Sustainable Management of Some Key Lepidopteran Insect Pests of Vegetables

ML.Chatterjee and Shanowly Mondal

Department of Entomology.

Bidhan Chandra Agril.University, India.

Keywords: Helicoverpa, Plutella, tomato, brinjal, flubendiamide, emamectin, spinosad, newmolecules, insect growth regulator


Insect pests are the main limiting factor for vegetable production in India and tropical Asia, amongst which lepidopteron pests cause a significant amount of damage. Vegetables are some of the most profitable crops and farmers everywhere feel the need to protect such high value crops from any type of damage caused by insect pests. They often use synthetic insecticides indiscriminately, and insect resistance to insecticides is very common in the tropics. Lepidopteran pests such as diamond-back moth (DBM) on cabbage (Plutella xylostella), fruit borer on tomato (Helicoverpa armigera), pod borer on chilli (Spodoptera litura), and shoot and fruit borers on brinjal (Leucinodes orbonalis) and okra (Earias fabia) are among the major pests of vegetables. To control lepidopteran pests efficiently, some new pesticides, with novel modes of action, have been developed recently. To determine the effectiveness of the new pesticides compared with traditional chemicals, five field experiments were done on tomato, cabbage, chilli, brinjal and okra over two seasons. They compared nine pesticides (flubendiamide, spinosad, emamectin benzoate, chlorfenapyr, Bacillus thuringiensis, novaluron, lufenuron, methoxyfenozide and mixed formulations of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin) with untreated controls. All other agronomic practices were standard, and a blanket spray to control sucking pest insects and mites was applied when necessary. Our results showed that flubendiamide, spinosad and chlorfenapyr were highly effective in reducing the damage caused by diamond-back moth on cabbage, fruit borer on tomato, pod borer on chilli, shoot and fruit borer on brinjal and shoot and fruit borer on okra, and led to increases in yield. Novaluron was most effective against pod borer on chilli, closely followed by spinosad, flubendiamide and chlorfenapyr. In the case of fruit borer on tomato, spinosad was the most effective. Shoot and fruit borers on brinjal and okra were also controlled effectively by flubendiamide, spinosad and chlorfenapyr. The other chemicals, emamectin benzoate methoxyfenozide, and Bacillus thuringiensis, also performed well in reducing damage and increasing yield. Bacillus thuringiensis and methoxyfenozide were, however, less effective against shoot and fruit borer on brinjal and okra compared to other chemicals. The new pesticides, with novel modes of action and high selectivity, were highly effective against lepidopteran pests. They are safer to non-target organisms and quickly degrade to non-toxic products.


Conventional insecticides such as chlorinated hydrocarbons, organophosphates, carbamates and pyrethroids were successful in controlling insect pests during the past five decades, minimizing thereby losses in agricultural yields. Unfortunately many of these chemicals are harmful to man and beneficial organisms and cause ecological disturbances. Today there is a great demand for safer and more selective insecticides affecting specifically harmful pests, while sparing beneficial insect species and other organisms. Furthermore, the rapidly developing resistance to conventional insecticides provides the impetus to study new alternatives and more ecologically acceptable methods of insect control as a part of integrated pest management (IPM) programs. Vegetable crops like tomato, cabbage, brinjal, okra, and chilli are widely cultivated in tropical and sub tropical parts of the world. Lepidopteran pest viz. gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera Hub.) diamond back moth (Plutella xylostella Linn.), brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guen.), okra shoot and fruit borer (Earius vitella F.), and tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura Fabr.) are one of the major key pests of that vegetables cause economic damage with high reproductive capacity and capable of migrating over large distances. (Sojitra, 1991, Talekar and Shelton, 1990). The objective of this work was to test the effectiveness of some new chemicals, microbial pesticides and insect growth regulators in controlling five important lepidopteran pests on brinjal, okra, tomato, cabbage and chilli under field condition and their safetiness to natural enemies.


Attempts were made to evaluate the effect of nine insecticides viz.flubendiamide 20 WDG @ 60 g. ai/ha, spinosad 45 SC @ 50, emamectin benzoate 10 SC @, chlorfenapyr 10 SC @, Bacillus thuringiensis 1000ml/ha, novaluron 10 EC @ 50, lufenuron 5 EC @, methoxyfenozide 24 SC @ 250 and mixed formulations of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin 55 EC @ 500 untreated controlsagainst key lepidopteran pestsin field condition. The experiments were conducted for consecutive years during 2007 and 2008. Mainly 5 plants were used as host of the crop pest for conducting the experiments.

i) Brinjal/Egg plant: Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae) Variety : Muktakeshi ii) Okra/Ladies finger: Abelmoschus esculentus L.( Malvaceae) : Hybrid 152 iii) Chilli : Capsicum annuum L.( Solanaceae) : Suryamukhi iv) Cabbage : Brassica oleracea ( Cruciferae) : Gren Express v) Tomato : Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. ( Solanaceae) : Roma

The field experiments were conducted at Instructional Farm of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, West Bengal, India, in both the kharif and rabi seasons for two consecutive years during 2007 to 2008. The soil of the experimental site was sandy loam in texture. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with 10 treatments including control and replicated 3 times. In control plot water was sprayed instead of insecticides. Each experimental plot was 20 m2 sizes. After sowing/transplanting, the experiment was left for natural infestation of the desired pests. After attaining a sufficient amount of pest population, the insecticides were applied. Spraying was done by using air compressing knapsack sprayer.

Details of spraying and observations taken

Crops / Starting of spraying / No. of sprays given / Intervals of spray / Recorded parameter / Time of observation
1. Brinjal / 55 DAT / 3 / 15 days / Percentage shoot & fruit infestation and yield / Before spray and 7 & 14 days after each spray for shoot infestation and monthly records for fruit infestation after each picking
2. Okra / 40 DAS / 3 / 15 days / Percentage shoot and fruit infestation and yield / Mean shoot and fruit infestation recorded before spray and after 7 & 14 days of each spray
3. Chilli / 45 DAT / 2 / 15 days / Insect population & yield / Mean no. of population recorded before spray and mean percentage reduction of population recorded after each spray.
4. Cabbage / 45 DAT / 2 / 10 days / Insect population & yield / Mean no. of population recorded before spray and mean percentage reduction of population recorded after 5 & 10 days of each spray.
5. Tomato / 55 DAT / 2 / 21 days / Insect population & yield / Mean no. of population recorded before spray and mean percentage reduction of population recorded after 5 & 10 days of each spray

DAT = Days after transplanting DAS = Days after sowing

Statistical analysis:

The critical difference (CD) at 5% level of significance were worked out from the data of mean shoot and fruit borer infestation for brinjal and okra and from the mean larval population per plant (average of 3 replication and 10 plants after each treatment of two seasons for tomato, cabbage and chilli. The data were analyzed in RBD.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Experiment on brinjal: The effect of selected insecticides on brinjal shoot & fruit borer are presented on table-1 After infestation, both shoot and fruit damage were prevailed simultaneously in the field and expressed separately in order to explain the separate trend of shoot and fruit damage incidence. The overall mean infestation revealed the lowest fruit infestation in spinosad (12.48%) followed by flubendiamide (13.37%) treated plots, where as in untreated plot the fruit damage was 38.69%. It is evident from the table that spinosad recorded the highest good fruit yield of 160.0 q/ha followed byflubendiamide (149.65 q/ha). Spinosad was more effective against the test insect with less damaged fruit yield, flubendiamide was the next best in order of effectiveness damaged fruits. Due to poor natural enemy complex, insecticides have been used extensively for its control. This has resulted in a progressive decrease in the effectiveness of most of the insecticides and also resulted in an outbreak of some secondary pests. Control of this pest is difficult because of its internal boring habit. In spite of its low fecundity (150 eggs per female) it has very high survival potentiality. Its entire larval period is spent within fruit/branch and it passes the entire damaging stage as true internal borer. This nature makes it beyond the reach of most of the stomach poison insecticides. Among the microbial spinosad and emamectin benzoate showed better performances may be due to their contact and ovolarvicidal action that exhibited more toxic effects to eggs and neonate larvae which are the most susceptible stages of the pest. Similar results were obtained on the effect of spinosad against Leucinodes as reported by Anand Kumar et al. (2002), and Thompson and Hutchins (1999).

Experiment on okra: The result of the mean percentage of shoot & fruit infestation of three sprays revealed that all those new molecules tested were found to be significantly superior over control at 5% level. Among them spinosad recorded the lowest (4.33%) infestation followed by flubendiamide (4.83%), novaluron (5.51%) and was at par with mixed formulation of chlorpyriphos & cypermethrin (5.67%). Similarly highest yield of okra was recorded in spinosad treated plot (72.10 q/ha) followed by flubendiamide and novaluron treated plot (66.73 and 66.0 q/ha). The high efficacy of spinosad against okra shoot and fruit borer is also conformity with Shinde et. al. (2007).

Experiment on tomato:

In tomato field, fruit infestation caused by Helicoverpa armigera was highly checked by flubendiamide, only 3.52% mean fruit damage was recorded, that was reflected on highest yield (81.55 q/ha) also, followed by spinosad (5.21% fruit damage and yield 76.95q/ha). Other chemicals novaluron, chlorfenapyr and emamectin perform moderately to minimize the fruit infestation. Indiscriminate use of different insecticides resulted in killing of natural enemies of the borer. As nocturnal insect, its activity starts from the evening and continue till morning. This makes it more difficult to control. Flubendiamide, spinosad, emamectin benzoate and novaluron exhibited higher degree of population reduction of Helicoverpa. High initial larval mortality was found after application of those chemicals. Bacillus was less persistent than other microbial resulting in increase of population after few days of application. Novaluron performed exceedingly well against Helicoverpa at all levels. Similar results were obtained by Ishaaya et al. (1996). According to them, novaluron acts through stomach and contact actions and highly active against lepidopteran larvae producing about 100% mortality when larva feed the treated fruits. The high efficacy of flubendiamide against Helicoverpa is also conformity with Lakshmi Narayana and Rajashri (2006), and Meena et al. (2006).

Experiment on cabbage:

All the insecticides showed good reduction of pest population. Among them flubendiamide performs exceedingly well both in reducing DBM population (91.0%) as well as increase in yield (24.15 ton/ha) closely followed by spinosad and novaluron. DBM (Plutella xylostella L.) is one of the most important insect of cabbage that quickly develops resistance in all class of insecticides. The resistance phenomenon occurs in DBM due to its lipid characters and mixed function oxidase (MFO) system that present in liver are mainly responsible for degradation and detoxification metabolism of different toxicants after time lapse. In the present investigation flubendiamide, spinosad, novaluron and chlorfenapyr showed the best efficacy against DBM. Pramanik and Chatterjee (2004) observed that the larvae of P. xylostella became sluggish after novaluron treatment, followed by cessation of feeding. The larvae became changed from pale green to black. Abortive moulting was also evident in some of the larvae.Flubendiamide is a new generation insecticide having novel mode of action belonging to the class of benzenedi carboxamides. The high efficacy of flubendiamide against plutella xylostella in cabbage is also proved by Ameta and Bunker (2007) and Vinoth Kumar et al. (2007).

Experiment on chilli:

In chilli field, the fruit infestation caused by Spodoptera sp. was highly checked by spinosad and novaluron. More than 90.0% reduction of fruit borer was noted with only 2.30 and 2.35% fruit infestation and more than 17.0 q/ha of chilli yield. Rest of the other insecticides significantly reduced the pest population and increased in yield as compared to untreated plot. Close observations in the chilli field revealed that the chemical novaluron caused moulting failure and deformity in the wide population of larva and mosaics.The new molecules with new insecticidal chemistry used in our experiment such as spinosad, emamectin benzoate have been proved well in combating this pest in cabbage. Present findings are in conformity with the work of Kumar and Devappa (2006).

Effect on Natural enemies: It is evident from the table-2 that all the chemicals except mixed formulation of chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin are comparatively safer to natural enemies – spider, Menochillus, Chrysoprla and Cotesia on brinjal, tomato, chilli and cabbage. The data showed that among the chemicals (except mixed formulation) chlorfenapyr has some little effect on the population of natural enemy. In case of tomato where number of spiders per 10 plants was observed, only the mixed formulation of chlorpyriphos & cypermethrin was the toxic chemical which spares the natural enemies. In chilli, no any natural enemy was observed in the plot treated with mixed formulation of chlorpyriphos & cypermethrin. In cabbage, the diamond back moth larvae parasitized with Cotesia plutellae were collected from the treated plots and reared in the laboratory and observed the percentage of emergence. It was revealed from the observations that only two chemicals, mixed formulation of chlorpyriphos & cypermethrin and chlorfenapyr were significantly reduced parasitism at 5% level. So except those two chemicals all the chemicals were proved safe to the parasite Cotesia plutellae.

CONCLUSIONS The new environmentally safe and selective insecticides are based on new receptors of insect nervous and endocrine system as well as different metabolic pathway of different insecticides. Flubendiamide is one of the important insecticides that have excellent action on insects with abnormal symptoms such as body contractions and feeding cessation. It caused a gradual contraction of the insect body thickening and shortening without convulsions and activates the ryanodine receptor, a calcium release channel which is involved in muscle contraction. Spinosad, chlorfenapyr, emamectin benzoate and novaluron are very much potent insecticides than others and their effect persisted for 5-15 days. Conventional insecticide – chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin was also very much effective against all lepidopteran pests but at the same time it reduced all the natural enemies in all crops.


Thanks to Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya for providing necessary facilities and financial assistance.

Literature Cited

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Table-1: Effect of different insecticides against insect pest infestation on vegetables (Mean of two years)

Treatments / Brinjal / Okra / Tomato / Cabbage / Chilli
Shoot infestation
(%) / Fruit infestation
(%) / Yield (q/ha) / Shoot &
fruit infestation
(%) / Yield (q/ha) / Fruit
(%) / Yield (q/ha) / Reduction or increase (+) of DBM population
(%) / Yield (t/ha) / Reduction or increase (+) of borer population
(%) / Fruit damage
(%) / Yield (q/ha)
Flubendiamide / 10.1(18.53) / 13.4(21.47) / 149.65 / 4.8 (12.66) / 66.73 / 3.5(10.78) / 81.55 / 91.0(72.54) / 24.15 / 89.7(71.28) / 2.6(9.28) / 16.91
Chlorfenapyr / 11.0(10.37) / 14.8(22.63) / 142.63 / 6.7(15.00) / 59.00 / 8.2(16.64) / 70.65 / 84.7(66.97) / 20.85 / 82.2(65.05) / 4.8(12.66) / 15.96
Spinosad / 9.4(17.95) / 12.5(20.70) / 160.00 / 4.3(711.97) / 72.10 / 5.2(13.18) / 76.95 / 89.2(70.81) / 23.50 / 90.2(71.76) / 2.3(8.72) / 17.14
benzoate / 12.2(20.36) / 17.7(24.88) / 138.05 / 6.6(14.89) / 59.63 / 8.9(17.36) / 68.15 / 80.3(63.65) / 20.30 / 85.0(67.21) / 4.1(11.68) / 16.25
Bacillus / 13.6(21.64) / 19.4(26.13) / 133.60 / 8.2(16.64) / 55.40 / 12.4(20.62) / 62.20 / 74.7(59.80) / 18.75 / 81.2(64.30) / 4.5(12.25) / 15.80
Novaluron / 10.4(18.81) / 14.7(22.54) / 142.48 / 5.5(13.56) / 66.00 / 7.9(16.32) / 70.75 / 87.9(69.64) / 22.25 / 90.7(72.24) / 2.3(8.72) / 17.00
Lufenuron / 13.7(21.72) / 18.9(25.77) / 132.93 / 7.5(15.89) / 57.58 / 12.3(20.53) / 63.15 / 75.0(60.00) / 19.50 / 79.4(63.01) / 4.7(12.52) / 15.82
Methoxyfenozide / 14.3(22.22) / 19.8(26.42) / 127.00 / 8.5(16.95) / 54.53 / 13.1(21.32) / 61.35 / 70.0(56.79) / 19.00 / 76.5(61.00) / 5.3(13.31) / 15.46
Chlorpyriphos + cypermethrin / 12.7(20.88) / 15.8(23.42) / 138.83 / 5.6(13.69) / 62.58 / 12.3(20.53) / 64.65 / 81.2(64.30) / 20.00 / 79.6(63.15) / 4.2(11.83) / 15.70
Untreated / 24.9(29.93) / 38.7(38.47) / 74.38 / 22.8(28.52) / 28.10 / 26.4(30.92) / 40.50 / +38.2(0.0) / 13.60 / + 36.6(0.0) / 18.3(25.33) / 9.34
C.D at 5% / 3.52 / 6.24 / 23.54 / 4.05 / 13.58 / 7.56 / 18.50 / 9.43 / 4.67 / 7.53 / 3.21 / 3.82

Figures in parentheses are transformed value.