06 June 2014. Uniting Green Updates are for those who strive to live sustainably and exercise responsible environmental care as a legitimate expression of their Christian mission.


For those in South East Queensland I do encourage you to attend the NEEN workshop on 18 June. NEEN is National Energy Efficiency Network supporting faith-based and not-for-profit community organisations to meet the challenge of a low carbon, sustainable future. They offer free access to energy efficiency information- relevant to the broader needs of the not-for-profit sector and tailored to unique industry profiles, audit tools and resources that inform and support change at an operational level and a community of your peers with whom you can share questions, strategies and outcomes or collaborate on energy efficiency projects.

The Brisbane NEEN launch is a free workshop 8:00 am - 1:00 pm on Wednesday 18 June 2014. Register here. Hope to see you there.

Every blessing

Bruce Mullan

Uniting Green Liaison


In what has been described as a game-changer for the industry CSIRO researchers have used solar energy to generate hot and pressurised 'supercritical' steam at the highest temperatures ever achieved outside of fossil sources.Researchers have used solar energy to generate hot and pressurised 'supercritical' steam at the highest temperatures ever achieved outside of fossil sources – temperatures up to 570 degrees Celsius. This development means one day the sun could be used to drive power stations instead of coal or gas.

This is hopeful news. The United States has unveiled a new regulation requiring the power sector to cut carbon dioxide emissions by 30 per cent on 2005 levels by 2030, one of the strongest actions ever taken by the US to combat global warming. With hopes for major climate legislation long since vanished, it forms the centrepiece of the Obama administration's climate change strategy.

Origin Energy, Australia’s biggest utility, has claimed that the renewable energy target was not supposed to displace fossil fuels, and wants future deployment of wind and solar to be cut in half to protect incumbent coal and gas fired generators.Origin Energy owns black coal power stations, such as Eraring, which last year operated at a capacity factor of just 38 per cent.

Last year – 2013 – was our hottest on record. Now, autumn has seen a spell of abnormally warm weather across Australia. This comes off the back of a record-breaking summer that saw an extraordinary 156 extreme weather records broken. Check out the inforgraphic and details on the Climate Council website


7 June World Environment Day Festival in Boonah with exhibitors, workshops, demonstrations, art and performances.

8 June debate the preacher at St John’s Cathedral 6.00pm. Rev JonathanInkpin – Ecology.

13 June – Give Grid training workshop at 15 Hope Street South Brisbane 9am to 5pm (following the ACOSS Conference). Free.

18 June –Brisbane NEEN launch is a free workshop 8:00 am - 1:00 pm. Please register.

Friday 25th July, 2014. 9:00am - 5:00pmExploring Ecospiritualityone day multi-faith workshop.Centre for Interfaith and Cultural Dialogue, N35, 170 Kessels Road, Griffith University Nathan.This event is free but bookings are essential.


Available from Trinity Theological College LibraryImmense Unfathomed Unconfined: The Grace of God in Creation, Church and Community(Essays in honour of Norman Young)edited by Sean Winter and includes a chapter by Clive Ayre “Divine Grace and Creation Care”. Read Rob Bos’ review in Journey. Or purchase from the publisher.


When Typhoon Haiyan had just devastated the Philippines in November last year, climate commissioner YebSaño was at the UN climate talks in Warsaw and made a stunning speach saying he would be fasting in solidarity with his country-folk until action to prevent climate change was forthcoming. His own family was caught up in the disaster that killed thousands and destroyed homes and livelihoods across the country.The Fast For The Climate has grown into global movement with participation of youth groups, environmental groups and faith-based groups, who all want urgent action on climate change by governments this year.

If you work in an office here is a really fun video on helping with sustainability at work. From the Give Grid website.


Last Tuesday a new world record was established for electric motorcycles at the Isle of Mann TT with a new average lap speed of 186.5kmh, putting them only 23kmh behind the outright lap record speed of 209km. This lap was a huge 20 seconds faster than last year’s best electric lap. While this is exciting for rev heads, it has far more profound implications for the real world because the development, investment and lessons learned on the race track do translate into street machines.

Boo’s Bicycles constructs its high-end bike frames from lightweight, durable, and 100% renewable bamboo. Have a look at these beauties. Could bamboo replace carbon fibre in other common auto-industry applications in the near future?


Rain on your garden is rarely adequate to water your plants in most parts of Australia. Many houses or units do not have either the space or the owners or tenants do not have the money for a rain tank. Here is a simple way of getting good free irrigation to your garden.


UnitingCare was a finalist in the 2014 Premier's Sustainability Awards. They were recognised in the Business Eco-efficiency Award section dramatically reduced energy, water, and waste across 297 properties and cutting operational costs by more than $50,000. They were up against some tough competition; the Brisbane Airport Corporation won the Award.

Paul Kennedy chairman of the Rosewood Uniting Church Council and long-time advocate for environmental issues was featured in the Gatton Star protesting over plans to create an open cut coal mine near Rosewood.

Hope for Creation is a movement of Australian Christians committing to prayer and action on climate change. They call on our churches to express their hope for creation through prayer, action and advocacy and call on Australia’s politicians to take stronger action on climate change. They are planning day of prayer and action on Creation Sunday 7 September.

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