Breakout Group Report: Senior High Schools Facility Issues
21st Century School Fund 10/27/04 Community Mtg on DC Public School Facilities
(Facilitator: Cathy Reilly, SHAPPE)
Group Attendance
Steve Tarason, Chuck Samuels, and Robert Minnich from Wilson SHS; Aona Jefferson, Bob Headen, and Consuella Ellis from Woodson SHS; Alberto Treves from Fanning- Howey Associates; and Tommy Wells from the DC Board of Education.
Capital Budget Discussion
There was a general feeling of alarm at the lack of planning evident in the proposed FY06-11 capital budget. In options B and C, there is funding for capital projects at many schools, but with no process to identify what the projects would be and how they would fit in with the modernization plans.
The Woodson staff provided a description of their current facility conditions (including very poor air quality and clogged drains), and the history of the building construction in the 1970's. The Woodson building was actually planned with two towers (one was to provide a facility for programming rich in career and technical vocational opportunities), but the second tower was never built due to funding problems. It was also originally planned for over 2,000 students. The flaws in the building at its completion were never corrected and have remained to this day, partially accounting for its priority for capital money. This might serve as a kind of warning regarding what we are building now, how these newer buildings will stand the test of time, and whether they will fare any better than the buildings of the 1970's.
The participants from Wilson affirmed the need for Woodson to stay on track for planned major improvements.
There was total agreement on the need for a long term commitment to the maintenance of our structures. We spoke of a number of maintenance issues, including downspout and drain problems at Wilson, and drains filled with concrete at other campuses. There was further discussion on the plans Wilson is pursuing to accommodate a phased approach to modernization. Space planning connected with joint use and efficiency was one of the recommendations of the master plan.
Tommy Wells spoke of wanting a clear message from the community as to which projects should get a green light, which ones need more planning, and which should be stopped. He identified Walker Jones ES, Terrell JHS, and Phelps SHS as projects in question. As a Board member, he is willing to slow or stop projects only with clear justification. However he too felt the lack of sufficient overall and integrated planning.