Module Description Template



/ Managing Mental Health Assessments and Interventions
Code / SSM 131
Level / 7
Credit rating / 20
Pre-requisites / ·  Available only to Students registered on the PGDip in Approved Mental Health Practice, training as AMHPs (Mental Health Act 1983 as amended by the Mental Health Act 2007)
·  Hold a recognised professional qualification in social work, nursing, occupational therapy or psychology and be registered currently as a social worker, nurse, occupational therapist or chartered psychologist
Type of module / Extensive over one semester
Aims / ·  The overarching aim of this module is to able students to critically develop, demonstrate and reflect on their knowledge and in-depth competence as an Approved Mental Health Practitioner, in line with the AMHP competency and higher specialist level requirement specified in: Specialist Standards and Requirements for Post-Qualifying Social Work Education and Training: Social Work in Mental Health Services London: GSCC (revised Autumn 2007)
·  The module also aims to enable students to critically and systematically synthesise and apply knowledge, theory and research to practice as an AMHP and at Higher Specialist Level in mental health services
Learning outcomes/objectives / On completion of this module, successful students will:
1.  Consistently demonstrate the substantially enhanced practice competence specified by GSCC Higher Specialist Level Social Work requirements (Para 50 & 51 i-ix, GSCC. 2005 Post Qualifying Framework for Social Work Education and Training), in the context of the requirements of GSCC. Revised 2007 Specialist Standards and Requirements: for Post-Qualifying Social Work Education and Training: Social Work in Mental Health Services
2.  Consistently demonstrate the constituent parts of the AMHP competences specified in Para 59. GSCC. 2007 Specialist Standards and Requirements: Social Work in Mental Health Services
·  Application of values to the AMHP role
·  Application of Knowledge: The Legal & Policy Framework
·  Application of Knowledge: Mental Disorder
·  Application of Skills: working in Partnership
·  Application of Skills: Making & Communicating Informed Decisions
Students will demonstrate:
3.  Critical appraisal and application of detailed knowledge, law, policy, theory and research to decision making in the AMHP role
4.  In-depth skills in assessment of the needs of users of services, carers and families in context of compulsory admissions to hospital; of complexity, risk, competing needs and conflict; balancing vulnerability, capability, independence and protection, together with clear articulation of the role of AMHP
5.  Substantially enhanced skills and independent critical judgement in the AMHP role when planning, developing, implementing and reviewing support for individuals, carers and families, to meet complex needs
6.  Detailed knowledge of, and in-depth skills in partnership working and the proactive promotion of the rights and participation of service users and carers in AMHP assessments and interventions
7.  Comprehensive understanding and critical awareness of issues of power, inequality and discrimination in AMHP practice, respecting the unique qualities, strengths rights of users of services and the ability to promote social perspectives on mental disorder & mental health needs
8.  Comprehensive understanding of, and substantially enhanced competence in effective collaborative practice within inter-professional teams and across multi-disciplinary and multi agency networks, with effective resolution of problems and barriers.
9.  Independent and systematic management of own work, including of complex change in practice
10.  Critical analysis and evaluation of, and reflection on, own competence in the AMHP role and on own professional development in relation to Higher Specialist Practice
Content / ·  Relevant standards and frameworks, e.g.
o  DH. 1999. National Service framework for Mental Health
o  NIMHE.2004 Ten Essential Capabilities: A Framework for the whole Mental Health Workforce
o  Skills for Health. 2003.National occupational Standards for Mental Health
o  DH.1999. Co-ordination in MH Services: Modernising the CPA
·  Referrals of acutely mentally disordered or ill individuals, initial assessment, the application of mental health law, and critical knowledge of the range of different models of mental disorders/ illnesses and associated interventions and treatments, including social, physical & developmental factors
·  Social perspectives, values in, and independence of the AMHP role. The ability to challenge, & where possible to redress, discrimination and oppression in the use of mental health legislation and the impact of the compulsory admission process on the individual, recognizing their strengths, rights and qualities
·  Application of the law to the planning, negotiating and managing compulsory admissions to hospital or arrangements for supervised community treatment, review tribunals and associated legal proceedings, including the nature of the statutory documentation required
·  The importance of gathering and applying information and data in decision making, based on the perception of users, carers and professionals; the social background and history; the psychiatric background and history
·  Assessment, analysis and safe management of risk to self or others, including positive risk taking, the importance of safety to self in the assessment process
·  Use of networks and community resources in meeting need and assessment of the least restrictive alternative to compulsory admissions
·  Application of values based practice and social perspectives in making properly informed independent decisions in relation to compulsory admissions:
·  Communications that are sensitive to acutely ill and mentally distressed individuals and take account of the perspectives of other professionals
Teaching and learning strategies / Learning and Teaching on this module focuses upon
·  The critical application of knowledge, theory and research to Mental Health Act Assessments;
·  The development of skills in the use and application of mental health law to assessments for compulsory admissions to hospital
·  Social perspectives, values and ethical practice in the AMHP role
As such, core learning takes place in practice, but this is supported by presentations, workshops and regular group learning in the University. The employing Local Authority /Health Trust arrange for appropriate placements for each of the students, where they work ‘normal’ working hours. Each student has a clear learning agreement for placement, regular supervision with an appropriately qualified and prepared supervisor, and a Tutorial visit in placement. Supervisors attend preparatory, supportive and evaluative sessions in the University. Students are supported in their learning also by preparatory workshop sessions.
Total Contact Hours: 42 hrs*
Directed study 18 hrs
Private study 30 hrs
Assessment preparation ) 30 hrs
Practice 200hrs
TOTAL: 320hrs
(*including Tutorial visits)
Learning support / Online Journals
Journal of Mental Health
British Journal of Psychiatry
Indicative Reading:
Bartlett P. and Sandland R. 2007. Mental Health Law, Policy and Practice (3rd Edition). Oxford: OUP
Dept of Health. 2002. Social Circumstances Reports by Social Workers for Mental Health Review Tribunals (Guidelines) London: DH
Fernando, S (2002)2nd ed. Mental health, Race and Culture. Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Gilbert, Peter (2003) The value of everything: social work and its importance in the field of mental health. Lyme Regis. Russell House.
Jones, Richard (20068) 11th Ed. Mental Health Act Manual. London. Sweet & Maxwell
Kitwood, T. (1997) Dementia Reconsidered: the person comes first, Buckingham: Open University
Langan,J and Lindow, V. (2005) Living with risk: Mental health service user involvement in risk assessment and management Joseph Rowntree Foundation. The Policy Press
Peay, Jill. (2003) Decisions and Dilemmas: Working with Mental Health Law. Oxford Press
Social Services Inspectorate (February 2001): Detained: SSI Inspection of Compulsory Mental Health Admissions. Social Services Inspectorate.
Tew, Jerry (Ed) (2005): Social Perspectives in Mental Health: Developing Social Models to Understand and Work with Mental Distress. Jessica Kingsley.London
Thompson, N. 4th Ed. (2006) Anti- discriminatory Practice. Palgrave
Tilbury D.2nd Ed. (2002): Working with mental illness: a community-based approach. Practical Social Work series. Palgrave.
Ulas, M & Connor A (eds) (1997) Social work and people with mental health problems. Jessica Kingsley.
Assessment tasks / Portfolio
Students following this module are required to complete and present a Portfolio, of anonymous evidence, demonstrating that that they have achieved competence in relation to the requirements for:
·  GSCC’s Approved Mental Health Practitioner Competences, as specified in: Para. 59 GSCC (2007) Specialist Standards and Requirements for Post-Qualifying Social Work Education and Training: Social Work in Mental Health Services London: GSCC
·  Higher Specialist level practice (as specified in Para 49. GSCC. 2005. Post-Qualifying Framework for Social Work Education and Training) AND
·  Social Work in Mental Health Services (As specified in GSCC. 2006. Specialist Standards: Social Work in Mental Health Services. GSCC: London) AND
The Portfolio facilitates the critical synthesis of knowledge, theory and research with in-depth competence in higher specialist level practice, in the AMHP role in mental health services. The portfolio is designed to support learning on a developmental basis and will comprise:
Approved Mental Health Practitioner Learning and Development Plan which identifies the student, Practice supervisor and University Tutor and how the higher specialist and AMHP competence requirements will be met in practice. The Learning and Development Plan should include identification and evaluation by the student and supervisor of the student’s knowledge and skills to date, together with learning and development needs in relation to AMHP Role
AMHP Competence Evidence sheets written by the student for each AMHP competence requirement, providing evaluative evidence for each competence and detailing how it has been met, verified by their Supervisor
Student Summaries of Work Undertaken These are summaries of each major piece of work undertaken by the student and MUST include summaries of the student’s shadowing of a minimum of five Mental Health Act assessments, with an AMHP’: the student will have undertaken aspects of the assessment and must have taken the lead in a minimum of two assessments. Summaries will identify relevant AMHP competences addressed. The purpose of the summaries is to provide a detailed context for the evidence of the AMHP competencies.
3 Direct Observations of the students higher specialist level AMHP practice, at least one of which must be carried out by the supervisor: two may be carried out by other AMHPs
Evaluative feedback on the students AMHP practice from other AMHP’s; users of services, carers; other professionals
Final assessment report by the Supervisor and signed statement of competence on the students competence in relation to the requirements the AMHP competences/ Higher Specialist Level Practice (GSCC 2007) .
An Evaluative, Reflective and Analytic Account of Approved Mental Practice (3000 words)
This is an analytic and evaluation of the student’s own practice in the Approved Mental Health Professional role i.e. in shadowing/ lead role on placement. The student’s accounts analyses, evaluates and reflects on their practice and demonstrates practice competence in relation to AMHP role and the knowledge (including law and policy) theory and research evidence which informed decision making in the cases
All elements of the portfolio must be assessed as satisfactory to achieve a pass
The Evaluative, Reflective and Analytic Account of Approved Mental Practice will be assessed and graded for credit
Brief description of module content and/or aims (maximum 80 words) / This module gives students the opportunity to develop AMHP and higher specialist level mental health practice competence in undertaking assessments of mentally ill and disordered individuals for compulsory admission to hospital. Advanced & critical knowledge of law, theory and research and the social and psychological contexts of mental health, as well as issues of disadvantage and oppression, are applied to this process. Students learn the statutory procedures involved in compulsory admissions, including the documentation necessary, and the process for appealing against detention.
Area examination board to which module relates / School of Applied Social Science’s Post Qualifying Social Work Combined AEB/CEB
Module team/authors/coordinator / David Watson, Gill Berry, Martine Danby, Julia Stroud,
Semester offered, where appropriate / 2
Site where delivered / Falmer and in practice placements
Date of first approval / September 2008
Date of last revision
Date of approval of this version
Version number / 1
Replacement for previous module
Field for which module is acceptable and status in that field / Post-qualifying Social Work Programme
Course(s) for which module is acceptable and status in that course / PGDip Approved Mental Health Practice
School home / SASS
External examiner / Alan Butler, University of Leeds