Scott Klar’s ‘How To’ on Lab Reports - ECE 2006

• Student name and partner name

• Course number

Lab #: TITLE


Briefly state the object of this lab and the goals you hope to accomplish. State any assumptions and constraints that pertain to the lab. Such as, "we assume there is no resistance in the wires", and "we are constrained by the accuracy of the multimeter".


Simply list the equipment used to perform the lab.


List the steps involved to perform the experiment. Make it brief, but good enough for someone to reproduce. Can be a list or in paragraph form.


Include pre-lab calculations. Explain the results obtained from the procedure. Compare measured values to theoretical values and to simulated values. Explain any discrepancies. Include some of these values in the results, do not just reference a table and say they were all very close, show how close they were using numbers. Most points are in this section! The tables are DATA, not results.


Make a meaningful conclusion about the lab. Such as, "We conclude these OpAmps are not ideal because..." Do not say, "This lab was hard, I learned a lot..." State any problems or obstacles.


Attached all of the required pictures, graphs, answers to questions, and pre-lab calculations to the end of the report. This makes the report easier to read. Label each graph with a figure number and a small description of what the graph shows. Make a reference to the figure or table in the report. You must make a reference to all the attachments you used in the report.

Lab Data Sheets and Signatures

Other notes:

·  These reports are easy points if you include everything.

·  Actual calculations need to be in the results, not just the equations: V=IR etc. Use numbers to explain results, don't just refer to the tables as your results, data is not results. Draw some meaningful and substantial conclusions along with answering the lab questions. Mention the attachments that you include. Use good grammar and spelling.

·  For PSICE include output waveforms if it is an AC circuit.

·  Include everything for full, easy points! Slight variations in report format are acceptable.