Student Handbook

2009 – 2010

Schnee Learning Center

2222 Issaquah Street

Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221

Telephone: 330-922-1966

Fax: 330-945-4059

“Molding Our Students to be Accepting, Insightful and Compassionate”


Introduction/Mission Statement

Beliefs 4-5

Staff 5


Admission Information

Enrollment 6

Fees 6

Non-Discrimination Policy 7

Student Responsibilities

Attendance 7

Excused Absences 7-8

Unexcused Absences 8

Make-up Work Policy 8

Calamity Days 8

Tardy Policy 9

Use of Student Medications 9

Dress Code 9-10

Computer and Internet Acceptable Use Policy 10-11

Code of Conduct 12-13

Detention Policy 13

Suspension & Expulsion Procedures 13-14


Curriculum 14

Academic Sessions 14

Student Schedule 14

Academic Requirements 15

Additional Learning Opportunity 15

Project Day 15

Summer School 15

Grading 15

Progress Cards 16

Grade Levels 16

Conferences/Open Houses 16

Transferring Credits 16

Graduation Requirements 16

School Facilities

Hours of Operation/School Address 17

Smoking/Eating 17

Transportation/Parking 17

Visitors 17

Telephones/Emergency Phone Calls 18

Snow Policy………………………………………………………………………………18


Fire Alarm/Tornado Drills 18

Place & Secure Procedure & Lockdown 18-19

Reporting Injuries 19

Anti-Harassment 19-20

Harassment 20

Aggressive Behavior 20-21

Drug Free School 21

Lost and Found 21

Lockers 21

Non Custodial Parent 22

Policy and Procedure for Parental Complaints 23

Work Permit 24

Parent Commitment Support Letter 25

Signature Page 25

Introduction /Mission Statement

The Schnee Learning Center (SLC) will provide an environment where students are willing and supported to take risks. We value the unique abilities of each student and offer varied opportunities for individual growth, character development, and success.

The Schnee Learning Center will strive to motivate, teach, and guide each student through personal educational growth and development. This will be accomplished by emphasizing the development of both academic and social skills. These skills will be developed and enhanced through researched programs and the use of the latest technology. Instruction will occur through an alternative approach to the regular school setting, designed to meet the student’s individual needs. Social skill development will be an integral part of the student’s total school experience.

A safe and positive school environment is essential. It is expected that the adults and students at SLC treat each other with respect and dignity. Each person associated with SLC should experience a warm and welcoming environment that is conducive to learning. This allows everyone to learn and develop to full potential. We strive to provide a quality educational experience for each of our students. It is important that teachers and parents be supportive partners. This will maximize educational opportunities for our students. We wish you the very best this year! We will work hard to help you make the most of your 2009-2010 school year.


We Care

• Every person can learn.

• Individuals learn at different rates and in different ways.

• Every person has inherent worth.

• A positive and caring environment which promotes the physical and

mental well-being of staff and students is necessary for learning.

• Staff has a critical role in enhancing student development.

• Educating the heart is as important as educating the mind.

We Dare

• Creativity is crucial to the learning process.

• Meaningful learning is interactive and related to life experiences.

• Educational progress requires innovation, risk-taking and the ability to


• Continuous improvement is essential.

• Teaching and practicing critical thinking and inquiry are central to


We Share

• This community values education.

• Diversity in all its forms enhances education.

• Education incorporates the teaching of fundamental ethical values: integrity, compassion, courage, commitment, appreciation of diversity, and responsibility.

• A well-balanced education includes participation in extracurricular and community activities.

• Lifelong community service benefits the individual and society.

• Access to information, and open and timely communication, contributes to a healthy school/community partnership.

WHAT WE BELIEVE AT Schnee Learning Center

About Learning

• Everyone can learn and succeed.

• The unique needs of each learner require a variety of teaching methods and learning outcomes.

• Effective curriculum is connected to learner needs in a rapidly changing world.

• We promote and encourage life-long learning.

About Environment

• Everyone is entitled to a physically and psychologically safe environment.

• It is essential that everyone be treated with dignity and respect.

About Individuals

• We acknowledge the inherent worth of each individual and support development of self-esteem.

• We believe mutual respect, caring relationships and acceptance of differences promotes positive growth.

About Academics and Expectations

• We believe in providing a challenging curriculum that is current, relevant, and meaningful.

• We promote the spirit of inquiry, expression of creativity, and positive risk taking.


Executive Director: Intervention Staff:

Mrs. Cardone Ext. 502055 Mrs. Hedges, Special Ed. Ext. 502509

Student Service Specialist:

Mrs. Crossland Ext. 502848 Custodial Maintenance:

PLATO Instructors: Mr. Redmond Ext. 502849

Mrs. DiSalvo Ext. 502503

Mrs. Frazee Ext. 502504

Mr. Pichichero Ext. 502504

Ms. Krisch Ext. 502502

Miss Langer Ext. 502507

Mr. Sims Ext. 502516

Mr. Staley Ext. 502508


Mrs. Cariño Ext. 502510

Student Advocates:

Mrs. Anderson Ext. 502505

Mrs. Dougherty Ext. 502509

Mrs. Jones-Thursby Ext. 502506 (attendance call-off)


Mrs. Alderson Ext. 502512 (in case of emergency or immediate attention)

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Schnee Learning Center follows the guidelines of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and State law regarding all student records.

In accordance with FERPA and State law, the school shall release high school student directory information. Directory information, as designated by the Board of Education is: (a) a student’s name; (b) address; (c) telephone number; (d) date and place of birth; (e) photograph; (f) major field of study; (g) participation in officially-recognized activities and sports; (h) height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; (i) dates of attendance; (j) date of graduation; (k) awards received.

Directory information for any Schnee student shall be released to any person or party without the written consent of the parent or adult student. Directory information shall not be provided to any organization for profit-making purposes, but may be made available to school-related non-profit organizations.

Parents and adult students may refuse to allow the school to disclose any or all of such “directory information” upon written notification to the school within ten (10) days after the receipt of this public notification.

In accordance with State law, the school shall release the names and addresses of students in grades ten through twelve (10-12) to a recruiting officer for any branch of the United States Armed Forces who request such information. Such data shall not be released if the student’s parent, or if an adult student, submits a written request not to release such information within ten (10) days after the receipt of this public notification.

Admission Information

A. Enrollment

1.  Complete a SLC admission packet and call the school to schedule an appointment. Bring the completed packet and a $10 activity fee to your appointment. Please bring a copy of your most recent transcript from the last school you have attended. If you are entering SLC from the Cuyahoga Falls Public School system, we will request a transcript from your previous school.

2.  Within 5 days you will be notified of your status. If you are accepted, you will sign your student contract and be assigned to an academic class and session based upon availability.

3.  Applications are accepted any time of the year at SLC.

B. Fees

There is no tuition fee or tuition of any kind at SLC. However, there is a $10 activity fee, which covers some supplies, speakers and student activities/rewards. Also, parking permits are available to purchase for $5. See the Facilities section for details.

C. Non-Discrimination Policy

The Schnee Learning Center does not discriminate against any person on the basis of religion, national origin, age, race, creed, color, disability condition, sexual orientation or gender.

Student Responsibilities

A. Attendance Policy

Students at Schnee Learning Center are expected to attend their academic session and be on time daily.

If the student needs to miss school, a parent/guardian must call the school (330-922-1966 ext.: 502506) on the day of the absence.

A school letter will be sent upon the student’s 5th absence indicating a potential attendance problem. After five (5) absences (excused or unexcused), students must attend both school sessions the next day in order to make up academic time lost missed. This will give the parent an opportunity to meet with school officials prior to any referrals being made to other agencies. A second letter will be sent upon the student’s 10th absence indicating that all further absences must be verified by a physician’s note. Any absence after 10 days not verified by a physician’s note will be unexcused.

The Summit County Juvenile Court, operating under Ohio law, holds that a student with unexcused absence of seven (7) consecutive days, or ten (10) days in one month or fifteen (15) days in a year is considered as “chronic truant.” A chronically truant student may be found delinquent and subject to Juvenile Court intervention.

Students deemed as “chronic” or a “habitual” truant will be reported to the Executive Director. The Executive Director may notify the Bureau of Motor Vehicles, which may deny the driving privileges for a student under the age of 18 for non-attendance at school. Work permits may also be revoked. A parent/student conference will be required to discuss the continued student participation in the Schnee Program.

Out-of-School suspensions shall be counted as unexcused absences.

B. Excused Absences

Any excused absence or tardy will be granted if you are not in school for the following reasons:

1.  Medical Appointment

·  with appropriate documentation

2.  Under a doctor’s care

·  with appropriate documentation

3.  Automotive

·  with appropriate tow truck or repair shop receipt

4.  Scheduled road test for a driver’s license

·  with appropriate documentation

5.  Employment (which cannot be conducted outside of school hours)

·  with appropriate documentation from supervisor

·  will be verified by SLC

6.  Death of an immediate family member

·  with appropriate documentation

·  will be verified by SLC

7.  Personal Illness

·  with appropriate documentation (parent/guardian call-off prior to absence or within 24 hours after absence or a parent/guardian note within 24 hours)

·  will be verified by SLC

8.  Court appointment

·  with appropriate documentation

9.  Other appointments which cannot be scheduled outside of school hours (such as case workers, probation officer, job interview)

·  with appropriate documentation

·  will be verified by SLC

10.  Other absences as deemed appropriate by the discretion of the Executive Director

Excused absences with documentation, such as a doctor’s note or verification from the court, will not count against the average attendance percentage. Any prolonged absence due to illness or other documented reason will also be excused as long as documentation is given.

C. Unexcused Absences

Unexcused absences include the following:

1.  Any absence that is not excused.

2.  Any absence where a student fails to provide appropriate written documentation of the absence (students should have written documentation for absences in hand on the first day that they return to school).

3.  Leaving school early without proper authorization.

D. Make-up Work Policy

It is the responsibility of students to request their Elective Course assignments immediately upon their return. The minimum number of days given for make-up work is equal to the number of days the student was absent plus one additional day. A teacher may allow more than this if it is deemed necessary. Students and teachers should make specific plans for all make-up work following absences in order to avoid misunderstandings or misinterpretations of this section. Students on out-of-school suspensions must have permission from the Executive Director or designee to continue the Plato program from a remote location.

E.  Calamity Days

Schnee Learning Center students must make-up time lost due to calamity days in any one of the following ways:

1.  Attend both school sessions the following day;

2.  Work from home or a remote site (library, etc.) to complete three (3) hours of Plato curriculum courseware, which will be verified by staff and become part of the student working file;

3.  Attend the last day staff.

F.  Tardy Policy

1.  Students will serve a 20-minute break detention the day he/she is late to school.

2.  After five (5) tardies, a student will be issued a 30-minute after-school detention to be served that day for each tardy up to ten (10) tardies. After ten (10) tardies, a parent/student conference will be required to discuss a Corrective Action Plan.

3.  Students must sign in at the SLC office if arriving after 8:30 a.m. for the morning classes or after 11:30 a.m. for the afternoon classes for a pass in order to be admitted to class.

G.  Student Use of Medications

The Board of Directors strongly urges parents to give their children their medications outside of school hours whenever possible. If it is necessary for your child to have medication at school, it needs to be done in accordance with the following Board of Directors policy:

a.  Medication forms must be complete and returned to the school before medications may be taken at school. Forms may be obtained at the school office.

b.  Parent must assure safe delivery of medication to school if a “Permission Form for Non-Prescription Medication to be administered by School Personnel.” is on file. Medications must be in original container with student’s first and last name, dosage and times or intervals at which medication is to be given. Parent/Guardian signature required.

c.  Parent must assure safe delivery of medication to school if a “Permission Form for Prescription Medication to be administered by School Personnel” is on file. Medications must be in original container in which it was dispensed by the prescribing physician or licensed pharmacist with the name of the medication, student’s first and last name, dosage and times or intervals at which medication is to be given. Pharmacists will often provide an appropriately labeled container for school if requested. A doctor’s signature and parent/guardian’s signature are required on the “Permission Form for Prescription Medication to be administered by School Personnel.”