Minutes of the GLGA Board Meeting

December 5, 2017

Board Members PresentCarol Eberhart, Carol Lang, Mary Holmes, Avalon Benell, Carolyn Broback, Kathy Fuller, Susan Chambers, Paula Lambkin, Linda Aiken, Nancy Foy

AbsentJane Barry, Pat McEwen

Others PresentKevin Reagan

The meeting was called to order at 2:04 PM by Carol Eberhart, President.

Secretary – Carol Lang

Carol stated that a Quorum was present.

The Minutes of the November 1, 2017 Board Meeting are online and approved.

Officer Reports

President – Carol Eberhart

In their CAM budget the Pro Shop has allocated $600 toward the 18 Ladies Club. This will be distributed in the amounts of $200 for the Member/Member, $200 for the President’s Cup and $200 for the Club Championship. Pat McEwen will be notified that she should inform the Tournament Chairs to work with Kevin regarding the increments of the Gift Cards for their particular tournament.

Cindy Nickels had to purchase new software to facilitate the running of Golf Genius on her computer. She will be informed that the Board thought it an appropriate expense, and that she should submit a reimbursement request to come out of the Miscellaneous account for Supplies. The approximate amount of this reimbursement will be approximately $50.

A discussion followed regarding the distribution of the phone books, and whether we should do that again this year. We receive $.73 per book which adds approximately $600 to our annual income. The previous person in charge, Sherri Estlund, had to leave town so Carol Eberhart will contact Sue Kamke to see if she has the maps and a willingness to run it this year. It was suggested that this be put on our Home Page.

Carol informed us she wants everyone to generate a notebook for the person who will follow in our respective job. It should be a sort of training notebook and be clean and concise to help mentor that person. This can be in writing or on a thumb drive as is the case with the Social Committee but it was stated that it is best if the “How to do each job” has paper copies in the Notebook.

Vice President – Jane Barry

Jane was absent, but she sent a note about the Football event. She stated that it was very successful with decorations that were catching and wonderful food. Thanks to Kathy Fuller the Scorecards looked great though there was some difficulty with handicaps since Men were on the gold tees and Women were on the red tees. She thanked all involved for their time and effort.

Carol Eberhart gave a report on the progress of the ProAm. It seems to be moving along just fine with 30 Pros and 30 Teams. Kevin wants to start around 12:30 if the morning shotgun is done. He will also set up holes 6, 14 and 17 to play around 180 yards for the Pros to speed the game up and will encourage women to hit first if the Pro is waiting to hit. The Pros will be introduced while the scoring is going on and the women are seated and starting to eat and drink. Extra lighting is being arranged and there will be 14 new Grand tablecloths. Cindy ordered the same set up for the Pavilion that they had for Football.


Secretary – Carol Lang

Each year we have free advertising in the “Grand Lifestyles” magazine. It can be 1 full page ad, 2 half page ads, or 4 quarter page ads. Carol recommended two half page ads run in January 2018 and November 2018. She distributed a rough half page ad. The Board agreed with the half page ads in January and November and felt they did not need further approval on the content of the ad.

Treasurer – Mary Holmes

We have 204 returning Members totaling $16,524.00.

Some questions were raised and addressed. The Hole in One increased which was due to $2.00 per New Members joining. Member/Member was increased from $129.15 to $169.15 due to New Members joining. Regarding Charity Events the Income increased because of the income minus the expenses. Regarding the Football event Nancy Foy was not sure why there is a $392 surplus. She thinks it might be because Kevin gave us such a good price for drinks. The Member Guest account changed because Veronica already submitted some expenses. The raffle money from the Luncheon went to the Member Guest account.

The per Member allocation is $20 total with $13 going to Play of the Day, $5 going to the Member/Member and $2 to Hole in One.

The question was raised if the Treasurers Budget report could show a bit more detail. It would be helpful to see more of a breakdown on Monthly Income and Expenses.

Jane recommended that we budget for 285 Members each year.

Mary receiveda request from the AWGA for a donation. The monies are used for training, junior golf and other similar areas. We sent a donation last year so she suggested we donate $100.

A motion was made by Nancy Foy and seconded by Carolyn Broback to donate $100 to the AWGA. The motion carried.

A motion was made by Nancy Foy and seconded by Linda Aiken to approve the Treasurer’s report. The motion carried.

Committee Reports

Social – Susan Chambers and Paula Lambkin

Susan and Paula submitted a detailed report of Income and Expenses for the Opening Luncheon which showed a loss of $7.60. This was covered by the surplus carried over from last year.

In addition to the report the summary of the Raffle was $1,121 Income with $560 paid to the Members in varying amounts and $561 credited to the Member Guest account. They were complimented for a very nice luncheon and an overall terrific job.

Play of the Day – Avalon Benell and Carolyn Broback

Carolyn explained that the goal of Play of the Day is to give out all of the allocated monies, but not go over although there is some massaging each week because the payouts are not just cut and dry. Carolyn passed out her November summary. She pointed out that her report and the Treasurer’s report would be close but not an exact match because of new members joining. Kathy Fuller recommended that all special events and tournaments generate a report like this. Carolyn passed out GLGA Scoring and Pay-out Guidelines for the Board’s information. Linda Aiken raised the question of whether or not we should include summer play instead of the current method making it a different format and charging players $3.00. It was suggested that this discussion be moved to New Business and discussed at a late date.


Membership – Nancy Foy

We currently have 306 members. We have 209 renewals and 20 new members. There are 77 who have not renewed but only 1 says they will not be joining this coming year. Last year we lost 41. When all have renewed Nancy anticipates we will have around 285 members. Nancy was complimented on doing a great job recruiting.

Pairings and Scorecards – Kathy Fuller

Kathy is still getting comfortable with Golf Genius and continues to work with Cindy Nickels. She has had some headaches but is working thru them. Jean Peacock is also a wonderful resource.

Major Tournaments – Pat McEwen

Pat was absent, but everything is moving along fine.

Handicap – Linda Aiken

Linda sent the list of members who had passed away to AWGA.There was a discussion of which events should be posted as a “T” Tournament score. Nancy pointed out that this was on the GLGA website. Our events that should be posted as Tournament scores are Medallion, Member/Member, Club Championship and the President’s Cup. Others are social events and not Tournaments.

Pro-Liaison – Kevin Reagan

For the ProAm, Kevin asked all Pros if they could bring a round of golf or a golf lesson for the raffle. We have 7 lessons from our Pros for the raffle. Cobra has a new fitting system for the Pros and we will be a test site. Our recent Demo Day did $36,000 so it was a big success. Carolyn thanked Kevin for his Rules presentations. Kevin thinks he will demonstrate how to fix a ball mark because not doing it properly leaves the dead spots on the green. The proper way is to look at the fairway and push forward not to look toward the cup. He would like to have some trunk shows in January and February. We discussed the dates of January 16 and 30 and February 6.

New Business

We have to work on the Budget for 2018 to submit to CAM. This does not have to include the detail but just the Dues and the allocation of monies. Our proposed budget is due in January. We also have to generate a final report for 2017 for CAM by February.

The allocation of our $81 dues is $30 to AWGA, $31 weekly play, $3.50 President’s Cup, $3.50 Club Championship, $5 Member/Member, $2 Hole in One and $6 Miscellaneous.

We need to spend some monies in the Miscellaneous account. We should not have an overage at the end of the year. We should spend it on the Members. The Social committee indicated they would like $100 more.

Carol Eberhart recommended doing a budget for 2018 based on 285 Members.

A motion was made by Nancy Foy and seconded by Avalon Benell to base the 2018 Budget on 285 Members. The motion carried.

Unfinished Business

We will continue the discussion regarding summer play in January.

Regarding Canadian checks we can accept them if RCB North America is printed on the check.

Nancy will look into the possibility of getting some area in the cart barn to store our GLGA items.

Kathy Fuller asked if Cindy Nickels could attend the meetings during her absence and be given her authority to vote on Kathy’s behalf. The Board agreed that this would be acceptable.

CAM will be asked how long we have to keep our historical records.


A motion was made by Carol Lang and seconded by Susan Chambers to adjourn the meeting. The Motion carried.

The Board Meeting adjourned at 4:37 PM

Submitted by Carol Lang, Secretary