Certified Gold Gold+ Platinum
Assessment criteria for Non-Residential Developments (Refurbished)
Development name:
Assessment date: ______
Assessor/s: ______

BCA Universal Design Mark
Assessment criteria for Non-Residential Development (Refurbished)

UD Mark / UD Certified (50 to 64) | UD Gold (65 to 74) | UDGoldPlus(75 and above)
UD Platinum (75 and above; panel endorsement required)

BCA Universal Design Mark
Assessment criteria for Non-Residential Development (Refurbished)

UD Mark Criteria / Points
Available / Awarded
min. 30 pts from combination of the following
Part 1: Process
Encourage the adoption of UD during project planning and development
1.1Project development / (Up to 5 points)
a. / Incorporate requirements for UD provisions in design brief / 2 points
b. / Project team comprises
(i)certified UD Assessor; or
(ii)certified UD Specialist / 2points
1.2 User consultation / (Up to 7 points)
a. / Establish user needs through consultation sessions with
(ii)user experts / 2 points
2 points
b. / Use of mock-ups to solicit user feedback on usability / 3 points
Sub-total(Part 1) / Up to 12 points
Part 2: User-friendliness
Demonstrate user-centric approach in planning, design and provisions
2.1Way-finding / (Up to 11 points)
a. / Physical design (pls check applicable)
(i)use of visual reference points (e.g. atria, external views, focal nodes) to aid users in orientation
(ii)use of surface patterns/textures to provide visual cues
(iii)use of colours for easy identification
(iv)others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 4 points)
b. / Signage
(i)building directory with maps located prominently at main accessible entrance/lobby
(ii)directional signage strategically located
  1. along accessible circulation routes
  2. leading to facilities and services
(iii)clarity of signage system
  1. easy-to-read characters appropriately sized in relation to intended viewing distance
  2. easy-to-understand pictographs
  3. good colour contrast
  4. good illumination on signage
  5. appropriate mounting height for clear visibility
(iv)provision of Braille and/or tactile indicator / 1 point
1 point
1 point
3 points
1 point
2.2Family-friendly provisions / (Up to 21points)
a. / Child-friendly sanitary facilities in gender specific toilet cluster/s (plscheck applicable)
(iv)child protection seat in cubicle
(v)diaper changing station
(vi)others (pls specify): ______
Provision of any of the above facilities
(i)in both female and male toilet clusters
(ii)at all appropriate areas
(iii)at all appropriate levels / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
1 point
1 point
b. / Designated children’s toilet fitted with child-friendly sanitary facilities (child-sized WC and wash basin)at an appropriate area
Provision of children’s toilet at all appropriate levels / 3 points
2 points
c. / Designated family restroom fitted with adult and child-friendly sanitary facilities (WC, child-sized WC, wash basin, diaper changing station, bin) at an appropriate area
Provision of family restrooms at all appropriate levels / 2 points
(1 point, if it is part of accessible toilet)
1 point
d. / Designated nursing room fitted with facilities (partitioned nursing area/s with seats, hot water dispenser, diaper changing station/counters, wash basin and bin) at an appropriate area for nursing mothers to feed and change their babies in privacy and comfort
Provision of nursing rooms at all appropriate levels / 2 points
(4 points for
provisions in mixed use developments)
2 points
e. / Children’s play area (pls check applicable)
(i)safe playing environment e.g. sited away/barricaded from traffic or potential hazards
(ii)shock-proofed floor surface
(iii) play equipment of non-toxic materials and with rounded edges
(iv)ample seating provided nearby for visual supervision by caregivers
(v)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
f. / Family friendly accommodation and facilities/services
(pls check applicable)
(i)provision of family size rooms
(ii) kids’ club and facilities
(iii)others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
2.3Elder-friendly provisions / (Up to 12 points)
a. / Elder-friendly sanitary facilities (pls check applicable)
(i)provision of ambulant friendly toilets/cubicles beyond prevailing code requirements
(ii)provision of ambulant friendly urinals beyond prevailing code requirements
(iii)provision of grabs bars on both sides of wash basin/s / 1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
b. / Elder-friendly accommodation(pls check applicable)
(i)accessible rooms
  1. no. of rooms beyond prevailing code requirements
  2. rooms distributed across pricing tiers
(ii)rooms with elder-friendly features like grab bars in bathrooms/toilets
  1. no. of rooms beyond prevailing code requirements
  2. rooms distributed across pricing tiers
(iii)elder-friendly in-room facilities/services
  1. brighter-than-average illumination level in room
  2. night light in bathroom
  3. furniture/fixtures that are easy to operate e.g. pull-down wardrobe rails
  4. larger font types for in-room guides
  5. larger buttons for telephones/controls
  6. emergency pull-cord
  7. others (pls specify):
/ 2 points
2 points
1 point
1 point
0.5 point (each)
(max 3 points)
2.4 Other user-friendly provisions / (Up to 14 points)
a. / Resting areas
(pls check applicable)
(i)adequate seating
(ii)seats fitted with grab bars/arm rests
(iii)seats of varying heights to cater to users of different statures
(iv)adjacent pram and/or wheelchair parking space/s
(v)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
b. / Social and recreational facilities accessible to the elderly and wheelchair users (pls check applicable)
(i)landscaped spaces/sky terraces/pavilions for social interaction and sensory experience
(ii)community gardening
(iii) 3G equipment corners/fitness corners
(iv) gymnasium
(v)swimming pool
(vi)function hall/community rooms/multi-purpose courts
(vii)sports court with adjustable basketball/netball hoops
(viii) staff resting lounge
(ix)others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 8 points)
c. / Other services/facilities (pls check applicable)
(i)pram, wheelchair and/or accessibility scooter rental service
(ii)accessible information counter/s
(iii)accessible interactive information kiosk/s and/or directory
(iv)lockers for heavy belongings and prams
(v)accessible drinking fountain/s and/or vending machine/s
(vi)accessible ATMs/cash card top-up machine
(vii)PA system with hearing loop and enhanced sound systems for information
(viii)audible warning device/s at potentially hazardous area/s
(ix)first aid room and/or AED
(x)bus shuttle services
(xi)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 4 points)
Sub-total (Part 2) / Up to 58 points
Part 3: Design Integration
Demonstrate user-centric approach in the planning and design of spaces as well as holistic and aesthetic incorporation of UD principles/features
3.1Concepts that create conducive environments for intended use
e.g. quality learning/rehabilitative spaces through space planning, provisions that support aging-in-place/social integration, spaces designed with flexibility for adaptation to different users, changing needs over time, etc.
Pls specify: / For existing
2 points (each)
For enhancement
3 points (each)
(max 18 points)
3.2Innovative UD strategies/features
Innovation in design/technology to support integrated living, overcome undulating site conditions, mitigate space constraints, enhance services/ workflow, optimize resources, etc.
Pls specify: / For enhancement
4 points (each)
(max 20 points)
3.3Integration of equitable use facilities
e.g. same, or equivalent, means of access to facilities and services for all users, considerate placement of facilities & services
Pls specify: / (max 5bonus points to be awarded by BCA assessorsonly after site verification)
3.4Aesthetic integration
Aesthetic integration of UD facilities, features and fittings that is complementary to overall development design
Pls specify: / (max 8bonus points to be awarded by BCA assessorsonly after site verification)
Sub-total (Part 3) / Up to 38 points
(plus 13 bonus points)
TOTAL (for Section A) / Up to 108 points
(plus 13 bonus points)
min. 20 pts from combination of the following
Part 4: Connectivity & Accessibility
Provide seamless connectivity to other buildings/infrastructures and enhance overall accessibility within the development
4.1Inter-connectivity / (Up to 5 points)
a. / Accessible external route/s leading to accessible building/development entrance/s from nearby
(pls check applicable)
(i)building/s within same development
(ii)adjacent development/s
(iii)bus interchange
(iv)bus shelter
(v)MRT station
(vi)LRT station
(vii)taxi stand
(viii)traffic junction
(ix)public street/sidewalk
(x)overhead bridge
(xii)park/park connector
(vii)others (pls specify):
(all routes are to be at least 1200mm in width, stable, firm, level and slip resistant) / 0.5 point (each)
(max 4 points)
b. / Provision of shelter for at least 1 accessible external route / 1 point
4.2Vehicular access & facilities / (Up to 15 points)
a. / Designated accessible alighting and boarding bay/s
(pls check applicable)
(ii)buffer zone (more than 2500mm between accessible entrance/lobby and alighting and
boarding bay/s)
(iii)safety rails/bollards
(iv)seating provided
(v)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
b. / Segregation of different traffic (pls check applicable)
(i)between pedestrian and vehicular traffic
(ii)separate taxi point and alighting/boarding point
(iii)separate routes for different users e.g. visitors vs residents in a mixed use development
(iv)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
c. / Designated pedestrian walkways and crossings in car park / 1 point
d. / Car park indicators(pls check applicable)
(i)clear directional markings for vehicular traffic
(ii)luminescent/blinking warning road markers at pedestrian crossings
(iii)electronic signage system showing availability of parking lots
(vi)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
e. / Accessible parking lots
(i)more than required lots under prevailing Accessibility Code
(ii)located conspicuously near main lobbies, lift lobbies or accessible entrances / 2 points
1 point
f. / Family parking lots
(i)1% of total parking lots ( nos.); or
(ii)more than 1% of total parking lots ( nos.) / (max 3 points)
2 points
3 points
g. / Other parking lots (pls check applicable)
(i)bicycle parking lots
(ii)hybrid car parking lot/s
(iii)electric car parking lot/s with electric charging station
(iv)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 2 points)
4.3Pedestrian access and circulation / (Up to 17 points)
a. / Accessible entrances into buildings
(i)more than 1 accessible entrance per building; or
(ii)all entrances are accessible
Provisions at the entrance/s(pls check applicable)
(i)auto door/s at accessible entrance/s
(ii)step-less entry into building
(iii) shelter / (max 2 points)
1 point
2 points
1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
b. / Accessible circulation routes (include ramps & corridors) of more than 1200mm width
(i)1 circulation route leading to all accessible spaces and facilities; or
(ii)more than 50% of circulation routes; or
(iii)all circulation routes / (max 3 points)
1 point
2 points
3 points
c. / Accessible lifts
(i)more than 1 accessible lift; or
(ii)all lifts are accessible / (max 2 points)
1 point
2 points
d. / Lifts/escalators with UD features (pls check applicable)
(i)seating provided at lift lobbies or within lifts
(ii)mirror fitted in the interior of accessible lifts
(iii)audio feedback on direction of travel for escalators
(iv)others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
e. / Staircase/s with UD features (pls check applicable)
(i)minimum tread width of 300mm and maximum riser height of 150mm
(ii)non-slip nosing with luminescence/good colour contrast against tread
(iii)handrails on both sides of the staircase/s
(iv)secondary handrails for children
(v)Braille/tactile indicators on handrails
(vi)intermediate handrails for staircases more than 2400mm wide
(vii)others (pls specify): / 0.5 point (each)
(max 3 points)
Sub-total(Part 4) / Up to 36 points
Part 5: Safety
5.1 Safety in movement & use / (Up to 8 points)
a. / Walking surfaces are stable, firm, level and slip resistant / 1 point
b. / Appropriate use of surface finishes to provide warning on change in level(pls check applicable)
(i)colour contrasting colours
(ii)detectable floor surfaces
(iii)others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
c. / Handrails and/or trailing bars provided along circulation route/s
Additional handrail features provided(pls check applicable)
(i)secondary handrails for children
(ii)Braille/tactile indicators
(iii)others (pls specify): / 1 point
(not applicable for hospitals)
0.5 point (each)
(max 1 point)
d. / No obstacles, dangerous projections, protrusions and overhead hazards along pedestrian circulation / 1 point
e. / Appropriate illumination level with direct and reflected glare minimized / 1 point
Sub-total (Part 5) / Up to 8 points
Part 6: Operations & Maintenance
6.1User-centric policy / (Up to 2 points)
a. / Establish corporate policy on creating a user-friendly built environment / 2 points
6.2Operation & Maintenance of Facilities / (Up to 6 points)
a. / Design consideration made to ease maintenance of
(pls check applicable)
(i)building façade
(ii)common areas/facilities
(iii)others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
b. / Maintenance regime (pls check applicable)
(i)establish procedures for regular inspection, testing and maintenance
(ii)conduct regular audits to ensure good working condition of facilities
(iii) others (pls specify): / 1 point (each)
(max 3 points)
6.3Communication / (Up to 2 points)
a. / Provide clear communication to employees on corporate philosophy and handling public user feedback / 1 point
b. / Provide feedback mechanism for users / 1 point
6.4Training / (Up to 2 points)
a. / Strong commitment on training and equipping employees with UD knowledge / 2 points
Sub-total(Part 6) / Up to 12 points
TOTAL(for Section B) / Up to 56 points
(for Sections A + B) / A / B

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