K. C. Canary Syracuse Supply Formula Equipment
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ 70.00Load & Unload $ 67.50Load & Unload $ _-0-_
Per Mile $ _1.55Per Mile $ __.85Per Mile $ 9.00_
Monthly Weekly Monthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescription Rental Rental Rental RentalRental Rental
1-1Bulldozer with Angle Blade John Deere 450, Caterpillar D4,
Dresser TD9H or equal. Approximate specifications: 70 H.P.,
power shift, 4 forward & 4 reverse speeds, track width 16 in.,
equipped with cage and rollbar. Total operating weight of
machine approximately 15,000 lbs.$ 2,850_ $ __950_$ 2,350_ $ __775_$ 3,200_ $ 1,067_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 450G___Caterpillar D3C____Cat D4C w/ 6 way Blade
1-2Bulldozer with Angle & Tilt Blade John Deere 650G, Caterpillar D6,
Dresser TD15, Hanomag D600D, Komatsu D65EX or equal.($ 6,300 $ 2,100)
Approximate specifications: 90 H.P., power shift, 4 forward(Cat D6H Series II)
& 4 reverse speeds, track width 18 in., equipped with cage
and rollbar. Total operating weight of machine approx. 19,215 lbs.$ 3,975_ $ 1,325_$ 3,450_ $ __850_$ 3,900_ $ 1,300_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 650G___Caterpillar D5C_____Cat D4H Series II___
1-3Bulldozer John Deere 750B, Caterpillar D8, Komatsu D135 or equal.($ 10,500 $ 3,500)
Approximate specifications: 120 to 160 H.P., automatic dual path(Cat D8N S/T Blade)
hydrostatic transmission track width 22 in., equipped with cage
and rollbar. Total operating weight of machine approx. 30,070 lbs.$ 5,175_ $ 1,725_$ 5,650_ $ 1,900_$ 5,300_ $ 1,767_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 750B-LTCaterpillar D5HXL___Cat D5H XL______
1-4Crawler Loader John Deere 455G, Dresser TD7G or equal.
Approximate specifications: 70 H.P., 1-1/4 cubic yard bucket,
power shift, 4 forward & 4 reverse speeds, track width 14 in.,
equipped with cage and rollbar. Total operating weight of
machine approx. 17,900 lbs.$ 2,850_ $ __950_$ 5,600_ $ 1,950_$ 4,800_ $ 1,600_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 455G___Caterpillar 943_____Cat 933______
Region 7 (continued)
K. C. CanarySuracuse SupplyFormula Equipment
Monthly WeeklyMonthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental RentalRental Rental
1-5Excavator Crawler John Deere 490E, Kobelco K907,
Kobelco 200 Hyundi R200LC, Komatsu PC200LC or equal.
Approximate specifications: 75 H.P., bucket sizes for regular duty
(heaped) 1/2 - 3/4 cubic yard bucket, maximum digging depth 19’9”,
maximum digging reach 28’3”. Total operating weight of machine
approx. 26,550 lbs.$ 3,975_ $ 1,325_$ 4,900_ $ 1875__$ 5,950_ $ 1,984_
Manufacturer / Model Offered:John Deere 490E___Caterpillar 320____Cat 320L______
1-6Excavator Crawler John Deere 690E, Kobelco 909LC, Gradall XL 5200,
Kobelco 220, Komatsu PC220LC, Badger 666 Hydroscopic or equal.($ 9,500 $ 3,167)
Approximate specifications: 125 to 165 H.P., bucket sizes for regular duty(Gradall XL5200)
(heaped) 5/8 - 3/4 cubic yards, maximum digging depth 19’0”.
Total operating weight of machine approx. 36,000 lbs.$ 5,625_ $ 1,875_$ 5,850_ $ 2,175_$ 8,000_ $ 2,667_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 690E____Caterpillar 322____Cat 325 L______
1-7Hydraulic Excavator Truck Mounted Badger 460 Hydroscopic, Gradall
XL 4100 or equal. Approximate specifications: 140 H.P., .5 cubic yard
bucket.$ 5,295_ $ 1,765_$ 7,650_ $ 2,850_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Badger 460______Caterpillar 2143______
1-8Hydraulic Excavator Truck Mounted Badger 666 Hydroscopic, Gradall
XL 5100 or equal. Approximate specifications: 162 H.P., .75 cubic yard
bucket.$ 6,975_ $ 2325__$ ______$ ______$ 6,800_ $ 2,267_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Badger 666______Cat 214B or JD 595_
1-9Motor Grader John Deere 670B or equal.
Approximate specifications: 135 H.P., direct drive, power shift,
8 forward & 4 reverse speeds, blade base 101 in., blade lift above
ground 19 in., blade pitch 54 degrees, turning radius 22 ft., overall
length 327 in. Total operating weight of machine approx. 27,150 lbs.$ 5,175_ $ 1,725_$ 7,650_ $ 2,850_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 672B___Caterpillar 12G______
1-10Motor Grader John Deere 772BH, Champion 730A, Trojan F155,
Galion 850 or equal.$ ______$ ______$ 7,400_ $ 2,750_$ 5,000_ $ 1,667_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Caterpillar 140G___Cat 140G______
REGION 7 (continued)
Hertz Equipment Tracey Road Equipment Syracuse Supply
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ _-0-_Load & Unload $ 25.00Load & Unload $ 52.75
Per Mile $ 1.50_Per Mile $ _1.20Per Mile $ __.74
Monthly Weekly Monthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental RentalRental Rental
2-1Skid Steer Loader BobCat 753, Mustang 940, Mustang 960, Scat Trak
1300, Gehl 4625SX or equal. Approximate specifications: 40 H.P., 1300
lb. Rated. Total operating weight of machine approximately 4,700 lbs. $ __945_ $ __385_$ 1,245_ $ __415_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: BobCat 753______Mustang 940______
2-2Skid Steer Loader BobCat 853 or equal. Approximately 53 H.P., 1700
lb. Rated. Total operating weight of machine approximately 6,500 lbs.$ __995_ $ __415_$ 1,593_ $ __531_$ 2,400_ $ __975_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: BobCat 853______Mustang 960______Case 1835______
2-3Skid Steer Loader BobCat 953 or equal. Approximately 74 H.P., 2400
lb. Rated. Total operating weight of machine approximately 8,800 lbs.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
2-4Front End Loader John Deere 84, John Deere 344G,Cat. 920,
Kobelco LK400, Kawasaki 60Z III, Trojan 1500Z, Komatsu WA120
or equal. Approximate specifications: Rubber tired, 52 H.P.,
2 forward & 2 reverse speeds, bucket size 1.0 - 1.3 cubic
yards. Total operating weight of machine approx. 11,300 lbs.$ ______$ ______$ 2,340_ $ __780_$ 2,600_ $ __950_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Kawasaki 50Z______Cat 914G______
2-4AFront End Loader with 4 in 1 Bucket same as Item 2-4 but with
a 4 in 1 bucket.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 3,400_ $ 1,375_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Caterpillar______
2-5Front End Loader John Deere 444G, Cat. 950, Kobelco LK600, Kawasaki
70Z III or 880Z III, Trojan 3500Z, Komatsu WA320 or equal. Approximate
specifications: Rubber tired, 95 H.P., 2 forward & 2 reverse speeds, bucket
size 1.75 - 2.38 cubic yards, dump clearance, 45 degree dump 110 inches.
Total operating weight of machine approx. 18,871 lbs.$ 2,550_ $ __875_$ 2,415_ $ __805_$ 3,100_ $ 1,275_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 444G___Kawasaki 60Z______Caterpillar 924____
Region 7 (continued)
Hertz EquipmentTracey Road Eqpt.Syracuse Supply
Monthly WeeklyMonthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental RentalRental Rental
2-5AFront End Loader with 4 in 1 Bucket same as Item 2-5 with a 4 in 1 bucket.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 6,600_ $ 2,450_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Caterpillar______
2-6Front End Loader John Deere 644G, Cat. 966, Cat. 980,
Kobelco LK850, Kawasaki 90Z III, Trojan 4500Z,
Komatsu WA450 or equal. Approximate 160 H.P.$ 3,650_ $ 1,325_$ 4,992_ $ 1,664_$ 5,250_ $ 1,975_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 644G___Kawasaki 80Z______Caterpillar 950____
2-6AFront End Loader with 4 in 1 Bucket same as Item 2-6 but with
a 4 in 1 bucket.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 6,250_ $ 2,550_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Caterpillar______
2-7Rubber Tired Backhoe / Loader John Deere 310D or equal.
Approximate specifications: 75 H.P., 4 forward & 4 reverse
speeds, loader bucket 1 cubic yard, backhoe digging depth
15’4”. Total operating weight of machine approx. 14,600 lbs.$ 1,430_ $ __575_$ 2,130_ $ __710_$ 2,200_ $ __750_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: John Deere 310____TLK 750______Caterpillar 416B___
2-7ARubber Tired Backhoe / Loader
with Hydraulic Impact Pavement Breaker same as Item 2-7
but includes hydraulic impact pavement breaker with Auto shut-off.
Stanley MB-800, Tramac BRH-400, Teledyne TB 425 or equal.$ 3,430_ $ 1,270_$ 3,960_ $ 1,320_$ 4,500_ $ 1,500_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Kobelco TLK 750____Teledyne______
w/ Kent 8G
2-8Rubber Tired Backhoe / Loader John Deere 710C or equal.
Approximate specifications: 115 H.P., 4 forward & 4 reverse
speeds, loader bucket 1-3/4 cubic yards, backhoe digging depth
18’0”, maximum lifting capacity 7,300 lbs. Total operating
weight of machine approx. 22,500 lbs.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 2,750_ $ 1,150_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Caterpillar 436____
2-8ARubber Tired Backhoe / Loader
with Hydraulic Impact Pavement Breaker same as Item 2-8
but includes hydraulic impact pavement breaker Teledyne TB625 or equal.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 5,500_ $ 1,800_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Teledyne______
REGION 7 (continued)
Stephenson Eqpt. Syracuse Supply
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ 195.00Load & Unload $ 87.50
Per Mile $ __1.50Per Mile $ _1.10
Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental Rental
3-1Pavement Profiler with Conveyor CMI PR500FL, Bartmill 90 or equal$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
3-2Pavement Profiler with Conveyor Ingersoll - Rand 175,
Ingersoll - Rand MW250C, Bartmill 150, Barber Green RX40 or equal.$ _9,500 $ 3,200$ 16,000 $ 5,700_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Bartmill 150______Caterpillar 565 ___
3-3Pavement Profiler with Conveyor Ingersoll - Rand 6520,
Bartmill 300 or equal.$ 17,500 $ 5,900_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Bartmill 300______
3-4Wheel Mounted Pavement Miller Cat. PR-75 or equal. Approximate
specifications 77 H.P., 14.5 Inch Wide Capacity.$ _8,300 $ 2,800_$ _6,500 $ 3,100_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Bartmill 150______Cat PR-75______
Exception 24’’ Head
3-5Wheel Mounted Pavement Miller Cat. PR-105 or equal. Approximate
specifications: 90 H.P., 12 Inch Wide Capacity.$ 6,800_ $ 2,300_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Bartmill Super 90______
3-6Wheel Mounted Pavement Miller with Conveyor Wirtgen 1000 VC
or equal. Approximate specifications: 140 H.P., 40 Inch Wide Capacity.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
3-7Crawler Mounted Pavement Miller Gomaco Scaraplane I or equal.
Approximate specifications: 133 H.P., 36 Inch Wide Capacity.$ 17,500 $ 5,900_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Bartmill 300______
Region 7 (continued)
Stephenson Eqpt.Syracuse Supply
Monthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental Rental
3-8Wheel Mounted Asphalt Paver with 10 Ft. Power Extendible Screed
Blaw Knox PF120H or equal. Approximate specifications: 87 H.P.,
10 Ft. Capacity.$ _9,500 $ 3,200_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: LeeBoy 8000B______
3-8AWheel Mounted Asphalt Paver with 10 Ft. Power Extendible Screed
and joint matchersame as Item 3-8 but includes joint matcher.$ 10,500 $ 3,500_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: LeeBoy 8000B______
3-8BWheel Mounted Asphalt Paver with 10 Ft. Power Extendible Screed
and Grade & Slope Control same as Item 3-8 but includes grade
& slope control.$ 11,200 $ 3,750_$ 11,000 $ 4,000_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: LeeBoy 8000B______Blaw-Knox 172______
3-8CWheel Mounted Asphalt Paver with 10 Ft. Power Extendible Screed
with Joint Matcher and Grade & Slope Controlsame as Item 3-8
but includes joint matcher and grade & slope control.$ 11,900 $ 4,000_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: LeeBoy 8000B______
REGION 7 (continued)
Carter’s Trucking Syracuse Supply Formula Equipment
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ 50.00Load & Unload $ 72.50Load & Unload $ _-0-_
Per Mile $ _2.00Per Mile $ __.90Per Mile $ 9.00_
Monthly Weekly Monthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental Rental Rental Rental
4-1Roller - Static Approximate specifications: four (4) to six (6) ton$ 2,500_ $ __750_$ ______$ ______$ 4,500_ $ 1,500_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Ingram______Hamm GRW15_____
Rubber Tire
4-2Roller - Static Bomag BW160AD, Hamm HD85C, Ingersoll - Rand
ST105 or equal. Approximate specifications: eight (8) - ten (10) ton.$ ______$ ______$ 4,000_ $ 1,800_$ 4,000_ $ 1,333_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Ferguson______Hamm HD85C______
4-3Roller - Vibratory Bomag W120AD, Hamm DV6,
Ingersoll - Rand DD24, Ingersoll - Rand DD32 or equal. Approximate
specifications four (4) - six (6) ton.$ 3,000_ $ __750_$ 2,400_ $ __975_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: I-R DD24______Caterpillar CB 224______
4-4Roller - Vibratory Bomag 160AD, Hamm HD85C, Ingersoll - Rand
DD90, Tampo RS58D or equal. Approximate specifications: eight (8)
to ten (10) ton.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 5,000_ $ 1,667_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Hamm DV8______
4-5Self Propelled Tandem Static Compactor Hyster C340C or equal.
Approximate specifications: Hydrostatic Drive, Diesel powered, 80 H.P.,
8 - 10 Ton Capacity.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
4-6Self Propelled Tandem Vibratory Compactor Ingersoll-Rand DD-65
or equal.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______$ 4,000_ $ 1,333_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Hamm DV6______
( 4,500 $ 1,500 Hamm 2420D)
4-7Self Propelled Tandem Vibratory Compactor Ingersoll-Rand DD-90(84 inch, 12 ton, Smooth Drum)
or equal.$ 4,000_ $ __800_$ 3,900_ $ 1,470_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Rex 1000______Caterpillar CB 534______
($ 5,000 $ 1,667)
4-8Self Propelled Tandem Vibratory Compactor Ingersoll-Rand DD-110(84 inch, 12 ton, Pad Foot Drum)
or equal.$ ______$ ______$ 4,200_ $ 1,650_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered:______Caterpillar CB 634______
REGION 7 (continued)
Hertz Equipment Stephenson Eqpt
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ _-0-_Load & Unload $ 195.00
Per Mile $ 1.50_Per Mile $ __1.50
Monthly Weekly Monthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental Rental
5-1Forklift, Indoor / Outdoor 4,800 Lb. 12 Ft. Height Capacity TCM
FG25N2S or equal. Approximate Specifications: Triple Mast with
42” Forks, LP Gas Powered, P/S, A/T, Overhead Guard, Load Bucket.$ __715_ $ __255_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: 5000 Lb.______
5-2Self Propelled Telescopic Aerial Lift Minimum 40 Ft. Height Capacity
Approximate Specifications: minimum 36” x 60” Platform, 31 H.P.,
40 Ft. Height Capacity.$ 1,575_ $ __545_$ ______$ ______Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
5-3Self Propelled Telescopic Aerial Lift Minimum 60 Ft. Height Capacity
Approximate Specifications: minimum 36” x 60” Platform, 47 H.P.,
60 Ft. Height Capacity.$ 2,175_ $ __795_$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
5-4Truck Mounted Telescopic Aerial Lift Minimum 30 Ft.Height Capacity
Mack CS-250P / Altec AN-650, Ford F350 / Versalift TEL-28BAE or equal.
Approximate Specifications: minimum 24” x 48” Platform, 31 H.P., 30 Ft.
Height Capacity.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
5-5Truck Mounted Telescopic Aerial Lift Minimum 70 Ft.Height Capacity
Chassis Mack CS-300P or equal; Lift Altec AM-900, Hi-Ranger 6H-65 or
equal. Approximate Specifications: minimum 24” x 48” Platform,
31 H.P., 70 Ft. Height Capacity.$ ______$ ______$ 3,700_ $ 1,250_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Simon RO TC2863____
Pioneer 2000
Region 7 (continued)
Hertz EquipmentStephenson Eqpt
Monthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental RentalRental Rental
5-6Truck Mounted Telescopic Aerial Lift Minimum 90 Ft. Height Capacity
Mack DM-685-S or equal chassis; Hi-Ranger 10-95, Reach-All AP120MHX
or equal lift. Approximate Specifications: minimum 24” x 48” Platform,
90 Ft. Height Capacity.$ ______$ ______$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
5-7Truck Mounted Hydraulic Crane 14 Ton Capacity Link-Belt HTC-814
or equal. Approximate Specifications: Single Engine, 14 ton capacity.$ 2,795_ $ __995_$ 3,700_ $ 1,250_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: 15 Ton Crane JLG___Simon RO TC2863____
Pioneer 2000
5-8Truck Mounted Hydraulic Crane 20 Ton Capacity Lorain MCH-200D
or equal. Approximate Specifications: Single Engine, 20 ton capacity.$ ______$ ______$ 5,900_ $ 2,000_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Simon RO TC4792____
Pioneer 4000
5-9Truck Mounted Hydraulic Crane 30 Ton Capacity Link-Belt HTC-830
or equal. Approximate Specifications: Single Engine, 30 ton capacity.$ ______$ ______$ 4,200_ $ 1,400_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Link-Belt RTC-8030_
Rough Terrain Crane
REGION 7 (continued)
Syracuse Supply
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ _-0-_
Per Mile $ _-0-_
Monthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental Rental
6-1Generator 300 KW Capacity Approximate Specifications: Water Cooled,
Diesel Powered, 300 KW Capacity.$ 4,350_ $ 1,450_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Caterpillar______
6-2Generator 500 KW Capacity Approximate Specifications: Water Cooled,
Diesel Powered, 500 KW Capacity.$ 6,000_ $ 2,300_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Caterpillar______
6-3Generator 750 KW Capacity Approximate Specifications: Water Cooled,
Diesel Powered, 750 KW Capacity.$ 7,800_ $ 3,000_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Caterpillar______
6-4Trailer Mounted Reciprocating Air Compressor 175 CFM Capacity
Approximate Specifications: Diesel Powered, 65 H.P., 175 CFM Capacity.$ 1,700_ $ __800_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: SullAir______
6-5Trailer Mounted Rotary Screw Air Compressor 375 CFM Capacity
Approximate Specifications: Diesel Powered, 110 H.P., 375 CFM Capacity.$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
6-6Trailer Mounted Rotary Screw Air Compressor 750 CFM Capacity
Approximate Specifications: Diesel Powered, 240 H.P., 750 CFM Capacity.$ ______$ ______
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______
REGION 7 (continued)
Monthly Weekly Monthly WeeklyMonthly Weekly Rental Rental Rental Rental Rental Rental
Hertz EquipmentCarter’s Trucking
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ _-0-_Load & Unload $ _-0-_
Per Mile $ 1.50_Per Mile $ _-0-_
7-1Hand Operated Air powered Pavement Breaker (Jack Hammer)$ 180___ $ 65____$ 400___ $ 150___
Manufacturer / Model Offered: 90 Lb. Hammer______IR - 90#______
Carter’s TruckingFrank TartagliaTracey Road Eqpt.
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ _-0-_Load & Unload $ _-0-_Load & Unload $ 25.00
Per Mile $ _-0-_Per Mile $ 1.10_Per Mile $ _1.20
7-2Vacuum Sweeper Truck Mounted Dual Broom Tymco 600 / Sunvac III
Elgin Model G or equal.$ 3,500_ $ 1,000_$ 6,485_ $ 1,474_$ 8,400_ $ 2,800_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Tymco 600______Tymco 600 BAH______Sunvac III______
Hertz EquipmentTracey Road
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ _-0-_Load & Unload $ 25.00
Per Mile $ 1.50_Per Mile $ _1.20
7-3Portable Flood Lighting Approximate Specifications: Diesel Powered,
30 Ft. Towers with 4 lights.$ 475___ $ 175___$ 894___ $ 298___
Manufacturer / Model Offered: ______Ingersoll-Rand L8-4MH
Stephenson Eqpt.
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ 195.00
Per Mile $ __1.50
7-5Rock Saw Crawler Mounted Vermeer T600D / CRC31 or equal.
Approximately 113 H.P.$ 21,000 $ 7,000_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Tesmec 900______
Tracey Road Eqpt.Stephenson EquipmentK. C. Canary
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ 25.00Load & Unload $ 195.00Load & Unload $ 45.00 Per Mile $ _1.20 Per Mile $ 1.50 Per Mile $ _1.00
7-9Brush Chipper Trailer Mounted Asplundh JEY-D12, Morbark 13 E-Z
or equal. Approximate Specifications: Self Feed, Diesel Powered,
65 H.P., 12” Capacity.$ 1,800_ $ 600___$ 2,000$ 670$ 2,295_ $ __765_ Manufacturer / Model Offered: Brush Bandit 150___ Salsco 813 MorBark 13 E-Z Beever
REGION 7 (continued)
Monthly Weekly
ItemDescriptionRental Rental
Stephenson Equip.
Transportation Charges: Load & Unload $ 195.00
Per Mile$ 1.50
8-3Spray Patching System Self Contained, Automated
One Person Operation Rosco RA-300$ 9,500$ 3,200
Manufacturer / Model Offered:Rosco RA-300______
Voelker Equipment
Transportation Charges:Load & Unload $ 400.00
Per Mile $ __1.60
8-4Asphalt Maintainer Wheel Mounted Lee-Boy W-1200$ 3,995_ $ 1,075_
Manufacturer / Model Offered: Lee-Boy W-1200____