Unit VIII Motivation Emotion

Module 37 Motivational Concepts (Pg. 390)

  1. Define Motivation as psychologist use the term
  2. Outline Completely 4 Perspectives of Motivation
  3. Instinct Theory
  4. Drive Reduction Theory (Role of Physiology, Needs, Drives, Homeostasis, Incentives)
  5. Arousal Theory (Optimal Arousal, Sensation Seekers, Yerkes Dodson Law)
  6. Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Needs/Priority)
  7. Copy the New Maslow Hierarchy
  8. Why does Maslow say the needs build on each other?
  9. Read table 37 on page 294- does this help you understand these perspectives?

Module 38 Hunger Motivation

  1. What does the Cannon-Washburn study tell us about hunger?
  2. How does the Hypothalamus affect hunger? (stimulating and inhibiting hunger)
  3. How does blood chemistry stimulate or inhibit hunger? (identify the appetite hormones page 399)
  4. Explain the Weight thermostat concept, address Basal Metabolic Rate, and set point.
  5. Psychology of Hunger address the following topics(page 400): mood and taste preferences, biology and taste=Pregnant women, cultural aspects of hunger, neophobia, and situational factors.
  6. What are the significant psychological effects ofObesity and Weight control?
  7. How does set point relate to obesity?
  8. Which of the “Waist Management topics are most important (choose3)?

Module 39 Sexual Motivation:

  1. Identify the Sexual Response Cycle.
  2. What are some of the sexual dysfunctions and what are treatment therapies?
  3. Explain how hormones affect sexual behavior?
  4. Psychology of Sex: How are sexual motivation and hunger similar?
  5. Copy Chart of pg. 409
  6. Address external and internal stimuli elements to sexual motivation.

Module 40 Social Motivation: Affiliation Needs

  1. How is affiliation or social interaction adaptive?
  2. List the ways in which “Rich and satisfying relationships are important”
  3. According to the text, what are the effects of exclusion/ostracism? (psychological and physiological - Kipling Williams)
  4. What is the aim of social behavior?
  5. Pg. 413 read very carefully and address:
  6. Brain Reward systems
  7. Ending a bad relationship
  8. Children who have difficulty with secure relationships
  9. Insecure attachments
  10. Insecure Avoidant Attachment
  11. What happens when something threatens our social ties?
  12. How do people respond to social exclusion? (415)
  13. Read the Social Networking stuff if you want, some interesting stuff there.

Module 41 Theories and Physiology of Emotion

  1. How are emotions adaptive?
  2. Outline carefully the theories of emotion:
  3. James-Lange
  4. Cannon-Bard
  5. Schacter-Singer
  6. Spill-over Effect
  7. Zajonic
  8. Brain Pathways –
  9. High Road (top Down processing)
  10. Low Road (bottom up processing)
  11. Lazarus
  12. What parts of the brain are active with specific emotions?
  13. Pg. 426 Why do some people claim polygraph tests are unreliable?
  14. What alternatives are offered to polygraph tests?

Module 42 Expressed Emotion