Candidate’s name, first name
Title of the master’s thesis
Place of work
Direct supervisor
EPFL professor/teacher
External professor/ expert
Date of thesis delivery
Date, time and place of thesis
oral defense

1. Assessment by the external professor/expert

A. Assessment of the practical work carried out during the research project
(autonomy and creativity of the candidate, methodology and quality of the work, …) / Grade
B. Assessment of the scientific quality of the work and results
(originality, scientific value, significance of results, …) / Grade
C. Assessment of the quality of the dissertation
(scientific value of the discussion, quality of the writing, bibliographic search, presentation, …) / Grade
D. Assessment of the oral defense
(quality of the presentation, answers to questions, mastering of the subject, …) / Grade

2. Assessment by the EPFL professor/teacher

A. Assessment of the scientific quality of the work and results
(originality, scientific value, significance of results, …) / Grade
B. Assessment of the quality of the dissertation
(scientific value of the discussion, quality of the writing, bibliographic search, presentation, …) / Grade
C. Assessment of the oral defense
(quality of the presentation, answers to questions, mastering of the subject, …) / Grade
Global assessment of the quality of the dissertation and oral defense
(on the basis of the jury’s discussion)
Guide for grading: 1-3.5: fail, 4: passable, 5: good, 5.5: excellent, 6: outstanding (top ≤10%) / Final grade
SCGC best master project prize
The jury unanimously proposes this work for the BASF prize
Other EPFL prizes for outstanding master projects are also open for application
In case of failure (grade < 4), the following remediation steps are proposed (attach additional pages if necessary) :

Place : Date :

Jury / Name, affiliation / Signature
External professor/expert
EPFL professor/teacher

This report must be returned with the external expert’s written report to the secretariat SCGC immediately after the oral defense.

Your mark has to be sent to immediately after the oral defense

·  By email with the mark sheet as a .pdf attachment (the mark sheet can be downloaded from your teaching portal just next to where you added the information for the expert)

·  Directly into the ISA application using your «strong» access which allows teaching staff to enter marks

Attachment: External expert’s report

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