Dartmoor Letterboxing Day

Sunday 15thOctober2017

Emergency contact for the event will be Ruth Allen on 07411 167379, please ensure you have a home contact and complete the contact sheet attached with the health forms.

Because of the size of the district now we realize that not everybody will want to meet at the same place and travel in convoy so we are offering two options again,like last year. Please state which you will be using on the reply slip at the bottom.

Option 1

We will travel to Dartmoor by mini bus, from two collection points, Holy Trinity Scout HQ, Yeovil leaving at 8.15am and Cartgate picnic car park on the A303 leaving at 8.30am. Cost £10 per scout.

Option 2

We will all stop at a car park with a toilet once we get to the moor and any groups that want to arrange their own transport can meet us there. I will send out location and ETA nearer the time once I know who is meeting where. Cost £2 per scout.

When we arrive on the moor the teams will be let loose into a specified area to collect as many stamps on the notepads provided as possible in the time allowed. Easy!! We even give them a list of clues, provided they can read a map and take bearings there should be no problem with every team having loads of stamps.

We hope to arrive back at Cartgate at 5.15pm and Holy Trinity at 5.30pm, obviously those meeting us at the moor will have to work out your own timings to get back based on how far you have come.

The requirements for the day are as follows:

  • Four scouts per team
  • All team members to be proficient at map reading.
  • All scouts must have hike boots and wet weather gear.
  • All scouts must carry a survival bag and emergency rations
  • All scouts must have completed and handed in a health form by the closing date.
  • Each team must carry a first aid kit.
  • Each team will need a small ink pad. (we will provide the notepad)
  • Each scout will need a packed lunch and drink.
  • Each team will need a compass and the OS Outdoor Leisure Map 28 of Dartmoor.
  • No GPS units please
  • Please bring a bag for collecting rubbish we want to leave the moor clean.

As many of you will know the weather can be very different on the moor to what it was when we left home so please make sure you are all properly equipped with waterproofs, etc and definitely NO JEANS. Hopefully there won’t be a rain cloud in sight!!!

The winning team will be the one that has collected the most stamps. In the event of a tie the team that has travelled to the furthest points will be deemed the winners.

Please note the different price depending on whether you are using our transport or providing your own. Money by cheque, made payable to East Somerset District Scout Council, please to be handed in with the health form by the closing date.

The closing date is Friday6thOctober and I MUST have all money, health forms and home contact details by that date please or before.


My address is 4 Plantagenet Park, Yeovil, Somerset, BA202ND; my phone numbers are (01935) 479630 or 07811 083630.

Leaders are welcome to come along as well but if there is not enough space in buses I may have to ask you to travel by car, there will of course be at least 2 leaders in each bus. The price and equipment list both apply.

I look forward to seeing you

Jo Padwick (District Scout Leader)

District Letterboxing Day 2017


Home Contact……………………………………………….

Number of scouts attending…..……………………………

Number of leaders attending………………………………

Please delete as appropriate

Meeting at Holy Trinity / Meeting at Cartgate / Meeting on Moor

Yeovil District Scouts