St Mary's Catholic Primary School

Arden Road

Henley in Arden


B95 5LT

Tel: 01564 792316

6th September 2017

Dear Parents,

Autumn Term 1 Clubs 2017

After school clubs start this week with two new members of staff: Mr (Will) Green is the new PE apprentice and will be in charge of PE, running the sports after school clubs and is the lead for wrap around care. Miss (Georgia) Higgins is the new teaching assistant working in Class 3 with Miss Armstrong and will be supporting Mr Green with the running of after school clubs and wrap around care.

Clubs for this half term will run from Monday 11th September until Thursday 19th October 2017. The clubs available for the half term are as follows:

Day / Clubs / Staff / Available to / Capacity / Cost for the term
Monday / Hockey
Homework / Mr. Green
Miss Higgins / Years 2-6
All years / 25
25 / £12
Tuesday / Table Tennis
Film / Mr. Green
Miss Higgins / Years 2-6
All years / 16
30 / £12
Wednesday / Football
Starstruck / Mr. Green
Miss Higgins
Steff/Starstruck Performings Arts / Years 2-6
Years R-1
All years / 20
25 / £12
£70 (term)
Thursday / Cricket
Mad Science / Mr. Green + Miss Higgins
Georgia from Mad Science / All years
All years / 25
25 / £12
Friday / Multi Skills / Mr. Green
Miss Higgins / Years 2-6
Years R-1 / 15
15 / £10

Clubs cost £2 per child per day (except for Starstruck and Mad science which are paid directly to the company. If anyone is interested in joining either of these 2 clubs please see separate letters for details - attached).

The only way to book a place in our clubs is to pay for it on ParentPay. Pupils who are not attending clubs cannot remain on site. This process ensures numbers are consistent each week, we do not exceed the maximum capacity and teachers know where all of their pupils need to be at the end of the day.

Parents and children cannot book on the day or on an ad-hoc basis – commitment to a club is for the half term. All clubs are first come first serve. A space is not guaranteed unless consent and payment has been given on ParentPay. If a child is going to be absent from a session, parents must email or phone the school office in advance.

For all sports clubs hair must be tied back and PE kits must be worn. Please note this applies for boys and girls.

Payment for multi skills is £2 less than the other sports clubs as the school is closed on Friday 20th October for a Teacher Education Day (TED). Multi skills is a non-sport specific club that will improve children’s fitness, co-ordination and enthusiasm for sport.

Yours sincerely

Mr Roberts and Mrs Greenway

Head Teacher: J Le Maitre B.Ed MA.