the XV TWG Meeting in Lima, Peru, to increase awareness amongst other APEC Fora and SOM on the various aspects of the APEC Tourism Charter; The APEC Tourism Forum and the First APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting. This has included presentations at the First Senior Official’s Meeting and the Joint Fora Meeting, both held in Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei Darussalam in February 2000. Continued communication between the APEC TWG and PATA, WTTC and WTO has also been a priority.
  1. The Chair reminded the TWG on the need to maintain momentum in the work of the Group and to continue to demonstrate tangible results on Tourism matters to Ministers and Leaders.


  1. The Draft Agenda was approved by the Meeting and is attached as Annex B.


  1. Ambassador Zhang Yan expressed the support of the APEC Secretariat to the work undertaken by the Tourism Working Group and the drafting process of the APEC Tourism Charter. The Deputy Executive Director of the APEC Secretariat explained to the Meeting the relevance of Tourism in the future development of the Region as well as its increasingly importance in the economic strategies being implemented by the APEC Member Economies. Ambassador Zhang thanked Hong Kong, China for organizing the First APEC Tourism Forum and the XVI TWG Meeting.
  1. The APEC Secretariat briefed the Meeting on the new developments in APEC since the last TWG Meeting in Lima, Peru. The briefing included an overview on the Leader’s Declaration (Auckland Challenge) of September 1999; The First Senior Official’s Meeting held in Brunei Darussalam; key outcomes and decision points arising from the BMC Meeting held in Singapore in March 2000; APEC 2000 Theme and Priorities; The Framework for the Integration of Women in APEC; APEC Joint Fora Meeting, and the status of completed and in progress TWG Projects.
  1. The Meeting also was informed regarding activities and APEC funded projects being undertaken by other APEC Fora that are of interest to the TWG. Amongst the issues explained was the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) 1999 Report to APEC Economic Leaders, and the Transportation Working Group’s interest in implementing the eight recommendations for more competitive air services.
  1. The TWG was encouraged to distribute amongst relevant private and public sector tourism related organizations, the various publications and CD-ROM’s that have been produced in the past few months and that are the material outcomes of TWG projects. It was stressed that this was a means of furthering the TWG’s outreach program.
  1. The APEC Secretariat requested the Meeting to nominate new APEC TWG Project Evaluation Committee Members for a period of 2 years. The following member economies agreed to serve in the Committee: Australia; Canada; People’s Republic of China; Hong, Kong, China and Thailand. The Meeting agreed that general criteria for the selection of a TWG Project’s undertaking would be circulated amongst the Committee Members on a Project to Project basis.
  1. The TWG agreed to hold a Gender Information Session, conducted by an expert from the SOM Ad Hoc Taskforce on the Integration of Women in APEC during its 17th Meeting. Australia and Korea expressed their strong support for the recognition of the issues entailed in the Framework for the Integration of Women in APEC in the text of the APEC Tourism Charter.
  1. The Meeting welcomed the APEC Secretariat’s Report.


  1. The Meeting approved the Minutes of the Executive Management Committee Report from 24-25 February 2000.
  1. The Meeting noted the need to alert the APEC community on the importance of Tourism as a vehicle for development, and that there were multiple barriers that needed to be addressed in order for the industry to advance and prosper. The Chair stated that the APEC Tourism Charter is a master plan geared to produce a positive momentum in tourism around the APEC Region.
  1. Canada requested that credible and adequate information be included in the text of the APEC Tourism Charter. WTTC expressed to the Meeting that the data contained within the present text is the most recent information available. Korea and New Zealand explained to the Meeting that all figures would be rounded in order to avoid any unnecessary confusion.
  1. The People’s Republic of China requested an addition in Goal No. 3 in the text of the APEC Tourism Charter. The new text suggested by PRC was approved and it is now to read as follows: “Enhancing capacity building in the development and management of tourism business”.
  1. PATA, WTTC and WTO expressed their full support to the APEC Tourism Charter. The Meeting stated the need to continue to foster strong and fluid communication ties with the private sector, and defined the relationship amongst the business and public sector in tourism as crucial to the success of the Charter.
  1. The Meeting approved the text of the draft Seoul Declaration on an APEC Tourism Charter: A Ministerial Statement of Purposes and Intent, to be submitted for discussion and endorsement by APEC Tourism Ministers in Seoul, Korea.


  1. Hong Kong, China briefed the Meeting with regards to the preparations for the First APEC Tourism Forum, to be held on 29 April 2000, at the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, Wan Chai, Hong Kong. The theme of the Forum “A Charter for the New Millenium” as well as an overview of the Meeting Program was discussed and approved by the Meeting. At the Forum, private sector feedback and input will be sought on the draft APEC Tourism Charter before the document is presented to APEC Ministers in Seoul, Korea. The Meeting agreed that the Forum would be an important opportunity to promote dialogue between APEC governments and the private sector on the draft Tourism Charter.
  1. WTTC informed the Meeting that it would provide two new documents during the Forum and at the APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting. These are titled “The Economic Impact of Travel & Tourism Development in the APEC Region 2000” and “WTTC and the APEC Tourism Charter”.
  1. The Tourism Working Group congratulated and thanked Hong Kong, China for the work undertaken in order to organize the First APEC Tourism Forum. A discussion on the need to organize a Second APEC Tourism Forum will be included in the Agenda for the 17th APEC TWG Meeting.


  1. Korea informed the Meeting that the First APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting would be held from 4-7 July 2000 in Seoul. Korea has already set up a Conference Secretariat under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, for an efficient and swift preparation of the Meeting. A Homepage is located at since January 2000. At this moment, the Homepage displays the Program Schedule and other information related to the Ministerial Meeting.
  1. In March 2000, Korea distributed the Pre-Registration forms and the first information brochure for the APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting. At the same time, the Korean Minister sent out invitation letters to Ministers responsible for tourism in APEC Member Economies. Korea will now proceed to distribute a second set of information brochures and guide books containing details regarding registration and meeting places. Invitations shall also be forwarded to PECC, SPF and ASEAN, since they are Official APEC Observers, and the APEC Secretariat. The Meeting agreed to the participation of PATA and WTTC in the Informal Dialogue Session as well as all of the social events organized during the Ministerial, so as to promote further communication between the public and private sector.
  1. The Meeting agreed to Korea’s proposal to have “APEC Tourism 21/21: Challenges and Opportunities for Tourism in the APEC Region” as the main theme of the Ministerial Meeting. Korea invited interested Ministers to deliver short, 5-minute keynote remarks on any tourism issue related to the main theme. At the Ministerial Meeting, Ministers shall also consider and endorse the “Seoul Declaration on an APEC Tourism Charter”, which offers a clear direction for the development of tourism in the APEC Region and presents a common vision for the industry. The approved SOM Meeting Agenda, APEC Tourism Ministerial Draft Agenda and Meeting Program are attached as Annex C.
  1. Korea informed the Meeting that it will also host an APEC International Symposium and Tourism Pictorial Exhibition, in conjunction with the Ministerial Meeting in Seoul’s COEX Convention Center, on July 2 and July 4-7 2000, respectively. Topics for the Tourism Symposium will include “Paradigm Shift to the New Tourism and Dimension of the New Tourism”. Each APEC Member Economy is requested to submit posters, photographs and other graphic material for the Tourism Pictorial Exhibition.
  1. The main focus of discussion for APEC Tourism Ministers during the Meeting shall be the APEC Tourism Charter. A Communiqué of the Outcomes of the First APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting and Recommendations for APEC Leaders to consider during their November 2000 Meeting will be approved by Ministers and distributed at the end of the Meeting.
  1. The Meeting agreed that two (2) will be the key Deliverables (Programs for Immediate Action) to be announced by APEC Tourism Ministers during their Meeting in Seoul. These are the establishment of a Tourism Information Network and Minimum Standards on Environmental Sustainability for the Tourism Sector.
  1. The Meeting agreed that any substantial issue related to the APEC Tourism Charter and the First APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting should be forwarded to all Member Economies at least 2 weeks prior to the Ministerial Meeting in Seoul, Korea.
  1. Mexico officially requested to host the Second APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting in 2002.
  1. Four Policy Groups were established during the Meeting, in accordance with the Four Policy Goals of the APEC Tourism Charter. These are:

ThailandRemove Impediments to tourism business and investment

Canada/SingaporeIncrease mobility of visitors and demand for tourism goods and services in the APEC Region

New Zealand/Koreasustainably manage tourism outcomes and impacts

Australia/SingaporeRemove impediments to tourism business and investment


  1. Indonesia briefed the Meeting on the advancement of the “Tourism Occupational Skill Standards Development in the APEC Region Bridging Project”. The report presented stated that the Project’s Consultant, Massey University, is to finalize and distribute a written report on the outcomes by the end of the second semester of 2000.
  1. Malaysia briefed the Meeting regarding the implementation of “Best Practices in Sports and Recreation for Tourism Development within APEC Economies”. The project has the following objectives: a) to increase awareness on the tremendous potential of sports and recreation as a vehicle and catalyst for greater tourism growth and exchange amongst APEC Member Economies; b) to identify opportunities within sports and recreation events which can be capitalized upon to accelerate the growth of the tourism industry of each member economy; c) to recommend avenues for strategic alliances among APEC economies in promoting tourism exchange through sports and recreation. Member Economies were encouraged to submit potential Sports and Recreation Events information to the Project Overseer, Malaysia, as well as to the Project Overseer, Mr. Robert Sowman (New Zealand).
  2. Australia briefed the Meeting on the current status of the APEC Tourism Database. It noted that it has continued to work with the World Tourism Organization on behalf of the TWG, to progress the development of a suitable set of tables in a format compatible with electronic publication on the TWG web site. The Meeting agreed to the proposal and recommendations that Australia presented in order to complete a three year contract with the WTO to provide the required data, and expressed its interest in contributing the information contained within this system to the new APEC Business web site once operational. Australia invited Member Economies to contribute up-to-date information to the WTO in a timely way. Australia will meet the costs associated with obtaining the data from the WTO for a period of 3 years.
  1. Korea briefed the Meeting on the outcomes of the APEC TWG Project “Best Cases on Tourism and Cultural Festivals”. A book was distributed to each Member Economy for their reference. Additional copies may be requested through the APEC Secretariat. The primary objective of this APEC TWG Project was to gather “best cases” of tourism and cultural festivals in APEC Member Economies and to encourage the propagation of their tourism and cultural festivals. The publication includes a collection of 13 case studies that were submitted by ten Member Economies.
  1. Australia presented the Meeting with the CD-ROM titled “Taking Care of Business: Environmentally Sustainable Tourism Accommodation”. The CD-ROM is the physical product of the Seminar and Visits Program organized in 1999, in order to gather and share examples of Best Practice Environmental Initiatives in the area of tourist accommodation. This APEC TWG Project addressed governments’ and industries need for up-to-date information on sustainable practices and technologies and to develop “best practices” in ecologically sensitive areas.
  1. The Meeting agreed that when possible, all APEC TWG Project outcomes’ should be placed and highlighted in the APEC TWG web site for easy reference.
  1. The Meeting welcomed the outcome of the TWG Project “Best Practices in Sustainable Tourism”. The published text has been distributed amongst all Member Economies and placed in the APEC TWG web site.
  1. The APEC Secretariat and New Zealand briefed the Meeting with regards to a Project Proposal being circulated for inputs by the APEC Telecommunications Working Group titled “Asia Pacific Integrated Web Based Tourism Services”. The TWG agreed to officially request the APEC TEL. not to pursue the presentation of this Project Proposal during the July 2000 BMC, since the subject matter of this TEL Project Proposal is of the competence and expertise of the APEC TWG. It can also overlap with future work by the Group through the deliverables stated in the APEC Tourism Charter.
  1. Indonesia presented to the Meeting a proposal for the development of a third stage of the APEC Tourism Occupational Skill Standards Project. The Meeting agreed to study this proposal in depth once the outcomes of the Bridging Project are finalized and discussed by the TWG. Indonesia stated that it would proceed to re-formulate the Project Proposal for discussion during the 17th TWG Meeting in October.


  1. The TWG expressed its gratitude for the support provided by PATA, WTTC, WTO and the South Pacific Forum towards the achievement of the goals set forth by the TWG in Manzanillo, Mexico in April 1999, and the results expressed in the text of the APEC Tourism Charter; the First APEC Tourism Forum and the First APEC Tourism Ministerial Meeting.
  1. WTO submitted to the Meeting the documents titled “Tourism Highlights 2000” and “The Global Code of Ethics for Tourism”. The need for updated information and effective monitoring of tourism trends, as is one of the tasks of the WTO was stated by the Meeting to be a priority for the TWG. The Meeting welcomed the presentation of both documents and expressed its gratitude.
  1. PATA briefed the Meeting on the preparations for their 49th Annual Conference to be held in Hong Kong, China on 30 April – 2 May 2000. PATA reaffirmed its commitment to the APEC TWG and the APEC Tourism Charter.
  1. SPF took the opportunity to stress the need for closer links between the tourism industry and public sectors of the South Pacific and the APEC Member Economies. SPF informed the Meeting regarding the importance of technical cooperation in the fields of tourism for the nations of the South Pacific.
  1. New Zealand presented the Meeting with the document titled “WTO Proposal on GATS Annex”. The Meeting noted the recent developments on the need for a draft Annex on Tourism to be included in the GATS. Further discussion on this subject is to be included in the 17th APEC TWG Meeting.
  1. The Meeting welcomed Japan’s “Study on Operational Guidelines for Promoting Sustainable Tourism”, prepared by the International Tourism Development Institute of Japan. This document presented an overview of the basic conditions for sustainable tourism; major parties concerned with tourism-related activities at the operational stage; a general view on requirements by and of parties and matters concerned with tourism-related activities at the operational stage for sustainable tourism and the inter-relationships between major parties and matters concerned with tourism related activities. Guidelines and explanations for realizing sustainable tourism were also presented.


  1. The Meeting warmly acknowledged the presence of the APEC Secretariat Deputy Director, Ambassador Zhang Yan during the 16th TWG Meeting, as well as the contribution made to the APEC Tourism Charter’s progress by Mr. Scott Morrison (NZ), during his term as Chair of the APEC Tourism Charter Taskforce.
  2. The APEC Secretariat Deputy Director expressed his gratitude to the Meeting and stated the full support of the Secretariat towards the concretion of the goals stated in the APEC Tourism Charter. Along with the APEC TWG Program Director, the APEC Secretariat Deputy Director thanked Hong Kong, China for the excellent meeting facilities and program.
  1. The TWG manifested its gratitude to the Government of Hong Kong SAR and the Hong Kong Tourist Association for their efficient organization of a successful APEC 16th TWG Meeting. Sheikh Jamaluddin Sheikh Mohamed, APEC TWG Chair and Director General of Brunei Darussalam Tourism adjourned the Meeting.


51.The 17th TWG Meeting will be held in the city Morelia, State of Michoacan, Mexico, at a date yet to be determined in the month of October 2000. The organizers through the APEC Secretariat will distribute information on the meeting venue, transportation and accommodations.