The regular meeting of the SB City Council was called to order by Mayor Rick Olson at

7:07p.m.on January 9, 2012 in the meeting room of the SB Fire Hall.

Present were council members, Dennis Dietz, Dean Van Horn,Troy Bohn, Val Obrigewitch, and city auditor, Jacque Dietz.

The minutes of the regular meeting held December 12, 2011were approved with acorrection regarding the increase in water rates. Water will increase by twenty five cents making the cost of water $3.50 per thousand gallons.


Landfill: Dean reported that he had been to the landfill and the debris that has been dumped there needs to be pushed in and burned. This should be done as soon as we receive some moisture. Polar Excavating is still planning to hauled out the white goods.

Buildings/Grounds: RENOVATION UPDATE: Some sheetrock is up and windows have been replaced. Jandt has put boots in. Waiting on electrical work which is to begin this week. Dennis will call to make sure work will begin this week, as area designated for the USPS cloister boxes must be ready to enable installation of boxes by first of February. A complaint was received by Denis regarding the safety of the playground equipment in the pavilion park area. Discussion was held as to repair or remove and replace. Action is table until spring to give board time to review the situation and check into purchasing new or getting used from someone.

Water/Sewer: Nothing has been done to correct problem at Fox Hills Water Station. Burwick drilling, (company that originally drilled well) may have to be contacted if problem persists. There are a few water issues that need to be resolved with residents. Jacque will work with Rick to get resolved as new water books are delivered and new rates put into effect.

Streets: The culvert near Jack Cook’s has not been removed yet. Dennis commented that the hole near Mary Cook residence needs attention. Valwill look into. A 2012 Ford F350 4X46 speed with auto transmission pick up was purchased for $27,585 from Woodhouse in Nebraska, to replace the current garbage truck. Dean Van Horn picked it up in Fargo.


Vacuum cleaner has been spoken for. It has not been picked up or paid for.


Purchasing snow blade and stake box for new pick up was discussed. Rick reported various costs for single and V-blades as well as options and cost of stake boxes, from dealers in Dickinson and Bismarck. Council members agree a single blade would be sufficient. Box should be complete and made of high quality material. Dennis moved to give authorization to the mayor to purchase a single blade snow blade and a stake bed of the best quality for the least amount of money. Dean seconded his motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Rick asked permission to attend the 26th annual water expo in Fargo on Febraury 14-16 for a cost of $190, to be reimbursed by ND Rural Water Assoc.


The financial report through December 31, 2012was presented and reviewed.

The following bills were presented for payment:

General Fund:

Midstate $ 63.15 MDU $541.69 A T&T$ 34.64 Jacque $400.99 Safe Box Fee $ 20.00 Dean VH $1434.50

Total expenses to be taken from General Fund $2494.97

WaterWorks Fund:

SW Water $6069.81 City of Beach $99.00 MDU $448.61

R&O Contract $150.00Olson Service$49.50 SWDH$ 42.00

MarmanPlumbing $ 179.06 Farmers Union$164.53 Polar Exca $150.00

Total expenses to be taken from WaterWorks Account $7352.51

Total expenses from both accounts for the month of December is $9847.48

Troy moved to pay the bills. Val seconded. Motion carried unanimously.

Rick called for any other business to be brought to this meeting before adjourning. Dean would like the council to consider putting up a new building to house the new truck and other equipment. He is also suggesting that it be built east of the Fox Hills water depot Rick appointed Dean to be in charge of the project. He is to bring a plan to next meeting. Dean asked for recommendations regarding size. All agree that a building is needed to house a minimum of 2 vehicles, plus room for more in the future such as a small loader. Figure it to be approximately 30’ X 40’,11’ doors, 12’ sidewalls, and a small bath.

The next regular meeting of the city council will be held on Monday, Feb. 13 at 7:00 pm.

A special meeting is scheduled for Monday Jan 24 at 7:00 pm to continue going through ordinances.

There being no further business Val motioned to adjourn the meeting. Troy made the second. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:37 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jacque Dietz, City Auditor

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