Independent Reading Accountability (IRA)

Each nine weeks you will be assigned a number of books to read. You may choose fiction or nonfiction titles. I want you to read books that you’ll enjoy, but I want them to be at reading levels that are appropriate for you. So, your books MUST be approved by me if you plan to use it for IRA assignments! I will keep a record of approvals.

You will also be given a due date for your IRA assignments. Please log this in your assignment notebook! Put it on your calendar! IRA assignments will NOT be taken late.

Each IRA assignment is worth 100 points and will be entered in the tests-quizzes-projects portion of your nine week grade. You must complete an IRA info sheet about your book and then choose ONE of the following IRA project choices:

·  Make the following chart: how things felt, looked, sounded, tasted and smelled. Find at least 5 quotes (words or phrases) from your books that would fit under these headings. Please provide page numbers for your quotes.

·  You have $20 to buy a present for each of the main characters in your story. Write about what you would buy each character, then find and quote a sentence in the book that justifies your choice for the character’s gift is suitable.

·  Create a diorama that illustrates one scene from your book. Include a paragraph which explains the scene.

·  Create a crossword puzzle that contains at least TWELVE up and TWELVE down questions/answers.

·  Pretend that you are a foreign spy sent to report on your chosen character. Compile into a dossier of secret info on your chosen character. Include general and specific information regarding your character. Don’t forget the photo!

·  Design a travel brochure. Illustrate and advertise the “world” of your novel.

·  Compile a scrapbook or a memory box. Choose one of the major characters in your book, and, as that person, put together a scrapbook or memory box of special memories and mementoes. Be true to your character.

·  Design a detailed map (or maps) for the setting (s) of the book.

·  Create an Ipod playlist of at least ten songs based on the plot, setting, characters or all. Justify your playlist. WHY are these good songs?

·  Create nine squares for a small quilt. Depict favorite scenes or characters. Then draw/paint the quilt. Include a paragraph that explains your choices.

·  Convert a book into a puppet show. Make simple puppets (stick puppets, finger puppets, paper bag puppets) and present the story or an exciting scene from it. Schedule time to do this.

·  Create at least a week’s worth of diary (journal) entries for that might have been written by one of your characters. The entries should include details about the story that will prove your knowledge.

·  Design a picture book version of your book. It should be a version of the story that would appeal to younger students.

·  Script it! You must choose a favorite part/scene in your book and write a movie script for that scene. Be sure to include a list of real-life TV or movies stars to play each role.

·  Create a game board, complete with directions and pieces, that illustrates knowledge of your book.

IRA Info Sheet

Book title:______


Main Characters:






Timeline of TEN key events in the plot: (in chronological order)











My favorite part of the book:

My criticism of the book: