Programme Proposal Form

To be supplied in conjunction with Programme Specification Formfor programme approval process

(Link to programme specification template)

1 / Programme Title / PG Cert in Business Innovation
2 / Home Department / Management
3 / Exit Award(s) / PG Cert
4 / Duration of Study (number of years) / One year
5 / Mode of Study / FT/PT/DL/Other / PT
6 / UCAS Entry / Yes/No/NA / No
7 / Level of Award (FHEQ) / 7
8 / Other teaching depts. or institution (if applicable) / None
9 / Programme Director / Klaus Nielsen
10 / Start Date (term/year) / Autumn 2016
11 / Expected Student Numbers
(1st year, min/max) / 5/20
12 / Enrolment Type / Programme / x / Modular
13 / Campus Location / Bloomsbury / x / Stratford
14 / Fees and Funding Codes / JACS Code / N100
Cost Centre / 133
Price Group / D
15 / Programme Summary (rationale, aims, structure)
The programme consists of three existing modules and an optional module chosen from a portfolio of existing modules:
  • Innovation: Management and Policy
  • Innovation Systems, Networks and Social Capital
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • One module from:
Digital Business
Digital Creativity and New Media Management (
Intellectual Capital and Competitiveness(
The general rationale for offering a postgraduate degree in creative industries at Birkbeck is the same as for the existing MSc Business Innovation degree. It is outlined in previous planning documents and partly in the on-line information about the relevant existing MSc Business Innovation degree

The specific rationale of the PG Cert programme is to offer a set of modules about related topics (innovation, entrepreneurship, digital business and the knowledge economy)which is attractive to students who are interested in business innovation but not willing to commit themselves to study a full degree. The programme also caters for students who are interested in a degree with a clear focus on specific issues related to business innovation without having to do a dissertation and the related research methods training module.
The module aims to provide basic understanding and knowledge of innovation and entrepreneurship as well as the fundamentals of the digital economy. Focus is partly on concepts and theories as well as practical skills and knowledge required to design and implement effective and successful innovation strategies in the digital economy.
From contacts with potential applicants during the last 2-3 years, in particular at open evenings, it has become clear that there is a market demand for a clearly profiled postgraduate certificate within this area. Further, for strategic reasons we find it useful to attract students with a predominantly practice oriented motivation for studying a degree within the area of innovation and entrepreneurship.
We believe that many students enrolled on the PG Cert will continue with the remaining four modules plus the dissertation at two of the three MSc Business Innovation specializations (Entrepreneurship with Innovation Management; E-Business). It is assumed that most of these students would not have started on a Master’s degree so it is expected that this will increase the enrolment on the MSc degrees.
For students continuing on the MSc Business Innovation with Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management the remaining modules are:
  • Research Methods in Management 1
  • Principles of Organization and Management
  • Two optional modules
For students continuing on the MSc Business Innovation with E-Business the remaining modules are:
  • Research Methods in Management 1
  • Principles of Organization and Management
  • Two from the following three modules depending on which has already been selected as an option:
Digital Business
Digital Creativity and New Media Management
Intellectual Capital and Competitiveness
The new PG Cert will not replace the existing exit award on the related MSc programmes in this subject area.
16 / Resources
Are non-standard additional resources required to run this programme? / Yes / No / x
If YES, please give details of additional resources required in relevant section below and confirm that consultation with relevant section has taken place.
Please note that the teaching and learning must be sufficiently flexible to enable all reasonable adjustments to be made in accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)
Accommodation / Specific additional room requirements – consult with room bookings
(i.e. if more than 100 people expected to be taught at once or specialist teaching space over and above lecture theatres and classrooms)
Library / e.g. new journals, new e-resources, extra print copies, e-learning copyright, access to other libraries – consult with subject librarian
ITS / Use of specific software packages or IT facilities (including workstation rooms) – consult with ITS User Support Manager
Other / Please state requirements for any other resources and give details of any external funding.
17 / Scheduled Learning Hours and Assessment(for Key Information Set)
Average Scheduled learning hours each week for each year of programme
(delete or add years as appropriate) / Year 1 – 108 (four modules with 9x3 contact hours each)
Proposed Assessment Format for each year of programme (i.e. year 1 - 50% exam, 50% coursework)
(delete or add years as appropriate) / Year 1 – 25% coursework + 75% exam
18 / Approval
Programme Director / Klaus Nielsen
/ Date / 3 January 2016
Head of Department / Kevin Ibeh / Date / 1 March, 2016
Chair of STQEC / Anita Walsh / Date / 1 March, 2016
Executive Dean / Date

External Subject Specialist Form

External Subject Specialists may be asked to take part in a relevant Programme Development Panel either through attendance at a meeting to discuss the proposal or by correspondence.

1 / Programme Title / PG Cert in Business Innovation
2 / Name of External Subject Specialist(Professor/Dr/Mr/Ms) / Dr Jonathan Sapsed
3 / Present post and place of work
Tel/Email / Principal Research Fellow
CENTRIM, University of Brighton
01273 600900,
4 / Area of subject expertise / Innovation Management
5 / Details of any current or previous involvement with cognate programmes or with the College
6 / Comments on the proposed programme
6a. appropriateness of the proposal in relation to the College’s Common Awards Scheme, national Framework for Higher Education Qualifications, Higher Education Credit Framework for England, relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statements and, where appropriate, Professional, Statutory or Regulatory Body requirements (see ‘Academic Infrastructure’ at:)
The proposal programmes appear consistent with QAA levels for Postgraduate Certificates, as well as the internal regulations.
6b. overall comments
This programme uses existing modules and offers a lighter load and qualification than the Masters offers, which may be attractive to a different market as suggested by the convenors’ contacts with prospective students. The modules are all coherent and taught by accomplished scholars. At first glance the balance of policy/theory modules as against more practical management ones is more in favour of the former so this might be tested and adjusted if the intended market is for applicants seeking more practical learning. Overall, an entrepreneurial and low-cost idea worth supporting.
7 / Agreement
Signature: Jonathan Sapsed / Date:1.3.16

Programme description for publicity purposes

Once your programme has been formally approved, we will be able to publicise it using the web and (if you meet the appropriate deadline)our print prospectus. To help us publicise your programme as soon as possible after it has received approval, please complete the following fields. This appendix will be sent to the External Relations department for action.

Please note: this form only needs to be completed at the programme proposal stage of the quality assurance process. You do not need to resubmit this appendix at the programme amendment stage.

Content area (with instructions) / Your text
How many times a week will part-time and full-time students have to attend? Are there any weekend, daytime or study trip elements? Please detail any distance learning aspects. / Each module requires attendance one day a week (6-9pm). The three compulsory modules are taught in the autumn, spring and summer terms, respectively. Also the three modules among which the optional module must be chosen are taught in the autumn, spring and summer terms, respectively. This means that the students will have 2, 1, and 1 module respectively in the three terms. It depends on the choice of optional module in which term the student must attend two modules.
Funding and Financial Support
Are there any sources of funding students can apply for, either within Birkbeck or externally? / There are various sources. Birkbeck provides advice about financial support. See website:

Programme introduction
This is the introductory paragraph that appears at the top of the programme’s webpage. Please use this paragraph to really emphasise what is unique, interesting and appealing about your course. Aim for 100–300 words, use short paragraphs and avoid bullet points. / Technological change and the digital economy raise new economic and managerial challenges for businesses and public and private sector organisations.
The Postgraduate Certificate in Business Innovation is designed for graduates who wish to acquire an advanced and practical knowledge of these challenges. The degree facilitates a thorough understanding of the importance of innovation for rethinking management, business strategy, corporate assets, intellectual property rights, institutions, organisations, firms, entrepreneurship and globalisation in a changing world. It consists of modules that focus on innovation management, entrepreneurship, networks and institutions influencing innovation, and digital business models, respectively.
The degree is suitable for students who want a topically focused and practical insight into the fundamentals of business innovation which covers not only the technological aspects of innovation but also the associated business models and working patterns.
The graduates will automatically be accepted onto one of two MSc degrees (MSc Business Innovation with Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management; MSc Business Innovation with E-business) which involves four more modules and a dissertation, should they wish to continue their studies.
Birkbeck is a centre for excellence in research and inspirational teaching in business innovation.
Why study this course at Birkbeck?
Use 3–6 bullet points to describe why Birkbeck is the best institution for studying this course: academic excellence, career and employability opportunities, library facilities and archives, geographic location, research centres, the research interests and achievements of academics, progression routes to further study, etc. /
  • Birkbeck is a centre for excellence in research ( and provides
inspirational teaching in business innovation.
  • The MSc degrees in Business Innovation have improved the career and employment opportunities of graduates as evidenced by feedback from former students.
  • Almost all students at Birkbeck have working experience in relevant industries and jobs, and there are very good opportunities for networking with fellow students and alumni with beneficial impacts on career opportunities.
  • Birkbeck is located in the centre of London with easy access to a multitude of academic, cultural and social offers.
  • The degree provides an easy progression route to a natural continuation on a relevant Master’s degree.

Course structure text before module listing
Describe the structure of the course in terms of compulsory and option modules and dissertation/ project, including any credit points (if relevant). Modules will be inserted into the programme description in groups: ‘Compulsory’, ‘Core’, and ‘Option’ modules, and ‘Dissertation/ Project’. Please ensure that all modules for your programme contain descriptive text. / There are three compulsory modules and one optional module which must be chosen from three options. All four modules are 15 credit modules.
Compulsory modules
  • Innovation: Management and Policy
  • Innovation Systems, Networks and Social Capital
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
One optional module from:
  • Digital Business
  • Digital Creativity and New Media Management
  • Intellectual Capital and Competitiveness

Course structure text after module listing
This section appears after the list of modules. You may want to expand or clarify some aspects of the course structure or provide information about recent dissertation/project topics. / N/A
Sample timetable
These can be uploaded as Word or PDF documents, so please email a copy to the Digital Publications Officer, Ben Winyard (). / Autumn: Innovation: Management and Policy
Spring: Innovation Systems, Networks and Social Capital
Summer: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
One optional module from:
Digital Business (summer)
Digital Creativity and New Media Management (spring)
Intellectual Capital and Competitiveness (autumn)
Further study opportunities
Please provide the names of any programmes that students can progress onto after completing this course and we will insert a link to that programme. Is there a specific progression route to a particular higher level of study? / The graduates will automatically be accepted on two MSc degrees (MSc Business Innovation with Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management; MSc Business Innovation with E-business) which involves four more modules and a dissertation, should they wish to continue their studies.
Careers and employability
What are some of the career areas that graduates from this course have gone into? If possible, please provide specific job positions/titles/examples. If you have any facts or statistics about graduate destinations, please provide them. Try to make this section as full, factual and useful as possible. / Evidence shows the following about the MSc business innovation graduate’s labour market experience after finishing the programmes: (a) some get a new job in the field of their study; (b) some get a new position/role in their existing job related to their field of study; (c) some become better at performing an existing innovation related job function at which they had previously no formal skills; (d) some get promoted/gain a higher salary because of the degree, some start up a new business.
It is expected that employability and the career patterns will be the same for PG Cert graduates.
Information about the academic department/school
Use short paragraphs or bullet points to emphasise the School’s/department’s achievements, research culture, teaching excellence, academic reputation,etc. / The department of Management was created in 1992 and since then has grown to be one of the largest and most successful departments in the College. In recent years the department expanded its teaching portfolio significantly, providing nearly 70% more students with the opportunity to study management and its cognate disciplines. Further growth will involve links with professional bodies and the development of support for entrepreneurial activities. The department’s research not only contributes to business success in the UK but is the cornerstone of its teaching programs. The department is committed to innovation and excellence across the programs and the research we carry out ensures that our programs are at the cutting edge of the subject. The dynamic research culture in the department is reflected by the fact that we currently have over 40 PhD students.
Further details
Please use this section to provide further details about the course, the academics who teach it, the department, or anything else that doesn’t sit obviously in another section. / The modules of the programmes are taught by experienced research active staff, mostly professors, including Birgitte Andersen, Odile Janne, Helen Lawton Smith, Klaus Nielsen, Thierry Rayna.
How to apply
If prospective students need to complete a supplementary form or written task, then please send the supplementary form and/or a paragraph of instructions to .The instructions will be included in the confirmation email sent to applicants on submission of their main application form. / Online application (Birkbeck website

Application deadlines and interviews / As early as possible but no later than September.
Alternate Course structure (for print prospectus only)
There is considerably less space for course structure descriptions in the print prospectuses, so please provide alternative wording here if necessary. Otherwise, the Digital Publications Officer will edit your content accordingly when compiling the print prospectuses.


Updated: 14.04.14