Group discussion Each number below includes questions that relate to the scripture. I offer a few answers, but your perspective may be better. The point is to discuss, not to get 100% agreement. Rule of thumb: the fewer questions you ask, the better. Save time for “the big question.”

This week’s discussion is all about the important topic of blessing, and how this should be a regular practice among God’s people.

1. What do you think it means to speak a blessing to another person?

How do you think speaking a blessing different than simply affirming someone?

Have you ever given a blessing to another person? Share the story.

Have you ever received a blessing from another person? Share the story.

What did you learn about blessing from your experience?

Was there anything said or done in the sermon/worship service today that gave you new perspective on blessing?

2. Read Numbers 6:22-27. Read the verses in a few different translations to hear a variety of perspectives on the passage.

What do you learn about blessing from this passage?

Is there a particular phrase the grabs you or intrigues you? Why?

See Bible notes for some extra info on the blessing content.

What do we learn about God from this passage?

What do we learn about the people of God from this passage?

How might this passage instruct us as we think about being a people who speak blessings to others?

3. One of the claims of the sermon today was that our speaking of blessings are opportunities for us to witness to God.

How is speaking a blessing to another person a moment for us to be witnesses to God?

What kind of claim are we making about what we believe when we choose to bless someone?

Why do you think it is sometimes difficult to give a blessing?

Why do you think it is sometimes difficult to receive a blessing?

What might you say to a person struggling to give or receive a blessing? What do you think God would say to them?

4. Another challenging claim in the sermon was that God desires to bless people. What do we read in Numbers 6 that teach us this lesson?

Why might it be a challenging for someone to believe that God actually wants to bless him or her?

How would your life change if you chose to believe that God actually wants to bless you?

How would it change your posture to others if you believed that God wanted to bless them through you?

The million-dollar question If you ask only one question, let this be it. Allow at least 20 minutes. Go around the circle and give each person an opportunity to answer. It’s okay if they pass, but at least they get a chance to respond.

Who is one person to whom you can speak a word of blessing? What do you think you might say? One idea is to allow your LIFE Group to be a time when you can bless one another.


Bible notes

Numbers 6 is an ideal blessing to look at in order to better understand what it means to bless another person. Here are some signifincant things this passage teaches us about blessing.

·  Blessings find their meaning in the God who blesses.

·  Blessing is about joining the work of God in the world.

·  “Bless”: a divine gift that invokes God’s goodness.

·  “Keep”: a concern for safety and protection.

·  “Face shining”: God having a posture of benevolence.

·  “Face turned”: God moving towards you in graciousness.

·  “Peace”: a robust term invoking God’s reign and harmony.

Kid-friendly activity. An activity designed to help kids and adults grow in faith together. Do this first, then dismiss the kids so the adults can talk.

Words of Blessing

This week our passage in Numbers 6 is an important reminder to bless one another. One of the most powerful ways we can bless other people is through our words. This week we are going to teach the kids this important lesson.

Prep: Grab some pens and paper that can be colored, written on, and folded up. Maybe even grab a few envelopes.

Open: Talk to the kids about the power of words. When is a time in their life when they felt the power of words (for good or bad)? Or ask them: what is a way words can hurt? What is a way they can help? Give some examples of each.

After the discussion, then read the passage in Numbers 6:22-27. Tell them about how important it was for God to have his people speak blessings to one another. Ask them why that was important then? And why is that important now?

Close with having them pick one person to whom they can write a note of blessing. Maybe even have them include the words from Numbers 6:22-27.

Either have them hand deliver the note, or put it in an envelope to send. Then close in prayer.

College Hills LIFE Group Guide

May 2013 Guide 1

Numbers 6:22-27 – The Lord Bless You

By Wilson McCoy ()

The theme: When we bless we witness to a God who wants to bless. Central to our passage today is a God who desires his people to give and receive blessings. There is something about this experience that reflects who God is and what he desires. Most important, though, is that these blessings are never just for our sake, but for the sake of the world.

One idea for your group time is to take the list of babies who were blessed in 1st service this morning and to pray individually for them. Grab a copy of the bulletin for a list of their names.

Leadership Announcement: Go ahead and mark your calendar for May 26. On this Sunday evening we will be hosting our 3rd annual Grill and Chill here on the College Hills campus. The last two years have been a lot of fun, so go ahead and tell your group this week so they can mark their calendar. Details at

Relate Use a few to introduce the theme, check everyone’s spiritual pulse, and “break the ice.” No right or wrong answers – maybe goofy but not wrong! Look for opportunities to affirm and encourage through these questions.

v  We blessed our newborns this morning. You have any memorable/funny stories with newborns you want to share?

v  What is your favorite ice cream (or place to get ice cream)?

v  Name one thing in your life your would consider a “blessing.”