Warren Township Recreation Commission

Minutes of August 5, 2009 Meeting

The meeting of the Warren Township Recreation Commission convened at 7:20 pm on Wednesday, August 5, 2009 at the Township Municipal Building.

In attendance were Adriane Stewart, Mary Ellen Florey, Poonam Alaigh, Jim Zilinski, Recreation Director, Eleanora Hermann, and twp. Residents Tanya McAusland, Carolyn Maher, Sherri Woods, YMCA Dan Reeves

Absent members: George Lazo, Karen Manner, Gary Miller, Rob Lachenauer

Statement by Presiding Officer

Open Public Meeting Statement - Adequate notice of this meeting was given by posting a copy on the Township Bulletin Board and sending a copy to the Township Clerk, Courier News and Echoes Sentinel as required by the Open Public Meeting Act.

Flag Salute

Adriane Stewart motioned to approve the minutes from May 6, 2009 meeting and Jim Zilinski 2nd, with all in favor.

Privilege of the floor:

In attendance was residents Tanya McAusland, Carolyn Maher, Sherri Woods and YMCA representative Dan Reeves The township residents presented to the commission their thoughts and views for having a YMCA in town and/or a recreation center. They have formed a committee and meet monthly. They are funding their own feasibility study and have about 80% of the funds raised. They would like to participate on Recreation sub-committees to assist with twp events. The commission members discussed their desires for a recreation center and options that are being explored and previous proposals. Also, discussed are the use, fees, and other alternatives with MUJC facility. The township will not use the pool at MUJC facility until the roof repairs are completed, and because of the lack of time available to the twp. Dan stated that the YMCA has many resources and is willing to help.

Chairperson Comments:

Letter from resident regarding Firefighters Park disapproving of the park not being constructed.

Use of the MUJC- discussion of the fees, time availability, need for security regarding ratio of 1 adult for every 10 children.

Gaiser Barn/ wrestling – wrestling wants to use ½ of bldg. Commission members oppose this use.

Smoking ban – No smoking signage will be displayed on municipal & Duderstadt fields. Signs to be ordered.

Memorial Day parade next year – American Legion does not want festival location changed. Jim Zilinski will meet with Legion members to discuss vast possibilities.


Treasurer's Report (see Dir/Treasurer report)-Tom P

Rec/Sport Liaison – Jim Z, Poonam A. – Jim very concerned about coaches not having expired fingerprint, certification, insurance and Rutgers training. Eleanora stated that insurance and other paper work is not handed-in on time. Jim will contact coaches regarding some of these issues.

Park/Passive Recreation

·  Trails - ready to purchase bridge.

·  Hunting – Concerns with the properties being used. Requesting map of areas where hunting will take place.

·  Playground - ready to purchase playground equipment for municipal field.

·  Tennis courts/DPW working on specs for Greenwood Meadows

·  County Grant items for 2009 – complete: $10000-wagner farm; $2000 Roller Hockey; $3000 sandbox/shade

Community Affairs – Jim Z, Karen M, Gary M, Mary Ellen F

·  Camp update- 246 registered

Cultural Affairs – Mary Ellen F, George L, Gary M

·  Concerts complete; 3 movies for August , Thursday nights (Iron Men coming 8/6/09)


Treasurers Report

Deposits: June

Trust - Jan: 0; Feb: 0; March: $1,925; April: $18,895.00 May: $7,801 June: $1,755 TOTAL YTD = $30,376


Trust – $2,829.39June TOTAL YTD = $8,221.22

O/E – $4,690.87 June TOTAL YTD = $13061.88

General Fund Deposit- Jan: $4,600; Feb: $500; March: $250 April: $50; May: $100 June: $450 $ TOTAL YTD =$ 5950

Deposits: July

Trust - Jan: 0; Feb: 0; March: $1,010 April: $22,285 May: $7,155 June: $16,354 July: $9,052 TOTAL YTD = $55,856


Trust – $8313.39 July TOTAL YTD = $18,658.82

O/E – TOTAL YTD = $15,024.98

General Fund Deposit- Jan: $4,600; Feb: $500; March: $250 April: $50; May: $100 June: $450 $ TOTAL YTD =$5,950

Directors Report

o  Concerts – Complete: 1st:180 people; 2nd 120 people; 3rd 75 people; 4th over 200 people. 2&3 were indoors. We had a small issue with the last concert. We had a residents upset with the system the county was using. It cracked and mic went out on the first 2 bands. He called the County Park Commission to complain. They looked into it and we talked. They offered to refund us our money and will use the larger system next year. I will make sure the parking lot is empty when they get here at 5pm.

o  Lions Club donation $350.00 to teens festival.

o  Movies – Aug. 6 Kicking & Screaming (Iron Men professional men’s soccer players and mascot will be there to play games and sign autographs) Aug.13- The Tale of Despereaux; Aug. 20- National Velvet 1945 version. I’m still going to show the movie on the library field.

o  Other Camps – Cancelled Computer Creations, Ultimate Frisbee.

o  Discussing no smoking ordinance – The Letter to go out to the sports group was drawn up by Jim Z. Please read and comment.

o  Fall camps – Tennis and sports squirts

ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING will be held Sept. 2 at 7 pm at the Municipal Building 2nd floor.

Adjourned 9:30 pm

Carolyn Scannelli

Minutes Secretary