Manage the reconciliation of ante mortem and post mortem data

/ This standard is about managing the process for comparing evidence obtained during the post mortem process with information obtained by the ante mortem process in order to arrive at a provisional identification of a victim involved in a major incident or disaster. The extent of work required to achieve reconciliation will vary in respect of each individual victim.
There is one element
1 Manage the reconciliation of ante mortem and post mortem data
Target Group
This standard is for officers and staff (specially trained in DVI awareness) who manage the process of comparing evidence obtained during the post mortem process with the information obtained by the ante-mortem process in the event of an incident involving multiple fatalities. Those appointed to this role are usually known as the Reconciliation Manager.
Performance criteria
You must be able to: / P1  obtain and interpret post and ante-mortem forms
P2  select and interrogate recording and intelligence systems
P3  ensure procedures are in place to make a provisional identification as soon as possible
P4  produce reports summarising identification evidence in the approved format for relevant authorities
P5  apply systems for the progression of records and any other documents
P6  engage with key personnel, providing situational reports as required
P7  regularly liaise with mortuary and ante-mortem teams to ensure information is shared
P8  provide supervision to the reconciliation team
P9  plan for provision of welfare and support to staff in the reconciliation team
P10  conduct briefing and debriefing of the reconciliation team as required
P11  carry out and disseminate an evaluation to identify lessons learned and areas of good practice
Knowledge and understanding
You need to know and understand: / Legal and organisational requirements
K1  current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines for reconciling ante mortem and post mortem data
K2  current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines in relation to race, diversity and human rights
K3  current, relevant legislation, policies, procedures, codes of practice and guidelines in relation to health and safety
You need to know and understand: / Reconciling ante mortem and post mortem data
K4  the types of post and ante-mortem documentation
K5  how to interpret post and ante-mortem forms
K6  the available recording and intelligence systems, and how to access and interrogate them
K7  the procedures for arriving at a provisional identification of the deceased
K8  the various roles of key personnel involved in DVI and the responsibilities attached to the different roles
K9  the importance of maintaining effective communication with others involved in the DVI process
K10  the importance of ensuring the welfare of reconciliation staff and how to do so
K11  how to carry out and disseminate an evaluation to identify lessons learned and areas of good practice
You need to know and understand: / Briefings and de-briefings
K12  the points at which briefings and de-briefings should take place
K13  the importance of fully briefing and de-briefing your team
K14  how to conduct briefings and debriefings
You need to know and understand: / Documentation
K15  the approved format of reports for summarising identification evidence
K16  the systems for the progression of records and any other documents

Additional Information

Scope/range related to performance criteria / 1.  provisional identification
1.1.  possible
1.2.  probable
1.3.  established match
2.  key personnel
2.1.  Coroner/Procurator Fiscal
2.2.  Senior Identification Manager (SIM)
2.3.  Senior Investigating Officer (SIO)
2.4.  Crime Scene Manager / Scene Evidence Recovery Manager or equivalent
2.5.  Family Liaison Co-ordinator
2.6.  Mortuary Manager
2.7.  Casualty Bureau Manager
2.8.  Forensic pathologists/scientists
Developed by / Skills for Justice
Version number / 1
Date approved / May 2010
Indicative review date / May 2015
Validity / Current
Status / Original
Originating organisation / Skills for Justice
Original URN / SFJ BK402
Relevant occupations / Public Services; Public Service and Other Associate Professionals
Suite / Policing and Law Enforcement
Key words / DVI, deceased, fatality, victims, disaster, emergency, identify, ante mortem, post mortem, reconciliation

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