
Joint Health Care Committee Notes

July 9, 2008

Meeting Started by John O. Riley at 2:00 P.M. with Roll call

Committee Members Present:

Union: John O. Riley (UNAC),Jacob Joseph (UNAC), Tim Hinterberger (UNAC, Alternate), Tim Powers (ACCFT), J. Sowell (6070), Colin Clausson (6070)

Management: Beth Behner,Stuart Roberts, Yvonne Boyce, Kris Racina, (Management Alternate), Heather Swanson, Lisa Sporleder (Alternate)

Committee Members Absent: Jane Weber (ACCFT), Rick McDonald (ACCFT), Jennifer Madsen (6070 Alternate).

Staff: Mike Humphrey - Director of Benefits, Erika Van Flein Benefits Coordinator, Cyndee West UNAC Contract Manager

Guests: Win For Alaska - Summer Neuroth and Shannon Brady Garman

The agenda was reviewed and two additions were added under the topic of Discussion Items. 1- Blue Cross Seattle meeting in November. JHCC members were asked to consider whether they would like to attend and participate. 2 Discussion of Letter from President Carl Shepro

Notes of the June 17th meeting were reviewed and a change to the attendance list was noted. Kris Racina should have been listed as absent.

Committee Reports and Status of TO DO Items - Update from Prior Meetings:

  • A Sub-Group was established consisting of Mike Humphrey, John O Riley, Tim Powers, Heather Swanson and Cyndee West. The sub-group will review the WIN-Alaska Proposal on the proposed expansion of Individual Health Plan (IHP) program to the UAF campus. Status: The 1st meeting of the sub-group will be at 4p.m. today following this meeting
  • Mike Humphrey was asked to send the original contract with Win-AK for review. A copy of all Win-AK contracts were to be distributed to the JHCC. Status: Completed. Win-AK proposal has been sent out to all for review.
  • Calendar of important dates for all health care vendor contracts should be sent to the JHCC. Status: Mike and Cyndee will finish this list prior to the August Meeting.
  • JHCC Meeting Schedule will be posted. Status: The meeting schedule will be posted on the Web utilizing the 2nd Wednesday of each month.
  • The SWHR website will be utilized for all JHCC agendas, meeting notes and documents. Status: Mike confirmed he would do this. The link for the JHCC website is:

Presentations/Informational Items:

Summer Neuroth and Shannon Brady Garman presented the Win for Alaska monthly reports for April and May to the committee. The information tracked is useful in determining what is working, where the most impacts are made, what is being utilized and also provides data to use for ROI comparisons. The complete printed reports were provided to the committee.

Discussion Items:

  • Blue Cross annual briefing for the University has been scheduled for November 12 in Seattle. Beth invited JHCC members to attend and participate in this meeting
  • Members of the committee who are interested and are available should email Mike Humphrey and Cyndee by Friday July 11, 2008, so that the final date and arrangements can be made with Blue Cross.
  • President Carl Shepro sent a letter to all the JHCC to address Wellness topics. Main points included:
  • Independent review
  • Stated that a review of current programs could be done and perhaps AFT could help, Cyndee said Carl could follow-up
  • Concern that changes to plan were not presented to the committee.
  • Committee determined that the Group Charter addressed this concern as members felt things were discussed at prior meetings, it was just that the final communication of implementation and the impacts had not gotten out. JHCC members and staff will work to follow the Group Charter in the future to prevent misunderstandings.

Action Items:

  • Mike Humphrey and Cyndee West will finalize calendar of meetings and have them posted to the JHCC website.
  • Mike Humphrey will provide copies of all vendor contracts to the committee for review.
  • Mike Humphrey will post the JHCC calendar of timelines to the website for planning purposes.
  • Any JHCC representatives who are interested will confirm availability to attend the Blue Cross update meeting in Seattle in November.
  • John Riley confirmed, Tim Powers confirmed, Jay Sowell said someone from 6070 will attend, Cyndee West confirmed.

Member Comments: No comments.

Review of To Do Items/ Person Responsible:

  • A Sub-Group was established Mike Humphrey, John O Riley, Tim Powers, Heather Swanson and Cyndee West will review the WIN Alaska Proposal for an expansion of the contract with them. Status: The sub group will meet and get recommendation out to the full committee regarding this proposal.
  • Mike Humphrey will send the original contract for review/comparison. A copy of all health care contracts will be gathered for the committee. Status: Win-AK proposal sent. VSP and Premera contracts still needed.
  • Calendar of important dates will be completed. Status: This will be done before the August meeting.
  • Meeting Schedule will be posted on the website. Status: This will be done before the August meeting.
  • Inform JHCC members of the website to be utilized. Status: Theweb address for JHCC is –
  • Training for Web Meetings will be held. Status: On hold due to illness.

Next Meeting August 13th

Meeting Adjourned.

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