Honors Biology I


Mrs. Fugate

Contact Info:

Mrs. Fugate :

Phone: 606-768-8102

Goal: The goal of this course is for each student to obtain the fundamental skills to be life long learners and problem solvers. As a result of this course students will be held to high standards and equipped with essential skills not only to him them obtain knowledge about science but with the ability to apply the knowledge that they gain from this class.


Textbook: The book being used for this course is Biology published by Prentice Hall, 2009.

Notebook: Students will be required to keep a notebook throughout the course. The notebook needs to be a three-ring binger at least 1 ½ inches thick. Students will be required to keep all graded assignments in their notebooks in the order that they were assigned. This will serve as a study guide for test and it will enable students to track their own progress in the class. Notebooks will be collected at the end of each unit and evaluated for a grade. Student will need to purchase five tab dividers in order to keep their work organized.

Calculator: A simple calculator is all that is needed. However, students will be required to do all basic math without a calculator, I will allow calculator for more advanced math that we may be using.

Gloves (Optional): Student may be required to come into contact with less than desirable materials in class ( insects, chicken liver, etc.) so students may want to bring rubber gloves with them to class. You can purchase latex gloves or dishwashing gloves will work. I will try to warn students ahead of time so that these can be purchased as needed.

Journal (I will be providing these): Students will be responsible for doing all bell work and reflection in journals. Journal will also be used as field notebooks when we do activities outdoors. Students will be expected to reflect everyday on the lessons of the day. Journals will also be used to take notes on daily activities needed to help complete lab reports.

*Notebooks will be graded weekly and journals will be graded twice a week.

Classroom Rules and procedures:

  • All policies of Menifee County Public Schools will be strictly enforced*

(including no cell phones out in class!!)

Be on time! Students should be in their seats when the bell rings and ready to begin the days activities when the tardy bell rings. Tardies will be kept and will result in discipline referrals. The absentee policy of Menifee County High Schools will be used. For every day you are absent you will receive one day to complete your make-up.

Be prepared! Reading and homework assignments should be completed on schedule. Students should have all necessary equipment (pencil or pen (blue or black only!) notebooks, textbooks, paper, and any other item needed for that days activities). Be prepared to learn! Leave all conversations not dealing with that day’s topic till the end of class.

Be Respectful! When the teacher or any other person (including fellow students) is talking, listen without interruption. If a situation presents where you are given the opportunity to talk raise your hand. Respect all of the schools property also. Do not pull on the sink spouts or the gas nozzles. Unfortunately the schools does not have funds to replace these if broken so if a student break them it is parent/guardians responsibility to replace them.

Be Successful!! Students who try their hardest and ask for assistance when needed will be the most successful. I am more than willing to work with students to help him or her conquer a topic they are struggling with, but I also expect that they are applying their very best efforts to every assignment and activity.

Do not have food or drinks in the class. Some days we may be working with chemicals or organic matter, which would be dangerous or gross to ingest.


First offense: Conference with teacher/warning

Second offense: Parent contact/break with teacher

Third offense: Parent contact/conference with principal/ASD

Fourth offense: Office referral


The absentee policy for Menifee County High school will be used.

It is the student’s responsibility to get all make-up work the day that they return to school. Students will have one day for each day missed to make-up work without points being taken off. If lab/activities, which required classroom participation, are missed, students will either have an alternative assignment or can schedule a time after or before school to make it up. (Students must schedule at least one day ahead so I have time to prepare lab materials for them. Students must also provide own transportation)

*Your grades will be based off test/quizzes, homework, lab reports, projects, and classroom participation. All papers should be turned in labeled with your name and date and should be done in pencil or blue/black ink (no bright colored ink). Anything turned in late will be deducted 10% for each day it’s late up to one week. Anything turned in after that will receive 50% credit.

Grading Scale:




D=60-69% (parent notified referral to ESS)

F=<60% (Parent notified referral to ESS)

Topics to be covered and TENTATIVE dates

UNIT TITLE / Standards / Week(s) to be taught
Intro to Science/ Classroom procedures / Aug. 11 & Aug. 12
* Science Inquiry/Scientific method/what is a living organisms
* Ecology (levels of organization, energy flow) / SC-HS-4.7.1
SC-HS-3.4.4,SC-HS-4.6.1,SC-HS-4.6.4,SC-HS-4.6.5 / Aug 15
*Ecology (levels of organization, energy flow)
*Ecology ( Communities and populations, Human impacts) / SC-HS-4.7.1
SC-HS-4.7.5, SC-HS-4.7.3 / Aug. 16
Ecology (continued topics/research project) / SC-HS-4.7.1
SC-HS-4.7.5, SC-HS-4.7.3
SC-HS-4.7.2 / Aug. 22
Chemistry of life / SC-HS-3.4.2,SC-HS-3.4.6,SC-HS-4.6.5,SC-HS-3.4.2, SC-HS-3.4.3 / Aug. 29
Photosynthesis/Respiration / SC-HS-3.4.4,SC-HS-4.6.1,SC-HS-4.6.5,SC-HS-4.6.10
SC-HS-3.4.2 / Sept. 5
Photosynthesis/Respiration / SC-HS-3.4.4,SC-HS-4.6.1,SC-HS-4.6.5,SC-HS-4.6.10
SC-HS-3.4.2 / Sept. 12
Cell function/Structure / SC-HS-3.4.7,SC-HS-3.4.3,SC-HS-3.4.4,SC- / Sept. 19
Cell Function/Structure/homeostasis / C-HS-3.4.7,SC-HS-3.4.3,SC-HS-3.4.4,SC- / Sept. 26
Cell growth and division / SC-HS-3.4.3 / Oct. 3
Cell growth and division / SC-HS-3.4.3 / Oct. 10
DNA/RNA / SC-HS-3.4.6,SC-HS-3.4.1,SC-HS-3.5.1,SC-HS-3.4.3 / Oct. 17
DNA/RNA / SC-HS-3.4.6,SC-HS-3.4.1,SC-HS-3.5.1,SC-HS-3.4.3 / Oct. 24
Genetics/meiosis/into to Mendel / SC-HS-3.4.5 / Oct. 31
Genetics/probability and punnett squares/linkage and gene maps / SC-HS-3.4.5,SC-HS-3.4.6, / Nov. 7
Genetics/genetic engineering/Human heredity / SC-HS-3.4.5,SC-HS-3.4.6, / Nov. 14
Biological classifaction / SC-HS-3.4.7 / Nov. 21
Bio classification/Geological history / SC-HS-3.4.6,SC-HS-3.5.1,SC-HS-4.7.4,SC-HS-4.7.3 / Nov. 28
Change over time / SC-HS-3.5.1,SC-HS-4.7.3 / Dec. 5
TBA / Dec. 12
Review/End of course assessment / Dec. 19

Addition Help:

If students have tried to the best of their abilities to achieve a standard but still are not where they want to be, please contact me as soon as possible. We will conference and decide what will be the best strategy to help you achieve the score desired. I am available from 7am-7:25am every mourning and after school. Also please feel free to contact me through email.

Personal Statement:

I will do everything I possibly can to ensure that all students are successful in my classroom. I will provide a safe and structure atmosphere to help elicit the learning process. I will be respectful to all students. I will work with parents/guardians to ensure all students learning needs are being met.

Parent/Guardian Confirmation Sheet


Please read over this curriculum guide so that you will know what is expected of your child in this class. If at anytime you would like to speak to me please feel free to call (768-8102). The best time to contact me would be from 7am-7:25am in the mourning my planning is from 11:08-12:56 (I have lunch room duty as well). If you have email feel free to email at anytime during the day and I will get back to you as soon as possible (this is probably the best way to contact me I check it all the time). Please fill out the information below and sign at the bottom indicating you have read over this curriculum. The curriculum is to be kept in your Childs notebook at all times. Thank you and I look forward to a wonderful year working with you and your child! 

Please initial one of the following areas:

______I give permission for Menifee County High School to use pictures, videos, etc. including my child (names will not be identified) in advertisements concerning Menifee County High School.

______I do not wish for photos of my child to be used in any advertisements concerning Menifee County High School

Parent/Guardian Information


Phone Number______Alternative number______

Best Time to Call______email address______

What are your expectations for you child in this class:

By signing below, I certify that I have read the Biology Course Curriculum outlined by Mrs. Fugate. I understand that if at any time I have questions regarding the curriculum, I may reach the teacher by phone or personal visit between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00p.m.

